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Posts posted by redeeminglove

  1. Hmmm, yeah.

    Obstacles hit right the nail on the head.

    I had a dream where the guy's (i have been praying about marrying) mom wanted to give me a gift but I screamed that I didn't want it (there's that ugly, insensitive tongue of mine again.) I took the gift and then ran out of the house, saying goodbye to the guy and driving away. While I am driving away, I stop at a gas station when I was trying to get over to the other side of the road to Wagreens. There was an unseen obstacle in the road and so I ended up spending more money on the same thing than I would have spent at Walgreens. I could not see the obstacle. But I do see now that in every event, there are "guys". I think my obstacle is lust, which sours my heart. Hmmm. Going to pray about it. I had a dream the other night where I was buying a tooth brush (to clean out my mouth) and another cleaning brush to clean out my private area(i know, sick). I also seemingly purchased baby wipes or some kind of cleanser. SOOOO, both of these issues are seen in different ways. My tongue and lust.... Thanks for the insight, Dreamster. :)

  2. I dreamed that I was pulling out of a parking lot, and a black blazer with 2 people in it took my right of way and cut me off. When I pulled out, I drove through some other parking spots and mentioned to myself that I didn't like it when people cut me off. I was offended and annoyed.

    I then dreamed that I was in a convenient store and was at the front of the line. The next thing I know, there were people in front of me. I said to the cashier, "I know I was in front of the line, but I will go to the back." I was baffled that this had happened, because I knew I was first in line. I continued to wait. The next thing I know, there are 2 more people in front of me, teenage boys, and they are wearing black. I don't say anything to them. As I am checking out, I then run and get more snacks. I think it was like 4 more mentos and 2 energy drinks. But I'm sure precisely what they were.

    Obviously there is an issue with my attitude and there is an issue with being cut off but I am not sure exactly what it means. And ideas?

  3. Hey Dreamster. I'm still not sure what you mean by shifting. I still visualize a moving house when you say shifting, and since houses don't shift/move naturally, it obviously raises the question of why. I'm just throwing ideas out there for reasons why the house would be moving. :)

    This dream deal is still new for me. Used to have a MILLION dreams and had a Christian friend tell me not to read into them so I stopped. Now I have had dreams come into pass, so I am more open and tuned in to dreams. I'm just trying to help. :)

  4. more earthquakes coming? your life is moving?

    you seem a lot like me. i have a bunch of dreams but the answers take a LOOOOONG time to be played out. let's be dream prayer partners! ;)

  5. dreamster: i'm new here. i've read your dreams. i'm in a similar situation with dreams (nothing like your's though, mine are just recurring dreams)

    one thing i have learned through experience is that empathy is for the person who is not going through the trial. empathy is so important so that you are able to understand how you would feel during the same situation and how you would have wanted to have been treated. it's interesting to say the least. i am very excited to see what God is going to do in your life. i was definitely humbled when you wrote you were up at 5a.m. praying... because at that time, i was still VERY unconscious in my bed! God will definitely honor your dedication to Him.

    as for the x-ray vision: i would say discernment (you're seeing things that are hidden, broken, hurting) and also the gift of knowledge (you just were told by the x-ray vision that there was issues with people that they weren't readily telling you since you were walking over to the people and it doesn't seem like it was vice-versa)

    So I would consider that maybe God wants you to look for the hurting, the sick and the weak. look for signs that things aren't right, look for little things that maybe they're not aware of themselves (some coming illness in their bodies, some psychological issues that are preventing them from growing in God and furthering the Kingdom.) Definitely can see the gift of healing, something I have been dreaming of for a long time. (Been seeing my Mom and sister dying, yet were alive and walking through a hospital).

    I would also delve deeper and think that its more than just "healing" the sick. God has people healed of illnesses make an offering to God in the O.T. I believe that since they were healed by God already that it was more of an offering for cleansing their insides (i.e. changing their hard feelings toward their wives' rejections due to an unclean disease) since now that they were well, they were going to go back into normal society and face the people who rejected them due to ailments.

    I'm not a dream interpreter, but I know that in my dreams, there are deeper issues of the heart that God ALWAYS puts in my dreams. Like God saying, "Emily, I am going to bring this gift into your life because I love you, but I also want you to take a look at how your careless hearts and tongue may hurt people." My dreams often tell the future and even come to pass, but a sin issue is always pointed out in my dreams(heart conditions). I'm not saying God was showing YOU a sin issue in your life, but maybe the healed may need changes of hearts due to the hardship the may have faced. :) Just an opinion. :)

  6. Hi, my name is Emily.

    I've had some recurring dreams and I'd like to know what they means. I have ideas, but I really just pray that God would place certainty into my heart about them so that I know what to do.

    Please forgive me. They're long and I would have put them in different posts but since they are recurring, I feel it's appropriate to put them in 1. :)

    1st dream: (All of these people involved are Christians unless otherwise stated.) I am looking at a condo with my best friend, Chelsey, Tyler, the guy she is dating/courting(he lives in a different state.), a guy I
    have been praying about courting/marrying , Philip(he goes to school in a different state), and a girl who I do not recognize(I believe she is some characteristic of myself/ Naive, oblivious, etc... I can't even make out a face to this girl, but she is always in the general area I am in and never with Philip when I'm not in the same
    room) and a realtor(don't know if she is a Christian to show us the condo- may represent my cousin, a realtor.)

    My friend, Chelsey and her boyfriend, Tyler are seen during the beginning of the dream, and throughout the dream I know they are there but are out of sight/out of my view. The condo has a basement, a first floor and a second floor. The realtor tells us, "We have problems renting this place because of the basement. Me, Philip and the unidentified girl go downstairs into the basement. I am in the front, the others are behind me. As I near the bottom of the stairs, I see somebody trying to break into the basement through a wall that is plywood and has some breakage/missing pieces on it, revealing the outside. The person who was trying to break in could see right through into the basement. As soon as I see the person trying to break in (all I see is a black figure/possibly a shadow), I book it up stairs and run from the danger. I tell them as I run past them into the 1st floor room that somebody is trying to break in. They come up behind me. The unidentified girl was oblivious to the danger, and I was anxious and scare while running up stairs. I found it odd that I did not trust Philip to protect me(he's a big guy and fully able to protect from an intruder).

    I tell Philip I am going upstairs and the unidentified girl follows. The girl and I are standing over a ledge, looking over the balcony when a guy in a tank
    is downstairs harassing me and the girl. Philip, still down stairs at this point, runs up the stairs in a hurry and looks over the balcony(i step back and am out of view from the guy in the tank, the unidentified girl stays, looking over the ledge while Philip defends us(note: still in the view of the guy hitting on/harassing us: oblivious to any potential danger)Philip gets VERY angry and tells he guy in the tank that he "Better leave her alone or I'll kick your a__."

    I then walk over to a couch and I can hear Chelsey and Tyler are in the kitchen near by but they are out of sight. I am sitting on the couch and Philip is on the floor, at my feet and we are rubbing each other's calves with our feet. He is smiling at me. I think to myself, feeling guilty/sneaky "I wonder is Chelsey does this." I then wake up.

    Dream 2 starts off very familiar to how 1st dream ended. I feel as if it is the continuing of the 1st dream, except now we're at Philip's parents' house. I am still on the couch and Philip is still sitting on the floor, but now he has turned his back on me and I feel as if it is rejections. Philip is watching tv, but I'm not sure it was even on, but all I see is his back. There's not communication. I stand up and walk to the kitchen(same place as the dream before, but Chelsey and Tyler are no longer in this kitchen, only his mother. She tells me there is something upstairs for me. Philip's sister, Sarah and I go upstairs to get the gift, but on my way the stairs I yell, "I DON'T WANT IT!" I go upstairs and see a blue/tealing night gown/langerie hanging up on a
    hanger. I take it and then head down stairs, somewhat rushing out of the house. Philip is now sitting on a couch, I can see his face. I tell him good bye and he sort of seems distant. He doesn't even walk me to my car. As I am leaving and getting into my car, I see a lady walking down the street and I hear Sarah's voice say: "It's like
    a close-knit family here."

    I then drive away, but realize I need to get something before I go home. I know there is a Walgreens near by that is cheaper than the gas station I see, but there is some invisible obstacle in the road preventing me from getting to Walgreens. I then go to the gas station and when I stop my, it breaks down. I go into the store and buy the expensive food item that I could have bought cheaper and I note how expensive it was while eating it. I then, still being in the store, walk over to a few men to talk to them... and then I wake up.[size=18]

    Dream 3 I am at Philip's parents house. His parents are giving us gifts(note connection to other dream). I ask Philip and his sister what they want and they both answer that they want "clothes" I am sitting on a couch and his parents are standing up, watching me open the gifts that I am given. I am given many gifts from his parents and I open them all(they were seemingly like house warming gifts, note: his mother gave me a gift in the dream right before this). I'm not liking all of them, some I seem to like. I get up and thank his Mother, she gives me a huge hug and tells me, "You're welcome sweetie." I then ask Philip and his sister, Sarah if they received the gift they wanted. They said, both of them sitting on the same couch, that they hadn't. They didn't
    seem upset about it at all. Philip then comes and sits on a couch next to the one I am on
    I give him a gift and he accepts it. I apologize to his family for not having enough money to buy all of them a present. Philip's mom comfortingly tells me that it is just fine. Then his mother leaves and walks down a hall. We're sitting on separate couches and I feel awkward(I did something very awkward/dumb around Janaury in real life), but I force myself to ask him questions and talk to him. He tells me that: "I am excited to start my new school(I had no idea in the dream that he was getting read to start a new school). It's by Deanna's office(he says Deanna a few
    times, and I not I have a cousin named Deanna but I was not sure if she was whom he was talking about so I asked him, "Who's Deanna?" He answered me with a -come on now, you don't know? attitude- , saying "Your cousin." In the dream I had no idea he was familiar with my family or that he knew my cousin, Deanna. (Deanna is also a realtor and has a home office and a real estate office) The next scene, I am on a couch by mself and Philip walks over to me, sits down next to me and puts his leg around my leg in a sexual kind of way.(the lighting had been average lighting until this scene where the lighting goes very dark) He then gets up, walks away into the kitchen when I can see his father standing there. The next thing I know, I am walking out of a room, still in his parents house, and he is now standing, back to me and it is somewhat darker lighting. I just stand
    behind him
    and he never looks back. I then wake up.

    ***I have some insight to what the dream means. I have some insight to what is being
    expressed, but
    I would like others to have input and tell me what their interpretations of certain elements are. (I.e. him turning his back after sexual things... are we married/is it a warning/what should I think about this) and whatever else you are given the knowledge from God to interpret. I won't feel upset if I don't hear the answer I think it means or and disappointed with you answer. :) I've been praying for this guy for nearly a
    year. I think having 3 dreams is God trying to tell me SOMETHING, I'm just not sure what it is He is trying to
    communicate to me. I'm sorry they are long, I was trying to be as detailed as possible. :)

    Thank you again,

    Thank you in advanced.
    God bless.


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