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My toddler nephew sees demons

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I was talking to my sister this morning and she was with her son at chic-filet. My nephew is 3 yrs old.
My sister takes him there on saturday mornings to play with the kids on the play set/playground there. She told me that he doesn't like going out there alone because he thinks there are monsters out there. I asked her why and she said that he thinks there are monster every where, all around. She said that he tells our mom that he sees shadows at our parents house.
My sister is a Christian. But we didn't grow up with a healthy knowledge of demons outside the Bible and I told her that I don't doubt that he is seeing demons in that house or all about. She told me sort of laughing it off that there are no demons in our parents house, I begged to differ. I told her that I do not doubt that there are demons there and that is one reason I don't like staying in that house and that I used to have a lot of night terrors in that house. I didn't get to finish but I did tell her to plead the blood of Jesus over his mind, body, soul, spirit, heart, thoughts, dreams, sleep, and his room every night before he goes to bed. She didn't know what to think about that and so I told her to try it and that it wouldn't hurt to try.

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i knowa boy who sees tha same thang,,his mom is prophetik,,,,,um its 4 real ppl, not 2 be ignored,,ther is no jnr holy spirit,, ,,ugh ur house sounds creepi,, h/f..

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I am praying for this baby boy right now! I would take him in front of the church and pray over him. His mind especially. The Most High loves and protects His innocent in ways incomprehendable!! Poor baby boy! It's such a sad world we live in, but just remember that the Creator of ALL OF THE UNIVERSE holds His precious babies and is acquainted with all of his ways (Psalm 139) and is stronger than any force, any demon, any angel and human! Praise Jesus that we have a God that understands and protects beyond comprehension! I just put this baby boy into my prayer journal. Man, I just think of satan harassing an innocent child and i am full with anger, and this anger turns into laughter because satans days are numbered, God is going to serve JUSTICE to this lunatic! I would tell you sister to just teach her son to say the Name JESUS when he sees something scary. The Bible says that the demons hear the name of JESUS and the shiver and flee! It should help. :)

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I will pray, but Hindsfeet, just because he can see into the spirit world doesn't necessarily mean its a bad thing. His eyes have been opened for a reason and it's probably because he has a prophetic gift, even at his young age like Dreamster said. Right now it may be scarey to him because he doesn't understand, but I would pray that fear would not overtake him and that God would minister to his heart in his own way. Tell him, even at his age that whenever he sees shadows, pray to Jesus. I guarantee you God will begin showing him things. That is coming from someone (me) who has been seeing in the spiritual realm since I was very young too.

The thing I'm most concerned about is not your nephew, but the fact that your parents home has demonic activity going on. That house needs some prayer. We just don't let the enemy move in with us, he needs to be served an eviction notice. You don't have to be there to do it...just send the Word like Jesus did!! I will be doing this, with my prayer team, tonight. The devil is a liar!!!!

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Thank you guys!! I have not ever had that gift of seeing with my eyes, God knows that I could not handle it when I was growing up. I was terrified by the sound of a motorcycle revving outside once when I was 4 and ran back and forth between family trying to find comfort...

Well, I haven't lived in their house since 98. It's interesting that I recall my sister once complaining to her dad that she would see colored flashing lights and I told her that it was just normal when she would close her eyes. I do believe that there is heavy demonic activity there since I can remember. I didn't understand what it was when I was young with all my night terrors and acting out against my family for their cruelty towards me.

I don't speak to my sister very often she had just called me to let me know she is going to be in my state in a few months so we can plan on her visiting me and me visiting her for a fashion show in Atlanta. I don't call them a lot. I did pray for my sister and nephew and plead the blood of Jesus over them.

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Cholette wrote:
..just because he can see into the spirit world doesn't necessarily mean its a bad thing. His eyes have been opened for a reason and it's probably because he has a prophetic gift, even at his young age like Dreamster said. Right now it may be scarey to him because he doesn't understand, but I would pray that fear would not overtake him and that God would minister to his heart in his own way. Tell him, even at his age that whenever he sees shadows, pray to Jesus. I guarantee you God will begin showing him things. That is coming from someone (me) who has been seeing in the spiritual realm since I was very young too.

That is encouraging Cholette: as my hb has exactly the same thing, especially when he's staying in hotels(as he travels a lot4work).. He might be prophetic too(..) Can't wait for his salv..Sometimes he has it in our house too, but mainly when I'm not there, sometimes it happens when I'm there too, but that helps me to pray against whatever is trying to get into our house. I agree with the previous posts:this is why prayer is so vital.."for we are not wrestling with flesh and blood, but against the despotisms, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, agianst the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly sphere".Eph.6

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I havn't read pp so forgive if i repeat anything. i wanted to reply because this rings a bell with me.
one of my sons who is now 6 has a prophetic gift. He sees in the spirit realm when sleeping and has a gift of discernment and intercession. I mention this not to brag but just trying to bring insight. Problem was he was seeing demons and that nature as well as angels and Gods nature. As he was soo young he wasn't mature enough to handle it and often came into my room crying about what he has seen. I had since learnt to pray and seal certain things from his vision. Now he still sees the enemy at work but more as robots ( which he can handle) than horrendous demons.
I would say to cover him in prayer and spiritually mentorship (if he's gifted) and also pray for you sister to be more aware in this area. I'm sure you've got the house covered:)

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my daughter of 6yr. woke up yesterday morning happy she has seen God and 2angels..and i was like what happen..she said he will stay million of milion times with her...and they played hide and seek..i was like what...i am still baffles...she for some 4times over the years dreams screaming waking up in the night..that recently we have to do deliverance prayers on her..and after hearing her dream..i am like i dont want to take change with any angel of darkness parading as God...it has to be God or move out devils from my home. our seed is suppose to be battle axes for God. i will advices you to pray and teach your nephew how to do deliverance..cast them out..little kids are not to little to send those demons running if not they will want to build their nest...this is what i what i want to teach my daughter.

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When my son was about 7, I overheard him talking to some of his friends. He told them the three things satan really hates:
1. The blood of Jesus.
2. The name of Jesus.
3. Words from the Bible.

I had taught my son about this warfare years before (he was about 4 at the time) when something had tormented him at night. I had prayed, but it wasn't until my son learned to fight himself that the attacks completely stopped. We can teach young people to fight without scaring them. If they're being attacked, we need to arm them.

HS, would you mind asking your sister to tell her son about these three weapons? I remember being paralyzed in the night when I was a little girl and I wish someone had told me what I could have done to stop the attacks.

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wow so much on here to help.

I wanted to add that as a young kid i used to see shadows at the end of my bed and didn't know what to do, but to cover the sheets over my head and nearly suffocate from the lack of air.......i did this till i was 15 and became a christian......

funny thing is I didn't believe in ghosts or spirits till I had seen the Lord at 15 and my parents told me it was my imagination. I suffered from chronic nightmares till i was in my late teens and it wasn't till i was taught about spiritual warfare that I did not realise that i could fight back.

Thing is I was taught about things that weren't real, like the tooth fairy, santa clause and the easter bunny and believed them and if my mum had told me I had power over shadows to cast them out in Jesus name, I would have done it and I would have grown up alot more confident as a result. We don't have to be tormented by demons.

Thing is if we close our eyes long enough to the spirit realm, we have to unlearn and unblock the discernement and all the wrong teaching of our ungodly child hood.

I have been prophesied over by a 6 year old, been told by a little boy whose mum and he and his sister shared a house with me that he like living with me cause he didn't see shadows in our house like his previous place - he was about 8....I have known of a little girl who used to read palms at the age of four, her parents became christian and they cast the demons out of the child aswell and she now prays and ministers to others in the name of Jesus.

Kids are more open to faith than fear, it's just that they are innocent and haven't yet learnt to close their minds and spirits off to the spirit realm. Not that I am saying everyone does this who cannot see demons and angels. I have a prophetic anointing too, but thing is, all of us have the opportunity to discern good from evil and his sheep know His voice and the voice of a stranger we will not follow, that is for all of us i believe.

Kids can be mightier warriors than adults and if taught gently, they can overcome and conquer anything in His name.

I have a good friend who is fairly new to the Lord and I absolutely love her kids as I would my own if I had them, and one day we went to the beach. My friend was constantly worried about them, understandabley so, but when her eldest son was hit by a wave I picked him up and he looked at his mother and started to cry, she was worried about him. I took one look at the horror and fear on his face and starting to comfort him, then immediately started to tell him how much fun it was to be in the surf.....it was n't too long before he was jumping over waves and laughing and playing and in fact he braved those waves like a little warrior unafraid and full of joy.. ... Sure we needed to keep an eye on him, but it made me realise that kids are so teachable and easily influenced either way.

Also I had a friend who when she was 4 saw demons at her bed and the only word she knew to say at the time was 'JESUS" and as she said it like a puff they all disappeared.

I agree the name of Jesus, the word and the blood!

And above all faith instead of fear.....it's saved me added years of pain and frustration and now I don't have to suffocate under the blankets anymore, my fear of the dark has gone and I know that greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world!

Kids seeing demons is VERY normal along with angels and Jesus.

I was once told I saw the boogie man.......well I guess he is if satan doesn't wipe his nose, but thank Jesus He's the truth and that's what sets us all, grown ups and kids FREE!

Blessings...... thumbs

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Thank you all for replying!!

I'm not so sure now if my nephew was being honest, only because he is quite often dishonest.
I and my sisters told him that Jesus would take care of him and to ask Him to help him if he ever gets scared.

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