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Posts posted by Jasmine

  1. New news! Grandma is stage 3! It spread to her lymph nodes. My family doesn't know what to do: surgery, or treatment first. They don't know which hospital to go to. They are totally confused. Even my mom told me that if I had a dream about Grandma, to tell her. I sometimes talk to her about dreams and she would seem a bit skeptical or not all that into it. Please pray for Grandma and pray that I get a dream from God for guidance about this situation!

  2. I was walking around in Home Depot and I see a dollar on the floor. I go to it and it's a Ben Franklin! I look at it and it doesn't look like a counterfeit. I give it to my mom and she puts it in her purse and we walk away giggling. There were a couple of people around me and no one noticed. Absolutely no one!

  3. Thank you all and...
    aprsnoop wrote:
    @ Jasmine Why seek the dead among the living? Your Avart says alot about you. It is time to Give it to God and trust God with it. God wants to BREATH LIFE IN YOU! Trust God with your past by stepping in a new life. I don't know what you been through but God does and God want to make you WHOLE!!


    I would've used the pic of him alive but it wouldn't accept it. It was too big! :P :)

  4. thanks. also We were planning on going to a Catholic school. but it doesn't makes sense! I'm going to an all-girls school and a boy was hurting me. Thwe school is not patrolled by police officers, yet in the dream there was a police officer. My mom is down on money, my dad is w/ out a job and my tuition is high. My mom said that if he doesn't get a job (or we get money somehow) I may go to public school. I know what public school I probably would go to. That school is patrolled by officers each day and its coed. No uniforms like in the dream The catholic school does, public doesn't)

  5. Hey, it don't know about this but as I was looking over this I remembered that Jesus was building a wooden table connected to the wall. I thought about what it could represent then I saw flash of Jesus sitting down with cracker (i guess matzos) and wine (or grape juice. in my church they give grape juice. it looked similar and it was even in the same small plastic cups!). So maybe to table represents communion with God!
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