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About lucygirl

  • Birthday 03/03/1970
  1. Lord God, Father in heaven , we praise your holy name. Bless you my God. I am in agreement with brothers and sisters in Christ that you are the giver of life and not death. We speak life to this situation, that snake may not bring poison or destruction to this family. You said in your word that life and death is in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat it's fruit. We desire Lord, to eat the fruit of life. Bring life to this family My God, In Jesus name. Amen
  2. Lord God, creator of heaven and earth, We give you thanks and praise for looking after your children at all times. You never see your righteous ones forsaken nor thier seed begging for bread. We thank you for giving your children shelter in places that are good. We thank you for giving your children favor when the world shows no favor. In your economy, Father we flourish and grow. You are our loving Father, you said that any father can give good gifts to their children and when we ask for bread you would not give us stone, you said that if we ask for an egg, you would not give us scorpions. As a matter of fact you told us that we would walk upon and trample snakes and scorpions. We ask that you rebuke the devourer on your children's behalf and grant them the desires of their heart as they continue to reflect your glory in Christ Jesus. Amen
  3. My dreams (more than one night) start with myself looking over a banister or railing down into a deep and narrow room. there is only one entrance/exit and that is by a ladder that was pushed up against the farthest wall.someone hoped that no one could ever hope to be down in that room again. In the room, on the floor was a bowl and a blanket. someone had been kept down there. I felt fear and also relief that that someone used to be me. Behind me and to my left was a being. Some one who knew what was going on, but only a guide. I believe it was a male. After I noticed him behind me I said to him, "I need to go into that room", and I pointed down toward a narrow hall that was approximately the length of an average human and as tall as a small child. An adult would have to crawl, but we didn't. No sooner than the words came out of my mouth, we were in a small room. I was amazed but then became angry as I saw a teenage boy with red hair and an evil look. He was picking up a box and carrying it outside. The room had two doors. One door was an exit to outside and the other was a closet. I felt that there was someone sitting in the closet. From no where I knew that someone was named Fear and the red head was named Inferiority. Even though I knew their names I shouted, "who are you and where is your mother?" Theis whole room was full of boxes. At the moment I did not care what was in them. The next instance I was brought into a huge ware house. It was an attachment to the other rooms. The deep room was now behind me, the being was still behind me to my left, and I began to look around me and absorb all that was going on. I saw people talking and touching things, wandering around a long waist high table covered with red velvet cloth that reached to the floor. I saw no one that I recognized. On top of this table were everyday items one might find at a garage or estate sale. That thought went through my mind and I asked the being those questions. There was no answer. I proceeded to walk down the left hand side of the table to the end, no thing was there that interested me. When I turned right, I saw a beautiful beaded bag with a drawstring. I opened it up and from the inside it looked enormous. From the outside it was average, and maybe a little on the small side. Inside of the bag were two things, an unknowable amount of black and white photographs of people, and also a vast amount of uncut, unpolished gemstones. I was excited about this find! I knew that these were souls. So I asked the guide if I could have the bag and all that went with it. He said "yes, but not right now". so I hid the bag underneath the table cloth and began to look around again. Immediately I saw two dolls. the first was a Hiltler doll and the second an SS soldier. When I held them I was filled with revulsion and I "saw" that they had belonged to Death. Death was a woman sitting in a bathtub full of blood. She was no longer alive, and I was GLAD! tThe being then called to my attention a glassed in case full of butcher's equiptment. I felt a vague memory of pain, but chose not to feel it fully, so I turned away from it. Back to the table. The being then turned me towards sliding glass doors that looked out into the night, out into a dirty city being cleansed by rain. I was afraid to go out there, but the guide told me I didn't have to go out yet. 1st DREAM OVER.
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