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Everything posted by Jasmine

  1. Thanks, Mia. but the whole lust thing is in the way. The only time I ever hear from God is when I sleep in my dreams but I can never interpret them. I've asked for supernatural things to happen before, but The most supernatural thing was my conversion. Not that I'm doubting. Jesus is the same. But it takes an eternity sometimes.
  2. I'm jealous to death for all of you. I can't hear God clearly to save my life!
  3. heres a better video listen closely to the lyrics http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=J9J1FNNU
  4. Yea! I cried when he was being scourged but mostly when he was on the croos. It makes you think about what you are doing the rest of your life. It shows you how much Jesus loves us. I was thinking, "Oh my God, what have I done to myself and to You!?!?" Cause if he loves us so much then why in the world do we give ourselves to fleshy desires and worldy things than to Jesus who gave up everything he had so he could have us. He only desires that he love him and that we are in his arms.
  5. Horray to the loose free dreamster!!! I just felt like I needed to add the dancing banana
  6. Yup, but to me nudity feels unnatural. I feel better when I'm clothed.
  7. The Shower! Personally that is the last place I'd want to talk to him. There's nothing wrong with it, but when I talk to God I imagine him being there next to me. That is just not a good place for that!
  8. http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=EME1NNNU
  9. I know! I'm just saying that was weir to me. All the time, I've heard of kneeling but not bathing.
  10. No, it doesn't. But does it have to be that pleasurable? Personally I would just be in my room, shut the lights, put a lamp on, get under the covers on my bed, speak to Jesus and imagine he's laying down on the other side (I have a queen sized bed!).
  11. Yea the title thing! The title of the forum. You said something about a forum for the god-searching quest
  12. Yea good!!!!!! But what about the title thing
  13. Yea here's another idea! How about a monthly prayer thing-mahujig! Each month we pledge to pray to God everyday without ceasing. Now I know prayer can be request, but how about prayer that focuses on actually spending time with God instead of petitions (but would still ask for protection, guidence whatever we want or need but on the side). And we could fast, but we would fast from thing we indulge in (like i-pods) and replace that time with praying to God!!!!!
  14. Thanks, Mia! What should we name the forum? "To Find God" "If you Hunger and Thirst for God" "Hungry for God?"
  15. Maybe, it should be full of testimonies of people who searched for God and found him and also stories of born-again christians who "hunted" for Jesus and got the "mother-load" (blessings, joy, emotions, revelations, or even God-encounters). and how-to on how to search for God. and an explanation on how to meditate on scripture and plead the blood of Jesus(of course if they need to get trash and demons out of their system). Encouraging teachings can help too.
  16. Yup! That sounds cool! Mia did you see the thing about Jesus that I said??
  17. I will seek Jesus more (it's like hunting a wild animal. To Jesus: I'm gonna get you Jesus. You can't run from me! No more hide-and-seek. As soon as I get You, I'll be happy, victorious, and the best dag-nabbit hunter of all time!!!). Finally finish my script! Lose a huge amt. or weight!
  18. Thx what was your favorite part and why?
  19. I wrote it but while I was writing it I was listening to a different song
  20. Aha! Take that Satan! (I just felt the need to say that) ..I love Mias saying that ticker tapes across her posts....it reminds me to keep pointing to God and keep tellling others I am sorry for my falling short...because God is not finished with me yet....lol.. That's a good thought! This is my saying: We are like jewels. During our lives, we are taken out of the darkness of the caves and we are carved and cut (and whatever else needs to be done). Were not perfect til God's done perfecting us. Then we look like this: The athiest,agnostic,unbeliever, they watch us closer than any believer....they watch to confirm that we are not real and we have ill motives and that we are full of crapola.... So true and you know what's funny? I've heard of the "Demolition of Christianity" (in art and stuff like that) but never any big insulting thing against buddhists, muslims, hindus, wiccans, satanists, or anything like that (sure people are trying to disprove God but that includes almost everyone. It's a kinda of an impersonal attack, they might not be alluding totally to us.).
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