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Boscoe Jenkins


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Hello, I was wondering is it possible for someone to become still( I mean to become quiet) while being in your circle of friends. Me & my friends have been going through it lately i've made a few mistakes this has opend my eyes & got me to take a really hard look at how I feel & treat my loved ones but i'm having a hard time moving past the guilt. I know it's one thing to feel bad about doing something wrong but that does'nt mean that we have to dwell in that. I feel like i'm not growing spiritually with that in my way. Something is telling I need to be still & quiet even when I'm with my friends Im not sure if its from the Lord or the enemy. that's the confusing part for me.

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well perhaps 4 a short tme,,dory,,guilt an condemnation r mean task masters... dont give then any room,,cos gods mercys r nu every morning,,um just be sensitive 2 those around u i guess,,real frends stay close,, D

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Yes, it's possible. I guess what the Lord is saying to you is "let you words me few". Whenever something is being said you don't always have to respond. Choose your words wisely or don't say anything at all. There is a proverb that says "A soft word turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger" (Prov 15:1). There is another proverb that says "where there are many words, sins is not far and he who restrains his lips is wise ". (Prov 10:19).

Even if you mess up Raye, there is no need for guilt and shame because that is of satan. When we sin, the Bible says that God no longer remembers it because of Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 10:17) So shake it off...the enemy is playing with your mind and condemning you. You have already been justified through Christ. (Romans 3:23-24)

Continue to pray in this area. You can't change on your own. We will only be transformed when we renew our mind through the Word of God. If you try to do it yourself, you will fail every time because it will be in your own strength. Don't be confused...you ARE hearing God. The enemy WANTS you to NOT be still and to keep doing what you were doing. God wants you free so He has sent His Word so you can be free from what's been holding you back.
Be blessed and be free in the loving name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!

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