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Posts posted by Jasmine

  1. The dream started out well. I was helping these two men who need jeans and I gave them mine. Then bad stuff happens. I went to school in my nightgown and I was asking my teacher if I could change clothes. She kept saying no and then I finally told her my dilemma. She allowed my then this big pile of clothes appeared on the desk and i chose what to wear. I went to the hallway and i was looking back and forth to chose which bathroom to use. I chose the one where the popular/mean kids where because it was better. The kids had evil looks on their faces. As i approached them they attacked me with big black leather whips. I had severe pain when they lashed me. I took one boy's whip and tried to hurt him. He said that he was trained in hurting people and it was as if he was immune. I lashed his head and a metal peace came off into his head and he chased me. I ran to the bathroom into the stall. I was trying to keep them out. the knob to the stall was weird. It had the mean kids images on it and smaller knobs connected to it. When I turned the smaller knobs, the mean kid's faces looked even more evil and angry. All the time in the bathroom, i heard my teacher's voice as if she was a narrator. She was talking about bullied kids and that some of them are sexually abused. The stall door was forced open and I run out. An overweight security guard was sitting on the floor. His pants were down and there was male fluid on the back of his briefs and he was yelling inappropriate things to me as I left.

    Somewhere in the dream I was at my teacher's home and it was a mess. She told me that she was using drugs.

  2. I am just sick of all these problems that I have. I already needed to lose weight before the ankle/knee thing and now It's more difficult. I feel so pained. I feel far from God, I have a bad sexual thing going on, and on top of that my dreams are absolutely going no where. No matter how many times I tell God i'm surrendering my problems to Him, nothing happens and it only gets worse. Sometimes I try to explain my brokenness to my mom cause everyone says to tell mom everything, but I only feel worse. I've finally decided not to fill her in or make her understand me. I only feel worse. Then, there's school. I sometimes feel frustrated and this place gives me no sense of purpose. I'm happy I learned what i did, but this place just sickens me and the worst part of it is that there is no place to run. I can't drop everything and hide someplace to recover for a moment. I don't know about you, but I think I'm to young for all of this at once.

  3. I had a dream the there was this huge snake. It had a big body and a small head. It was annoying and scaring people. Some of my family members tried to catch but they all failed. I saw my aunt with the snake and it bit her. I think I was at my old apartment. I went to the bathroom and caught the snake. I think it almost bite me. I grabbed it by the neck and head. I was trying to find something so I could kill it. I saw a wood pecker. I communicated with it so it could peck at its neck. I encouraged it to come. I started peck at its neck and sometimes hit my hand. Then blood started coming out and it was on the birds beck. I looked at the snake and I saw a screen at the underside of the head. I said "eww" and the bird repeated after me. It didn't look like mush blood was dripping but the tub was covered with blood. I came back to my family and I thought they would thank me and applaud me. I told them and the were indifferent. I took away their problem and they did not care. One person said thank you but obviously was still indifferent.

  4. My knee and ankle have been hurting since December. I've gone to the doctor and now I have to go to a different doctor but in March! That's kinda far and it hurts when I sit, walk, and go up and down the stairs. If I make the slightest move, I feel a little sharp pain sometimes. It's also uncomfortable. Please pray that the pain lessen, especially my knee. Also, today the back of my legs were hurting and yesterday my other ankle began to hurt. My doctor advised that I loose weight, but it's kinda hard. I'm lazy, there's not a lot of healthy food in the house and it's hard for me to exercise. Plus, can u give me some exercises that I don't have to use my legs much? Please pray. My old teacher (retired) said I was a mess when I told him. My mom says I'm falling apart. For pity's sake, I sometimes feel like crying when I wake from my school to my mom's job. Well, I have to go soak my ankle. Bye.

  5. Im no dream interpreter. Forgive me if I am wrong. But the rubies could be something precious like blessings or whatever and people (could be demons but I don't want to mislead u) would want to take your blessings or whatever the rubies could mean. The obstacles could mean hard times in your life and you will know that God is helping you at the last one. The instructions are obviously the way to get through the hard time without falling (getting in the eye of the storm). the last scene Im not sure but it could mean that after all of these obstacles are over that you'll feel dead but God will give you life.
    remember i'm not an interpreter but i just gave you what I thought it could mean

  6. I think i got on idea on the second dream: Jesus flashed me into the bathroom to scrub the tub so i wouldn't stumble and fall (he was preventing me from stumbling and falling when I go cleanse my self i guess of sin). The nudity i don't know I was thinking maybe something to do with intimacy (idk). Mom not seeing Jesus, might mean her not totally believing that I know him (idk). This is me trying to figure out stuff. Oh and the beginning of dream 2 could mean Jesus telling me all the good things he doesn't want me to miss out on.
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