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Posts posted by redeeminglove

  1. Can somebody please help me with this dream?

    I had a dream that I built a boat. It was white. I was alone on the small boat and I was on the water. I had snails and was placing them on the edge of the boat and I was hooking them to my fishing line, about to go fishing. I immediately awoke.

    Fishing for men is obvious... but... any ideas on the:

    Building the boat
    Being on boat alone
    Using snails

    Thank you


  2. Hey Owen,

    Ding, ding, ding. This definitely resonates. I had committed sin with both of the people I was with in the dream.

    I am careful about being open about this area of my life, but my family is aware of it and I have shared it with people I feel it is safe to share with it.

    I can assure you, neither are people in my life any long and (with the grace of God) I not longer struggle with this sin anymore... so this leads to the why...

    Why did I dream it? I do not hide my sin from God, I am open and admit and constantly talk to Him about it if I know it is a problem.

    You definitely have given me insight. I must pray, pray, pray now to have the Lord reveal to me the sin He is speaking to me about.

    Thank you again, Owen.

  3. Hi All,

    Can somebody please offer me some insight to my dream, please? :)

    I had a dream that I was learning how to hide from the police. Somebody had done it first and managed to hide from the police for years. I was hiding in the sleeping quarters of a giant semitruck and other people were learning to hide from authority also. We had to put something on our hands to help throw off our scent, and then we hide.
    We got out of the semitruck and saw the police, so me and few people I used to know ran through a bridle path. As we were walking down the bridle path, we came upon people who were looking for turtles. There was a tall, chain-linked fence and if you stuck your fingers through the diamonds links, you could catch turtles out of some water they were hiding in. They were little turtles. They were about 2 inches to about 5 inches in estimate. Every single turtle had their head, tail, and feet hidden in their shell. Some turtles were even doing things turtles do not do so that they could hide from us (like standing on their hinds and going on their back to look like a rock). We were placing them in a bucket. Some could not get up to breathe. We were catching them to fight with some kind of lizard.
    Strange, I know.

    Can somebody give me their insight? Thank you.


  4. Been praying about this interpretation, and remembered when I drove up to the window to receive my order, all I saw was the hands giving me my order out of the window.

    I believe that for the drive thru part of the dream, God is telling me that I actually have to do more than just "pray" to receive His blessings. I must actually make the initiative to go to the window and receive what He is about to give me. :)

    Any insight on the rest? I do not want to put anymore of my insight on this dream because I do not want to be bias. Any help would be appreciated. :)

  5. I know this is a long dream and some of it has been posted/interpreted before.

    I had a dream that I was in a Taco Bell drive thru. I went to the ordering machine but it was broken, and somebody (I do not know who they were) told me that I had to drive to the window to make an order. I drove to the window and received my order.
    I then saw a guy come up to me and offer me something for my place of work. (we were across the street from my work and we both had a view of it from the Taco Bell). I politely declined and said, "My work does not need one, but I know of a different branch that could use this. Do you want to come with me to this branch?" We both went (this branch is in a different city and is nearly 100 miles away, in the city I grew up in, and I grew up going to this branch as a kid).

    We were both standing in the different branch and hugging each other. We went out to the pool area and looked around. He said to me that he didn't really like it too well. I said, "I grew up swimming here, it's fine."

    Then I am in my new car (received it in November) and am a friend is in the passenger's seat. We are showing each other the things we have received from the guy... but they are silver and we can only see the back of the object and not the front. My friend's was bigger and I was mad that he gave her something bigger than me. I said, "That's not fair, he's my boyfriend." and got out of my car and went to talk about why he had given my friend something bigger than he had given me.

    As I walked up to him, he had a sheer look of terror in his face, saying, "Look what I did!" and took off running down a hall. The next thing I know, I am chasing him down the hall and into an open room. There are tons of people in the room. Many people I do not know and a few family members. They are periodically opening up a door where there are stairs immediately where the door opens. The people are walking up the stairs and then closing the door behind them (I cannot see where the stairs lead to) My two aunts who are sisters are walking together (they are dressed fashionably and in pretty colors. They both go up the stairs. Then some other people. Then my mom. She is wearing not so fancy clothes. Blue jeans and a white, long sleeve shirt. She goes up the stairs.

    The next thing I know, I have caught up to the person I was chasing and we are hugging.

    Can anybody give me insight? Thanks

  6. The dream had to do with somebody wanting to give me something for my work (ministry, i'm sure) and my actual place of work was across the street from where we were.

    I told the person I did not need what he was giving me, that it was taken care of and we already had it, but that I knew of other place that could use what he was giving me. And so we went there and the dream goes on. Haha. I think I may need to apply this part to make sense of what you said.

    Thanks Highest Poster/Picture Drawer of All Time (Dreamster)!

  7. Hey, does anybody know what a drive thru at a fast food restaurant would symbolize?

    can anybody offer some insight?

    Also, the machine that you talk into and it takes your order was broken and I was told to drive up to the window to make my order. Any insight to these symbols?

    Drive thru
    Order machine
    Needing to make order at a window

    Thank you so much,


  8. Hey Grace010

    This guy, I have been praying about him for a month or so now. :)

    I've been praying about this particular church and attending it for about 5 months and started attending its college groups about a month ago.

    I definitely believe God is guiding and leading me to this church. It's just unclear whether or not this guy is himself or represents a member of this church.

    (read my dream in the dream sections)
    One thing I believe God has shown me is this: The two members of the mega church were not from the same mega church... they were two members of a very prominent and different church. They were married and they were prominent leaders in their church. One was a pastor and the other was his wife.

    I think (still praying) that God is showing me that I am about to step in as a prominent member of this church and that my help mate will be a prominent member of this church. The guy I sat next to is a prominent member... it's still unclear if it will be him as my help mate. :)

    Thank you for your insight, please pray as I pray for guidance.

    Thanks again,


  9. Thank you so much for your insight, Godchick.

    I actually had a dream a while ago where I was driving on the high way and pulled off of the highway onto the road that this particular church is located on. (If you go one direction, there is a church that most people in my town consider to be a "cult" and there is the other church, the megachurch the guy I sat next to is the worship leader at). I drove the one direction (toward the cult church) and knew that I could not get out that way and that I needed to turn around. I turned around and saw a car dealer ship and received a new/old car (in November, I received my brother's old car so this part has manifested). Then I was on "Diamond Street" and saw a man and said to myself, "If I had not turned around, I would have never met this man. He is going to be my husband."

    So, anyway, I felt led to begin coming to this church at the end of November. This guy (who is the worship leader and I do not know but sat in the middle seat next to him) we say hi and he smiles at me all of the time. He loves the Lord but I have yet to introduce myself to him. I get the feeling he has his eye on me and have been praying about him for a month now.
    I guess at this time, it's all about prayer and seeking God. I do not know if he represents himself or another member of the church. I do know that I have felt a calling for this church since that last dream, which was in July.
    Many of the members are new believers, they are baby Christians, a lot of them are and I really feel led to go in and love these people and encourage them to partake in the meat of the Word and not just it in milk form.

    As for the guy, he may be the one I would have never met had I not decided to turn around and go to this church.

    Thank you again for your insight, it is certainly appreciated.

    EmilyM (p.s. i did not spell check or edit since i have to run and start on home for my winter course due in 9 days so please excuse any typos).

  10. You may ask. :)

    I have gone to a decently average church for my community (with all 4 cities combined, we have a community of just over 40,000 people) for the past 6 years. Our average weekend attendance is about 800-1500. Recently, I have been attending a college group of what would be considered the "mega church" of our community. It had a Christmas weekend that brought 15,000 people in a 3 day period. I have been going to reach my peers and have been reaching out and loving on the people there even though I do not consider myself a member of this church yet.

    My emotions were content and happy in the dream. I was not complaining about sitting next to this guy at all in the dream.

    Does that give you any more insight?

  11. Can somebody please help me to interpret this dream?

    I had a dream that I was on an airplane. (It was a rather large one, similar to one I was one from California to Hong Kong a few years ago). I was sitting next to this couple who are members of a megachurch and we we talking. I cannot recall about what, but it was a nice conversation.
    The next thing I know, I am in the front row of the airplane sitting next to a guy I am friendly with, but do not know in person. There were at least 20 other seats that either of us could sit on, but we chose to sit in what seemed to be the middle two seats, right next to each other. We chatted and sat next to each other, but again, I cannot recall what was said.

    Can anybody please, please, please give me some insight to this dream?

    Thank you,


  12. I had a dream in which I was flying on an airplane. Sitting next to a guy I know of, but do not know personally.

    Does anybody have any insight to what flying in an airplane means? It was like it was a big airliner, like the trip was going to be long.

    Does anybody have any insight to what flying in an airplane means? Anybody have insight to what the symbol means?

    Thank you for your help,

  13. I am in need of prayers,

    I was diagnosed with PTSD over a year ago- I've had it most likely for 12 years. I asked for prayer about my fear, and God has come through and healed me of my paralyzing fear.

    Something else that I have been dealing with is a conditioned called "PTSD-Disassociation." It has been explained to me as being somewhat like multiple personality disorder, but instead of actually becoming the people, what I do is make up worlds inside my head. My mother was so mentally ill that in order to make sense of my world, I made up different realities and believed them. Rather than living in the mental and emotional abuse, I would run away to this world. It was coping with my abuse.

    I have have my snap moments where the trigger calls me back into my head. It mostly has to do with being bored with life.

    I am at a point where this is beginning to pull me down, and I would like prayer. Please pray that God miraculously pulls me out of this situation. This is not something I feel I can "get through" because it is destroying me moment to moment. I don't know I am doing it until I am being asked to perform and cannot perform because I had not been paying attention.
    I just pray and ask for you to pray for me to be delivered from this condition. I want to be free from everything involved and affecting me from my abuse.

    Please, I ask for your prayers.

    Thank you,


  14. Hey all,

    can you give me your insight on this dream?

    quick version: went to a lady's house and there was a baby kitten behind bars and then its mother came and picked it up. saw another kitten and its mother behind bars (like in a cage).
    i had a key to my car but it was flimsy and every time i tried to start my car it sounded like it was trying to start over but then it made a sound like a toilet flushing.
    i told the lady in the house that i needed to go home to get another key. i drove her car with her in the passenger's seat but had trouble steering and reaching the gas/brake pedal and seeing over the dashboard.
    i got home and came in through the gate. i saw a few dogs and a black baby wolf. i went over to the wolf since it was little and i saw no parents. i then saw a medium size wolf. it didnt look too angry but i backed away immediately and did not go near the puppy.

    can anybody give me any insight?? this dream gives me the creeps thinking about it.

    thank you,

  15. Can you please help me interpret this dream?

    I had a dream that I was sitting in my car and a friend was in the passenger's seat. We had both received something from somebody in the dream. I was showing it to my friend and she was showing me what she had received from the same person. It was a silver gadget and we could both only see the back of it. I asked her, "Why is your's bigger? That's not fair." So I went to ask the person who gave us the silver gadget why he had given my friend a bigger one.
    As I came up to him, he had a look of SHEER TERROR in his face and started to run away not saying anything. I ran after him and caught him, giving him a hug and holding on to him.

    Any ideas?
    Thank you,

  16. It makes me think "Rule of Thumb"
    Which the root of it was interesting. Before 1919 when women gained rights and were not longer property- men could beat their wives but only with something that was no thicker than the width of their thumb. If your husband had big hands and thick thumbs, he could hit you with something thicker... it was all subjective to the husbands' hands.

    I would think it has a meaning of being subjective and variable- nothing certain.
    If this does not ring true to your dream, disregard. :)

  17. I had a dream that the box where your order your meal from at a drive through restaurant was not working and I had to drive up to the window to take get my order taken?

    What does that symbolize?

    Also, what does hugging symbolize?

  18. I had two separate dreams where I am on the outside of an event and am looking in.

    The first is that I was at a wedding. There were people sitting on the separate sides of the aisles and the wedding was rather full with people but I was not attending the wedding as a guest who had been sat down to watch. I was standing in the middle of the aisle, watching two people who had just been married. The girl was blonde and did not have the greatest teeth but she was smiling joyfully. They were getting ready to be submerged into a pool of water. The groom was trying to kiss the bride, and then I saw the ring on his finger, and as he was trying to kiss her, she was resisting the kiss as they were submerged into the water.

    I dreamt a few weeks later, last night. I was standaing and watching the same guy who was married in the dream before and he was fishing in a lake/breach. I could see the fishing rod and the ling as it entered the water. He was standing next to a blonde, and she was watching the water. She then began to point out where he was fishing and was saying things to him but I could not hear what was being said. She was skinny but not a twig, was wearing jeans and a blue shirt. I cannot recall what he was wearing.

    What does it mean to be watching an event like this? The girl did have similar features as mine (not the greatest teeth and blonde hair), but I am unsure if she was me or not. :-\ He's not a guy I am interested in that way either so that makes me think more and more that she is not me but she could be???
    I've been praying. Can anybody offer me some insight?
    Thank you,
    Emily M
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