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Posts posted by redeeminglove

  1. I had a dream that I was working on a garden with a classmate. We're both in the same cohort (class rotation schedule/graduation date) for the education program at our university and have just started the 2nd semester of a 3 semester coursework program. It was the beginning work and there was maybe 1 or 2 shrubs, but nothing else was growing. We both have tools for working on gardens (rakes, hoes, can't remember what were using). We were not talking to each other, nor were we interacting. We were both just working hard on the garden.

    Any ideas? I have a few but would like confirmation, please. :)

  2. hey ditte3,

    how are you?

    my experience with horses (considering that there are 7 in my backyard and i work/see them worked daily) is that the most calm, sweet and gentle tempered horse can and will be unpredictable. they often spook from a rabbit on the easement or a dog wandering on its own around our fence. they are strong, powerful, unpredictable, and VERY sensitive animals(thus, we can control them by their mouths). i really feel that for me, at least in these past couple of dreams, God is using horses to represent my irrational, sensitive, and often unpredictable emotional state i have been in.

    in the dream i had, the horse was in a white trailer, being pulled by a white truck. i never saw the horse. the trailer, in my understanding of horse trailers, is a way that you can contain a horse to travel and have a horse in public- it is a way to have control when the horse is not comfortable in its surroundings. i feel like God is showing me that I need to let Him contain my emotions and to help me get control of them.
    the barn is where we keep food/horse tact/a few horses/feed and water and it is where they dwell. this could very well be a church or ministry. maybe it's a place to be fed.

    so yes, strong is definitely a way to describe my emotions. :) thank you. :)

  3. dreamert00-
    I have prayed about this and thought about it and i am brought to remembrance of a dream i had (its posted under fire on the mountain) in which there was a girl (me) sitting on a black horse, and he face was full of emotion.

    i do believe that after praying and coming into the remembrance of the other dream that the horse has to do with emotions. On the black horse, my emotions were out of control, even though something good was happening.

    a few minutes after i received your interpretation about the horse, i receive a letter from a friend wishing me a happy birthday. she said something weird and i got so offended and so upset that i could not focus on anything. i had to take a drive. as the hours passed by, i was able to calm down with the help of the Holy Spirit.

    God spoke to me: I'm about to train a horse (my emotions). You're absolutely right though, this is a new level for me! The Holy Spirit is going to need to help me here. :) Thank you again. :)

  4. wow, dreamert00, this spoke to me
    "this test/level will require holiness, nothing less."
    thank you for your insight.
    i had a dream back in april that i was pregnant and due in december. i knew God was telling me i was expecting something in december. not sure what. :)

    what in the dreams causes you to think that it is telling me that it will require holiness?

    thank you,

  5. Some sort of leadership position with prestige people who want to hear what you have to say. Maybe a speaker for the cause of Christ and many people will make a big deal about you coming to speak to them. Maybe like a megachurch. crown of Gold and white clothing says to me that your service will be approved by God and not phony like some of those megachurch pastors that say you need to give to them or you will go to hell.

    I have not taken the accuracy test

  6. you know what the first thing i thought of was?

    revelation 13:14-15-14Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

    i have not taken te dream accuracy test. this is a really prophetic dream!

  7. God's wonder, creativity or being really small in the grand scheme of things is what i think of when i see outer space. :) Saturn is also the 6th planet from the sun. But really, pray about it. :) God will show you. :)

  8. I had a dream in which a young boy and girl, about 8 or 9 were finding snakes- dangerous rattle snakes- and killing them by the head with ease. I remember even seeing the rattler on the rattle snakes and thinking it was dangerous, but the boy and the girl seemingly had no fear. They were even discussing amongst themselves the best way to kill the snakes.

    Any idea what the kids symbolize?

    Any insight on the snakes? Sin - trials - I even think possibly demons.



  9. I have not passes the dream accuracy test, but

    I believe this:
    Intersection: You're at a crossroad in which you are going to have to decide what direction you want to go with your life.
    Acting like a child: You're not going spiritually as God desires you to
    Playing with snake: you're about to/are messing with something that is sin that doesn't seem harmless, but is.
    Policeman: God is warning you not to mess around with sin and childness
    You recognize the sin can harm you and so now its a struggle to keep the sin from harming you. You leave the sin.
    Ignoring the policeman is God trying to show you His presence and that He is with you, watching you, but it looks like a mannequin is you not seeing that God and that His influence and presence are real - He seems like He's not worth paying attention to. You also feel like He won't respond to you if you pray/say something to Him.
    The black snake is you seeing sin for what it is and rather than asking God to help you (bc you feel He won't/can't) you wrestle with it and are good for a while, but when you see it again, you are attempting to get rid of the sin by yourself again, but it takes you under with it.

    You have the interpretation down, I believe.

    My question for you is: Have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior?

    Do you ever feel like you should do something but then don't?

    God obviously is showing you your behavior and this is a warning dream.

    I would start praying that God would help you hear His voice and know His presence is with you. :)

    I have not taken the dream accuracy test.



  10. I was diagnosed in January with Acute PTSD. Basically, this means that due to prolonged stress, I can't handle stress... but what I do it freeze.

    Whenever I am intimidated (mostly in class) I freeze. It's normally when I am being critiqued... and the interesting thing is that I am SO afraid of the attention that a compliment/accolade will bring me that I think I am afraid to do well and that may be one of the greatest defeating factors in my life.

    Please, please, please pray for me. I've gone through counseling but I really need to rely on God.

    Please pray for me to help give my fears over to God.

    I know God has not promised us a spirit of fear but of POWER and TRUTH and of a SOUND MIND.

    Please lift me up in your prayers.

    Thank you,


  11. Do you remember the phone number? Could be the lottery numbers in your dream. ;)

    Is there something that you're badly wanting like a promotion or something else that you're afraid somebody else will get? As Christians, we don't believe in coincidences, everything is God-ordained, even the lottery. I would say that God is using this dream to show you He's sovereign in one way or another.

    I've not taken the dream accuracy test.

  12. There was a man hitting on me and I told him I was not interested. This man started chasing after me. He chased me to my childhood home and when he caught up to me, I told him I was married and had children(in real life, I don't have children nor am I married) and that I just wasn't wearing my wedding ring- I kept looking at my ring finger and it had not ring on it. He left and I had a cake delivered to my mom's house that had my sister's last name correctly, but I had changed my mom's last name to something else. I told my mom it was changed bc this man was chasing me and I needed to make it believable.

    Weird dream. Any insight?
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