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Desiree (Starpop)

Happy Birthday to DRGrnEyes & Sirianta!

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Happy Birthday and may God richly bless you both in the coming year!



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THANK YOU GUYS!!!! My bday is actually the 27th laugh but I take these messages with open arms!!!!!!!

LOVE YOU ALL huggins

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Happy birthday a little early then! I picked these in my yard this morning--I'd give them to you if you lived closer--
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these...Therefore do not worry about tomorrow." (Matthew 6:28,29,34)

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Hey Deborah! You won't believe how much I needed to hear this scripture right now at this very moment! I know it's from God!
Wow!!! What beautiful flowers!!!!
Be blessed and thanks a mil!!!!

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Sirianta wrote:
Hey Deborah! You won't believe how much I needed to hear this scripture right now at this very moment! I know it's from God!
Wow!!! What beautiful flowers!!!!
Be blessed and thanks a mil!!!!
Praise God!!!!

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