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Posts posted by Jasmine

  1. Dear hind'sfeet, I am sorry if I am making you feel bad in any way but I promise you I am not doing it intentionally. I personally thought you were talking about the Jonas Brothers (to be honest I thought you were wrong when you said they were from OK). And when you told me that one of the older one's had a crush on your cousin, I was just curious and I put up a picture so you could recognize his face just in case you couldn't remember his name. Once again, I am sorry if i offended you. We just misunderstood each other. Forgive me?

  2. Yea I was piling garbage and the snow was so icy that the garbage bag slid of the other side. So far we've had like 5 or so snow storms! This is the worst winter ever. I think we broke the record for the most inches of snow and that record was made all the way in 1943! If Jesus is coming soon (the weather screams His name) I hope he brings something warm!

  3. I had a dream and a part of it was that Jesus had a son (by adoption from a women but not my marriage or blood) name Franklin or Frankie. And also that the scriptures clearly said that he had a son. Then I was talking to a boy (Frankie Jonas) and pointing out that he and Jesus' son had the same name. People please help me.

  4. My sister said when we were exiting the cab she heard something hit the car floor and its no where in my house. We even called my cellphone and there was no ringing. I hope God gets it back to me somehow or I get a much better cellphone.

  5. In rl a bridesmaid is a person who helps the bride get ready for the wedding. so it could mean helping the church get ready for the coming of christ. I'm not sure.
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