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Posts posted by redeeminglove

  1. I had a dream that I was walking in my room. My room was immaculate and clean (i typically have a messy room and it seldom stays picked up for long) and I came up to the window and saw baby breath and roses growing from the outside in through my open window.They were right next to each other and they were touching. I looked at them and then picked them both and placed them into a white laundry basket. I then awoke.

    Any ideas?

  2. Hey Promisedchild,

    I had a dream recently about a pastor getting ready to marry me to guy and that there were 2 microphones that none of us could get to work. Then the pastor could not fix the microphones so he had to go find a different way to fix the microphones and went to search for something else to fix it.

    I'd like to know what the microphone means in both our dreams.

    Let's pray about this and ask God reveals to us what the microphones mean. I'll message you tomorrow and let you know if God gives me any insight. :)

  3. Had a vision where a girl (she was not me) set fire on a mountain and left a message to get a guy's attention. A man told a younger man (who the fire was set for) to go an get water to put it out, but as he was running, he saw the message left for him that caught his eye. He stopped running to put out the fire and bent down and looked at the message. The scene then switched over to the girl who set the fire. She was on a stone bridge and she was sitting on a horse with emotion in her eyes, watching the young man running.

    I know it's a metaphor for a big event, but it's confusing me. Anybody have any insight to offer me?

  4. it's extremely meaningful. :) i prayed that God would answer a question for me about this guy last night, i even journaled my words. i fastest and prayed and was given an answer to keep pressing forward with him.

    it seems like since there are 2 microphones that won't work, that there may be some communication issue. Neither of us speak to each other during the dream..?

    i've been told by many wonderful, sweet, godly Christians not to pursue a guy, so i've backed off. now, maybe i need to engage him in conversation and he needs to pursue me and that's why the microphone are off?

    dreamster, if you have more insight i'm missing because it's my life and we're often blinded of certain things about ourself, please feel free to give me insight. i may be missing something key in the dream.

  5. Thank you dreamster:

    The dream, I'm in a wedding dress standing at the alter with the man I am supposed to marry. A pastor from our church is there and we've already done the aisle-walk/flower grl/etc. The pastor wants to start the ceremony but there are 2 mics that he can't get to work. Me and my husband to be continue to hug and wait. The pastor goes to get help to fix it. There are a LOT of people in the audience- a lot I don't know. We are standing and waiting on the pastor and I then wake up before my alarm can even go off irl.

    Obvious "waiting" is a no brainer, but the pastor trying to get 2 mics to work while we're all waiting for the ceremony is confusing.

  6. i had a dream i was driving and was coming up to a stop sign. there was a red truck stopped at the sign (my car is also red if that means anything) and another vehicle was in front of the red truck. i began to come to a stop(i wasn't going more than 10-15 miles an hour) and i started to slow down and almost stopped but didn't quite stop and i barely bumped the back of the truck with my bumper, it wasn't a big jerk, it wasn't loud (i hit the back of a SUV about 4 years ago and know how frightening the noise makes) and there was no dent that i could see. he went through the stop sign but kept driving. i don't know if the driver didn't realize i hit it, or if he just didn't want to stop to deal with it. any ideas? i have a few but would like some other insight.

    thank you

  7. Hey. It's actually interesting. I'll PM you the dream I dreamt the night (or morning my time) after we discussed this. God added to the dream. It's been a continuous dream. Like a vision and then a warning and then a vision and then a warning... etc. I think that after we spoke the other night that God gave me a clearer insight since now I have been taking initiative and have been in prayer to find out what He has been telling me. I've also began to be more real with vulnerable with people and I think God is telling me I'm going the right direction. That night was the first night that I had a dream in months (literally months) which I didn't say anything inappropriate/sinful.

  8. i know that you typically only see seagulls if there is land nearby or some kind of landing so that they can rest.

    maybe you're surrounded by water, but land, rest, is near by?

    i keep giving these maybes. i need to start praying and learning to stand firm or don't speak. hope that helped.

  9. Hi Angelwings,

    Since I do not know the scenario, issues surrounding the dreams, I would say this:

    How do you feel during the dreams?

    God may be telling you He is proud and encouraging you for obeying Him, even if it was difficult and not fun. :)


    Is there any unforgiveness, resentment, negative feelings in your heart/mind? He may be encouraging you for obedience and also just showing you certain heart conditions that He wants to free you of. :)
    God gives me recurring/similar dreams about heart conditions all the time. There may be anger or resentment in a area of my life that although I do not notice it, it plays out in my actions when surrounded by the things that bring to me the negative feelings. He's so gracious and understanding. I would just encourage you to pray and ask the Lord to show you if there is anything He wants to cleanse you of that you are not aware of and guidance on how to do so. :)

    One verse in the Bible that has really been helping me is 2 Timothy 1:7 "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and of a sound mind."

    I hope this helps some.

  10. Feet/legs have been a symbol for lust in my dreams.

    Knowing it's not right and doing it anyway: disobedience

    Being too tired to put a stop to it: i would say that he will exhaust you either mentally/emotionally/physically to the point where you give in// do not be around him while you're tired.

    I think one of the best things I see here is God's provision for your daughter. I believe He is encouraging you to stand firm and stand up in your values. When you're being manipulated/lead astray, rather than giving in, take a stand. This will show your daughter that her Momma is a tough, wise, alert cookie and hopefully teach her to be likewise.

    I also see a: be angry and do not sin.

    I haven't taken the interpreter's test, so if anybody else has insight, please assist. :)

  11. I had a dream last night: I was walking with somebody, can't remember whom it was. I was walking down my aunt's old road and it was curvy. As we walked, we came to a chain linked fence at a house that was not mine or family's and there were 2 dogs on the inside of the fence. There was 1 dog, she was little that was nice and sweet and a little oblivious- her name was Megan but the pronunciation was a little different than normal pronunciation. The second dog was bigger than the first and a lot was mean and showed its teeth, but then all of a sudden it was nice and sweet and friendly. On it's collar, it said "97" and mentioned on the collar that it was 4 years old, and I believe that it meant it was 4 years old in 1997. I can't remember the name of the dog, but we walked back down the windy road with both dogs on leashes. People asked us about the dogs, but all I really said was that the 1 was named Megan.
    The next thing I know, I am flying a kite. I can feel myself pulling on the string to keep it up. Then I look up at it and there is snow on the kite, which is in the air.

    Any ideas?

  12. well, i dreamt of this twice. once, we sinned and i knew it was wrong and then he had his back to me, sitting on the floor and he was staring at a tv(cant remember if was on or not) and then this one. but they both happened after sinning that his back was to me. i'm not sure if he was waiting to go through the door or if he was blocking the door or what the matter of it was.

  13. Yes, something is costing me more is what it seems like.

    goodness, Dreamster. I have tried and tried and tried some more to
    clean up my act without God and guess what.... I FALL FLAT ON MY
    FACE!!! I believe that the tooth brush/cleansing items are symbolic to:
    Hey, house cleaning NEEDS to be done. But you're right, this one is the
    Lord's. I will just need to be a grump for a while and quiet until God
    does this cleaning and I am not in any way acting in m own strength!

    also dreamt that I was at his house again, his parents both gave me a
    bunch of gifts, they reminded me of house warming gifts, and I was nice
    and accepting of them this time. I even hugged his mom and said thank
    you and she told me "you're welcome, sweetie"
    then as the dream
    progressed, I gave him a gift but didnt have enough money to give the
    rest of his family gifts and they were okay with it. Then me and him
    sinned. He put his over mine and then got up and walked into the
    kitchen. Next thing I know, his back is to me, I am standing behind him
    and he is in front of the door (like, maybe blocking it so I cant run
    away this time?) But sin is a big deal in my dreams now adays. Praising
    Jesus for His chastening and guiding. He's not finished with me yet!!

  14. I am praying for this baby boy right now! I would take him in front of the church and pray over him. His mind especially. The Most High loves and protects His innocent in ways incomprehendable!! Poor baby boy! It's such a sad world we live in, but just remember that the Creator of ALL OF THE UNIVERSE holds His precious babies and is acquainted with all of his ways (Psalm 139) and is stronger than any force, any demon, any angel and human! Praise Jesus that we have a God that understands and protects beyond comprehension! I just put this baby boy into my prayer journal. Man, I just think of satan harassing an innocent child and i am full with anger, and this anger turns into laughter because satans days are numbered, God is going to serve JUSTICE to this lunatic! I would tell you sister to just teach her son to say the Name JESUS when he sees something scary. The Bible says that the demons hear the name of JESUS and the shiver and flee! It should help. :)
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