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Posts posted by Destine

  1. I was in my church office, And one of the staff members came out and said that all the staff's computers were missing. I went walking down the hall, My Sr. Pastor was talking to the Bishop that sworn him in as my pastor; The Bishop told him because of his mistakes, he was to be removed right away because of his mistakes. I went to my house, and his son (who is near my age) gave me a hug and kissed me, What could this mean

  2. I had a dream that I was in my church office, And one of the staff members said that all of the staff computers were stolen. I walked by my Sr. Pastor's office, the bishop that sworn him in said that because of his mistakes, He would be removed as our Sr. Pastor. I go home, And our computer is missing, But the Sr. Pastor's son (who is near my age) gives me a hug and kisses me.
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