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Posts posted by Jasmine

  1. A long time ago I had a disturbing dream:

    > > I was walking through the garden of Gethsemane and I walked on Jesus (looks
    like Jesus from "Passion of the Christ") and a woman. I was behind a tree. The
    woman was naked and had black hair and blue eyes. Jesus was wearing a cloak and
    then he took it off and was bare. Then he put his "you-know-what" into her
    "you-know-what". They where both smiling and I was disgusted. I was back at my
    old apartment grieving over what I saw and there was a box with a "Jesus wig"
    inside. That night, I prayed, "Jesus, do whatever you want to do in my dream."

    In Real Life:
    I was told the meaning of the dream was about a christian who was struggling with temptation and gave in and that God gave me the dream so I won't be too surprised when it happened. I think I know that christian was.
    I know about this guy and he hasn't been acting very godly (he used to). He talks about hangover cures and I've heard he played "towel snatch" with some naked girls. He used to wear a purity ring. Now he doesn't. He said he's "grown up" and said that was part of the past.

    Another Dream:
    Recently, I had a dream about him that startles me: I remember I saw a post on this site listing all the things ungodly about him. What I can remember is that it said he's acting like some named Ashley Bonnie or Ashley Ronnie. The biggest thing I remember is that it said he was trying to convince Mia Sherwood to do major changes to this forum as if to lead us all down a bad path or distract us from God.

    Somebody please help me!
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