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Posts posted by Jasmine

  1. I had a dream and it was about me following my dreams to be a scriptwriter/actress. I was in an empty room (only chairs) with these 3 human spirits. The had gone to heaven when they died. I think I could see heaven in the background (there was like an opening to heaven in the room). One by one they told me about their life and their dreams. They all wanted to make their own big hotel franchises (like Hilton). They should me they were fulfilling their dreams, but they eventually quit (I think because it took a long time and they weren't getting results for some time). After that, they lived mediocre and unfulfilled lives. They didn't seem that old (50s-60s). I guess they died kinda young. They all gave me one piece of advice. I think its don't lose faith, don't lose hope, don't give up. I think either I was in a different room or in the same room and God showed me big parts and details of my aspirations of becoming a scriptwriter/actress. One thing that really stood out was a celebrity I wanted to work with. I thought I was done thinking about him working with me, but I guess God still wants him to be a part of my aspirations.

    I had another part of the dream and it don't know when it happened. My mom was struggling financially and she was selling shampoo and body washes.

    I had prayed about my aspirations and that I have a wholesome dream. I was just letting down my load so I could sleep. That was one of my main concerns when I prayed to God- sleep. I haven't had a dream from God in what seems like a very long time.

  2. Dream:
    I was in Christ's house (I was more of a viewer. no one spoke to me). He was sitting at the wooden table with Mary and another women and the women were preparing dinner (something like that). Jesus looked in distress. He was sweaty and he looked like he was in pain. I knew it was something sexual and I felt like it had something to do with the woman helping Mary cook. I knew Jesus wanted comfort and he wanted to rest his head on his mother's shoulder. Then all the things in the room change and it looks like its the 1700s (reminds me of the count of monte christo movie). He was still very distressed.

    Count of Monte Christo is about a young man called Edmond Dantes. I don't need to give you a summary. He is unfairly sent to an underground prison for 15 years. In prison he loses faith in God despite befriending a priest. He escapes and plots revenge on his enemies. bla bla bla. regains his faith in God and gets a family (a wife and kid he lost in prison)

    Any ideas?

  3. I feel called to write scripts and act. I don't feel called to anything else and I have a passion for it. What do I do? My family isn't all for the acting for part, which is a big part.
    My mom doesn't have money for agents or other stuff.
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