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Posts posted by Destine

  1. I have been praying and God has shown me (and spoken through four pastor's) about my true calling and destiny to fulfill for the Lord.

    That calling is to be a Pastor/Pastor's Wife/CEO, my mom knows about me wanting to be a CEO... but she does not know about the pastor thing. I always told her was I around the ages of 4-7 that being a pastor would be so awesome because I was in love with watching Kenneth & Gloria Copeland/ Commander Kellie, Along with Dr. Dollar and Pastor Paula. I stopped wanting to do this because I had a hard time pronouncing the 'er' in my words; I also just hated speaking in public because it took me one year just to learn how to read properly because of not being able to pronounce my r's correctly.

    I am sixteen years old now, I love reading... I started to develop the love of writing/reading around 7 or 8, And I like reading out loud...(only when I want too.. jk)
    I have the faith to say that I actually know who I am supposed to marry... I just do not want to tell my mom.
    1) we had one bad experience with the guy because he was in a lot of pain from seeing his parents argue (He's a Pastor's Kid)
    2) He got on my dad's bad side
    3) No one really liked him anymore after he did that

    I am no longer at that church anymore, I just need to know how I should present this to my mom without her calling me immature of naive or childish.

  2. SO this came to me while I was on a 30 day fast with my church in October 2008 (I was thirteen) This is the dream: I am on the set of TBN and Pastor Paula White is hosting me.. and I am sitting next to my former Sr. Pastor's son.. we have to be it least 40 of age... Pastor Paula asks me "Did you always want to be a pastor's wife?" I told her I wanted to be a pastor or do something in ministry since the age of four because my mom had me watch Kenneth Copeland and Commander Kellie and watch Dr. Creflo dollar... She asked Tyler (Sr. Pastor's kid) " Did you always know Destine would be your wife?" and he said "It all started over a dance team practice"

    that year he started this big commotion because I learned this dance step faster than him.. and the team did not understand why I messed up until they realized the person who taught me didn't know anything.. and they got in trouble because our adult leader told them that I was just trying it out and I knew I wouldn't be able to perform because I joined so late.. and she told them if they respected me and practiced they could perform.. well they didn't respect me so they had to wait a whole month (so I got to perform anyways) because they ticked her off so much.. That following day (October 2008) I had a dream of me crying and feeling really down and depressed over a lie about me saying something obscene to one of my mom's friends daughter over the internet (That dream came to past in October 2011)

    I did pray when I was 6 or 7 that the person for me would be confirmed around the age of 15 or 16 and it least two of my friends who were right with the Lord would affirm me.. and 2 of my good strong godly-friends have said they feel it too.. I was standing in service in January 2010 and I heard something say "Tyler is going to be a pastor" two minutes later this apostle prophesy's to Tyler saying 'You were called to be a preacher" and he prayed over him for like 40 minutes.. and when I met him it felt like I knew him all my life.. I first saw in in February 2004.. I remember his eyes and something said "he's it" and I officially met him in December 2007 and something said again "it's him" and he was so kind and sweet.. than he started acting really rude because he started to like me.. and he went as far as swearing at me and my mother just simply because I tapped him on the shoulder because my friends said he probably knew where my phone was at

    (I had to confirm that my phone was at home.. so my mom made me ask everyone if they had seen a black phone) so he reacted by cussing at me.. than went on a rant afterwards saying that "I was mocking you back here with my friend because I know you bad and I said 'uh oh she's mad' I was watching you and all" and he said he was always "watching me" and I said I would never slap him (he said I did) because I don't like seeing people hurt and my dad taught me to respect people but what he did was totally disrespectful.. than he said "That's what I love about you.. I love you I would never hurt you" and I'm like yeah sure whatever.. I know this is a lot.. but I would like some help!

  3. SO this came to me while I was on a 30 day fast with my church in October 2008 (I was thirteen) This is the dream: I am on the set of TBN and Pastor Paula White is hosting me.. and I am sitting next to my former Sr. Pastor's son.. we have to be it least 40 of age... Pastor Paula asks me "Did you always want to be a pastor's wife?" I told her I wanted to be a pastor or do something in ministry since the age of four because my mom had me watch Kenneth Copeland and Commander Kellie and watch Dr. Creflo dollar... She asked Tyler (Sr. Pastor's kid) " Did you always know Destine would be your wife?" and he said "It all started over a dance team practice"

    that year he started this big commotion because I learned this dance step faster than him.. and the team did not understand why I messed up until they realized the person who taught me didn't know anything.. and they got in trouble because our adult leader told them that I was just trying it out and I knew I wouldn't be able to perform because I joined so late.. and she told them if they respected me and practiced they could perform.. well they didn't respect me so they had to wait a whole month (so I got to perform anyways) because they ticked her off so much.. That following day (October 2008) I had a dream of me crying and feeling really down and depressed over a lie about me saying something obscene to one of my mom's friends daughter over the internet (That dream came to past in October 2011)

    I did pray when I was 6 or 7 that the person for me would be confirmed around the age of 15 or 16 and it least two of my friends who were right with the Lord would affirm me.. and 2 of my good strong godly-friends have said they feel it too.. I was standing in service in January 2010 and I heard something say "Tyler is going to be a pastor" two minutes later this apostle prophesy's to Tyler saying 'You were called to be a preacher" and he prayed over him for like 40 minutes.. and when I met him it felt like I knew him all my life.. I first saw in in February 2004.. I remember his eyes and something said "he's it" and I officially met him in December 2007 and something said again "it's him" and he was so kind and sweet.. than he started acting really rude because he started to like me.. and he went as far as swearing at me and my mother just simply because I tapped him on the shoulder because my friends said he probably knew where my phone was at

    (I had to confirm that my phone was at home.. so my mom made me ask everyone if they had seen a black phone) so he reacted by cussing at me.. than went on a rant afterwards saying that "I was mocking you back here with my friend because I know you bad and I said 'uh oh she's mad' I was watching you and all" and he said he was always "watching me" and I said I would never slap him (he said I did) because I don't like seeing people hurt and my dad taught me to respect people but what he did was totally disrespectful.. than he said "That's what I love about you.. I love you I would never hurt you" and I'm like yeah sure whatever.. I know this is a lot.. but I would like some help!

  4. Monday morning I had a very alive dream: I was back in my old church sitting in our youth auditorium.I was there along with the members of my youth group, and the youth group of my old church. We were all arguing and getting into each others faces.. my old Sr. Pastor came in and he was red hot mad about something, he came in and said "What is going on in here, I got fired because of BS like this" a lot of the teens looked shocked at what he said.. I did not look shock because I have seen how he has treated other people in church (and how he has treated my family). A few adults came in and started getting into the pastors face, and all of the kids looked really shocked.. any ideas?

  5. Hi all,

    I know some of you know what I have been going through, I just need some help, I have been saying scriptures and saying I am free by the blood of Jesus, but it's coming out in my body (the pain that I have towards the situation) where my ears hurt as if someone has punched me, and my neck is having some severe muscle spasms. I just need someone to pray with me, because this isn't right for me to feel this way!

  6. This a dream my mother is had, I am typing it in first person (she's telling me what to write) so if you could interpret this dream, that would be great!

    "In the dream, we our going on a road-trip, your sister is working the GPS system, and there is an old lady in the passenger seat. In the dream, as I am driving, I am going on a bridge,and I keep going higher and higher, and it is kind of scary to me.
    As I get passed one bridge, another one comes, and it gets higher and higher, and all of the sudden I am on a large cruise ship, (you, your sister and I) and the old lady keeps encouraging me that I can do this"

    Any help?

  7. daphanie02 wrote:
    Yes this is a warning dream. The Lord is showing you this now to prepare you. 1. Don't compromise 2.Don't settle 3. Guard your heart!!!!
    I believe this and the other dream with the snake may possibly be connected. hang in there sweetie, God has His BEST out there for you and he wont make you cry!

    I definitely take this advice, thank you!

  8. I had this dream around last week: I was shopping and having fun with my sister and my mother. I was having a really good time, than I stepped into a hallway and I was in college. I walked up to a group of girls and we started to talk and chat, the girls started to giggle and I didn't know why, I turned around and this guy was staring at me. I went up to the dude who was staring at me, I started to talk to him and he was really nice. We started to hang out, one of the girls kept telling me that something wasn't right about this guy. I told her we were just friends, and I made a clear statement about that.
    The next day, I went to his room, and I left the room crying, as I left a little snake followed me.

  9. I'm hanging out with a bunch of friends I don't really know, we are having a good time just talking and laughing. I get up, and this guy comes up to me and we start to talk. I abandon my friends and go dancing with him. At the end of the night, I was with my friends and I said I felt like he was trying to change me, and I said I didn't mind changing for him. My mother found out, and she was really concerned about me getting together with this guy. I ignored all of my mothers warnings and I went out with the guy the next day, and that following night I ended up in tears because of what happened between me and this guy. I didn't recognize the guy, and I don't have any guys in my life right now. Any help?

  10. lola21st wrote:
    Hi Destine -

    Just thoughts and adding to what has been said.

    When I dream of being in a hotel, it's usually a sign that God is giving me a reprieve, time to rest/heal/refresh so that I'm prepared for the next season in my life. When I've had or seen dreams like this where someone in your bed and they are unwelcome and/or you don't know how they got there - it often symbolizes that they (or whoever they symbolize) are trying to establish a level of intimacy - not necessarily sexual - just an emotional closeness that doesn't exist, it's not something that you agree with nor do you want it. This sounds exactly like what you're experiencing with the girls at the church.

    Your mom in the dream seems literal to me. The Holy Spirit wouldn't appear in such a condemning way (Romans 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.). If she were symbolic, I would say that she may have been a representation of your own feelings of self-condemnation....

    Overall, I think the dream is speaking about your current situation, the feelings are the same.

    Did you get my message(I sent it yesterday)

  11. I have felt a little agitated at a few girls at my church, Because they are trying to pry into my life, and my mother keeps telling me I need to get a thicker skin, because I don't want to seem rude, but my life is my business. I wouldn't say that it has been robbing me of sleep though!

  12. So, my mom wanted to know if I wanted to get a job, I first said yes, but than I said no, ONLY because I'm nervous about having a boss. I want to learn how it feels to have that responsibility of working (and managing my time) I'll be in college in 2012, and I want to it least have some experience with working. I'm thinking about applying to be a cashier.

  13. This dream definitely makes no sense to me, whatsoever. I'm in this upscale hotel room, (laying in bed) and I roll over and see this guy in bed with me, I start yelling and asking him how he got in my room, and he keeps saying that were together. Well, my mother barges into the room, and my mother goes off on me and the guy, and I start to cry and my mother just starts yelling at me and says I should be ashamed of myself. I really do not understand the dream.

  14. Most churches have dramas and plays, maybe first speak to your parents if it would be OK for you to prompt your idea to your youth pastor. Most plays and dramas do not require that much money!

  15. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS! God really is a good GOD! I spoke to my aunt about something and I swear, the spirit of the lord just knocked me off of my feet! I feel so much better, hallelujah Jesus is wonderful, I felt something just leave me and the holy spirit spoke to me, You are so wonderful Jesus! And thank you all who prayed for me:daphanie02, jjp708,cholette, Jasmine, lola21st, Linda Irish, dreamster, and any other kind person, I started praying to God and I started to prophesy, the LORD IS GOOD!
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