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I was diagnosed in January with Acute PTSD. Basically, this means that due to prolonged stress, I can't handle stress... but what I do it freeze.

Whenever I am intimidated (mostly in class) I freeze. It's normally when I am being critiqued... and the interesting thing is that I am SO afraid of the attention that a compliment/accolade will bring me that I think I am afraid to do well and that may be one of the greatest defeating factors in my life.

Please, please, please pray for me. I've gone through counseling but I really need to rely on God.

Please pray for me to help give my fears over to God.

I know God has not promised us a spirit of fear but of POWER and TRUTH and of a SOUND MIND.

Please lift me up in your prayers.

Thank you,


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Father in the name of Jesus we lift up EmilyM before you and ask you Father to bring her your peace. We ask that you would shower her with your love and comfort and remind her of who she is in you. Father we come against the spirit of fear and command it to be bound and gagged and break off all ties to her in Jesus name and send it to the feet of Jesus for judgement. We bless Emily with a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit and that every part of her is overflowing with his presense. We thank you Father for you goodness and your mercy over her and give you all the glory and the praise, in Jesus name, Amen.

your servant,


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I stand in agreement with Connie's prayer and pray that our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace will comfort EmilyM's heart and establish her in every good word and work in the name of Jesus. I pray that EmilyM be reminded through this journey that she can do all things through Christ who strengthens her. I pray her testimony encourages others who are experiencing a similar trial so that You may be glorified. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Dove-Solutions and Lola,

I never thanked either of you for your prayers! I wanted to thank both of you! I fasted and just pleaded my case to the Lord the very same day I requested your prayers.

I wanted to just tell you that GOD HAS COME THROUGH! He has lifted to bondage of fear like you would not believe it. No more do I get paralyzed and unable to move in fear. When I get nervous, I tell satan to get behind JESUS and the fear disappears! PRAISE JESUS!!!!!! There is nothing like having Jesus standing between me and satan. It's so powerful and lovely!

Thank you both for being the family of God and helping me to bear my cross! All Glory and Honor is the LORDS!

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God is good, God is good, God is good!!!!! Praise You Jesus!!!

praiseGod praiseGod praiseGod

Emily, that's wonderful news - to God be the glory!!!

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EmilyM wrote:
Dove-Solutions and Lola,

I never thanked either of you for your prayers! I wanted to thank both of you! I fasted and just pleaded my case to the Lord the very same day I requested your prayers.

I wanted to just tell you that GOD HAS COME THROUGH! He has lifted to bondage of fear like you would not believe it. No more do I get paralyzed and unable to move in fear. When I get nervous, I tell satan to get behind JESUS and the fear disappears! PRAISE JESUS!!!!!! There is nothing like having Jesus standing between me and satan. It's so powerful and lovely!

Thank you both for being the family of God and helping me to bear my cross! All Glory and Honor is the LORDS!

Now thats what I'm talking about! Thank you Father God for your sweet sweet deliverance. Girl put that satan right behind Jesus every time!! I am so proud I am grinning ear to ear. Thats the power we have in Jesus. What a testimony. You made my day! huggins

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