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Posts posted by Destine

  1. Last night, I had a very interesting dream: My sister's boss was helping us move into new house, I recognized the area. It shocked me seeing that in real life my sister's boss is a bit strange and sort of, well timid and doesn't really seem to interact with his employees. Anyways, I go outside and see that my Mom has a new car, she picked up one of my sister's friends, for some reason my sister wants to go back to our former church for a concert. I don't understand this seeing that I know my sister was glad when we left our old church; though both of us don't really like our current church now. Our mom agrees to letting us go to our old church, We a good time in the service, and their youth pastor did a really good lesson. I left something in the sanctuary, I see the Senior pastor's kid, I say hi, but he just looks confused and ignores me. When we get back home, the bathroom to my room is flooded.

  2. I'm a little confused on what to do about something: I took a test yesterday (entrance exam) I will need to retake it again; But I'm not sure if it's a good idea anymore for me to just be going to Cosmetology school, so once I get out to have a job. I really want to go to school for ministry, I just wanted to be able to work after school. Should I tell my mom this?

  3. Shan wrote:
    Oh, good for you! The gifts you received may have to do with this. You may have giftings in this area that you don't expect or feel you deserve.

    The dogs could represent plans of the enemy to get you off course, but you will prevail.

    Toss what doesn't fit.

    Praying for you!

    Thank you!


  4. My Dad was driving me to my former dance studio, I was crying about something, but it felt like my Dad could not see me. My dad offered my 11 purses if I stopped crying, before I could say yes or no, he handed me the shopping bags full of the purses, I stepped out the car and went into the dance studio.

    I was teaching a class for my former Dance studio, I was talking to them, and afterwards I went to my bosses house. She gave me a lot of gifts, they were all designer and quite expensive, I asked her why she was giving these things to me; She said she knew I deserved it. As I walked out her house to leave, two big black dogs started to bark and tried to bite me. I was able to escape.

  5. Last Thursday, I had a dream that my Mom had been having a discussion with her friend in our church sanctuary. My Mom's friend said "First Lady is ruining our church," my mother agreed with her, the first lady walked in, she began to say to my Mom "Don't plan on coming back here if you don't participate in church fully, your making me look bad" the pastor had just walked in, He looked shocked. My Mom began to say that she felt as if she were being manipulated, the whole room was filled with black smoke. I looked outside to see a few dogs barking, they looked as if they wanted to bite someone.

  6. I had a dream last night that I was at my church, my pastor's wife told my Mom if she did not get more involved with the church (volunteering, i.e, helping out with the youth ministry we are no longer apart of) we should return to our former church we used to attend. The room was filled with black; after church we went to a restaurant and saw our friends from our former church. We ate with them, and went to their house to talk for awhile. We left their house to go to our former church, My Mom was one of the guest speakers along with Jesse Duplantis. The church was filled with Gold

  7. I had a dream last night that I was at the annual Christmas parade my town has at the beginning of December each year. I'm standing with my family, someone comes up to me and gives me a Dooney & Bourke purse. The next part of my dream is that I'm planning my wedding, it all seems so real, I remember the room is filled with Gold; I recall hearing my Mom mention that she was glad we changed churches.

  8. I had a really disturbing dream: I was at this upscale hotel.... at first I thought it was the Peabody, but than it looked like something else... I was walking down this hallway, two guys came out of nowhere and attacked me. I ended up getting raped, My mother was a guest speaker for a Christian Conference, I had to recover in a hospital room. After my body was healed, the doctors told me I could go to this youth conference with my friend. We ended up going, My friend was carrying this Coach wristlet and this expensive wallet from Louis Vuitton. I told her I liked her wristlet and she gave it to me. I was carrying my Coach Backpack; my friend asked to put her wallet inside of it and I said sure. The next thing I know, My dad is yelling at me, But I'm really not sure why. I find out my Mother is upset with our Pastor's wife, And she feels we should just terminate our membership and go to another church. We end up going to my former church, I see my former pastor's son; Throughout the months of us becoming members again, He and I begin to date. Than, I see his Mom writing suggestions on a post-it about our wedding.

  9. astra wrote:
    Hmm, when these thoughts come, what do you do with them? Do you give in and think them further or do you turn around and cut these thoughts off? The Bible says in James 4:7 "Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you". You might even not continue thinking these as they come, but you get anxious, troubled by them. If the enemy thinks he can nail you with fear, that's what he is after - keep you in bondage. Firmly resist him. He is a bully. So just like bullies at school if they see that their actions can scare you or upset you they will keep doing what they are doing. Trust me, show him that it does not get you and after a short while these attacs will STOP! Amen! Don't give him the satisfaction :-)
    You are a CHILD OF GOD! There is no condemnation for you. Period, you do not need to be scared! The Blood of Jesus has paid for any suffering, shame, temptation, torture or anything esle the devil can try and push on us. I know how these thoughts can seem condemning. They are NOT YOUR THOUGHT! You do not need to feel guilt or condemnation, shame of fear of punishment for those. Rather meditate on how wonderful and righteous your Abba Father see you! How beautiful you are in Jesus, covered with HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS as a free Gift of His Love for YOU!

    Father, we thank You for every good thing which is in Destine in Christ Jesus. We thank You, that through her union with Christ, she is a new creature, old things are passed away and all things have become new. We decree that Destine was crucified with Christ, nevertheless she lives, yet not her, but Christ lives in her. She was buried with Him in baptism, and raised together with Him by the power of the Holy Spirit so that she might habitually live in newness of life. Her old, unrenewed self was nailed to the Cross with Him in order that Destine might no longer be a subject to sin or enemy's temptations.
    Just as death no longer has power over Jesus Christ, neither does sin have dominion over me through my union with Him. She is alive only to God, living in unbroken fellowship with Him, in Christ Jesus.

    Destine have been delivered from the control and dominion of forces of darkness, temtations and lustful thoughts and transferred into the kingdom of light. I have been raised together with Christ and am seated together with Him, far above principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and wicked spirits in high places, Lying thoughts of the enemy shall no longer exert dominion over her, but she has dominion over them!. The enemy is under her feet, in the Name of Jesus.

    Father, in Jesus' Name I cover her thoughts with Jesus' Blood, I ask You to pour Your Thoughts of Love, exortation, Holyness, Righteous in Your Son Jesus, Your Light into her mind, flood her mind with blessed, comforting thoughts of who she is in Jesus and how You see her, in Jesus' Name! Amen!

    I cast them down, unless it happens when I'm asleep~

  10. Hi, I need some help concerning my thought life: I went to my pastor's house for counseling at the beginning of the year, Since than I've had these sexual thoughts about his son that's near my age. It's gotten worse, Now I really don't get any sleep. I only get sleep when I pray for him after waking up around 1AM. I really am at the point to just tell my Mom and ask her on what to do about this. I really don't want to. I've prayed and read the word and cast down my thoughts, It's just came back worse.

  11. I had a dream that consisted of my mom wanting to speak at our former church. Our Senior Pastor's wife, told her that she shouldn't speak there, Also that it made her and the church look bad when my mom didn't attend church because she was tired from other things. My mom decided to speak at the church, Dr. Cindy Trimm came, and spoke over my mom and said that the First lady of our church was under the spirit of Jezebel and manipulation. She also seemed the have a problem with my mom decorating for our former pastor's wife, Because they had just moved in next door to us. Dr. Trimm spoke to my father that we were to move back to our former church. Than, my mom was counseling Rapper T.I.s wife Tameka (Or Tiny) and my dad made a business deal with T.I. I remember this dream had the color of green and gold

    Dream 2.
    I was in our old church, I said hi to my former pastor, His wife said she wanted to talk to me about something, I went into her office. There, Her son and my dad were there, Her son proposed to me and I accepted it. This dream had the hint of purple in some of it

    Dream 3.
    My friend and were at Mercedes Fashion week, and we were modeling our own work, And everything sold out and we were very successful. I was married, she wasn't just yet. This dream was pink

    Dream 4.
    I'm walking down the aisle, I see my friend as my maid of honor, My pastor and former pastor marry me and my former pastor's son. I'm on TBN with Pastor Paula interviewing me, Than I'm with Pastor Riva Tims church, Pastor Paula speaks over me and my former pastor's wife... This one had yellow hints in the dream

    I have been having dreams like this since I was about 13 (About my former pastor's son)

  12. I had a dream that consisted of my mom wanting to speak at our former church. Our Senior Pastor's wife, told her that she shouldn't speak there, Also that it made her and the church look bad when my mom didn't attend church because she was tired from other things. My mom decided to speak at the church, Dr. Cindy Trimm came, and spoke over my mom and said that the First lady of our church was under the spirit of Jezebel and manipulation. She also seemed the have a problem with my mom decorating for our former pastor's wife, Because they had just moved in next door to us. Dr. Trimm spoke to my father that we were to move back to our former church. Than, my mom was counseling Rapper T.I.s wife Tameka (Or Tiny) and my dad made a business deal with T.I. I remember this dream had the color of green and gold

    Dream 2.
    I was in our old church, I said hi to my former pastor, His wife said she wanted to talk to me about something, I went into her office. There, Her son and my dad were there, Her son proposed to me and I accepted it. This dream had the hint of purple in some of it

    Dream 3.
    My friend and were at Mercedes Fashion week, and we were modeling our own work, And everything sold out and we were very successful. I was married, she wasn't just yet. This dream was pink

    Dream 4.
    I'm walking down the aisle, I see my friend as my maid of honor, My pastor and former pastor marry me and my former pastor's son. I'm on TBN with Pastor Paula interviewing me, Than I'm with Pastor Riva Tims church, Pastor Paula speaks over me and my former pastor's wife... This one had yellow hints in the dream

  13. Monday night, I had a dream I went back to my old church, We stayed for service and talked to our old pastor. I said hi to the pastor's son, and he went to talk with my dad. I talked with his mom, we went into the church office. His dad, along with him, and my dad came in. He proposed and I said yes. My mom was contemplating leaving our church to go some where else, But it's too far away

  14. I had a dream last Monday night that I was getting married in my former church, My now senior and former pastor were at the altar; The groom was my former Senior pastor's oldest son, my friend was my maid of honor, she was crying. The dream fast forward to Paula white interviewing me on TBN, she was asking me about my marriage, I told her it was great. The dream turned to me being at a derive hosted by Pastor Rival Tims and Paula white prayed over me, and she prayed over my former pastor's wife. I went to something involving Pastor Riva, two days later my friend said she believed he and air are both in love. it's not the first time I had dreams like this, God has alsl been waking me up to pray for him at 5AM for the past month

  15. Last night I was dreaming that I was at an upscale salon, in a wedding dressed designed by my best-friend (she actually sketched my dress for me like last month, though I'm sixteen still) the man was doing my hair and telling me not to use any thing hotter than 500° because I could damage my hair. I told him I used around 200°-300° on my hair. He than told me he was the VP for L'Oreal once I told him I wanted to have a hair/cosmetic brand specifically for black teen girls that ranged from low-high. He would not charge for the test run or take any profits. He asked who I was going to marry, I told him and it was my former senior pastor's son. Just two days ago I asked for confirmation if he was really the one for me because I have had wedding themed dreams while disliking him since July 2010

  16. I had a dream that my former Senior pastor was discussing something with my pastor @ his church ( my old church) and he started scream for no reason. He started to cry, my pastor asked what was wrong, he said nothing. His older son tried to help, though his dad pushed him away. I saw his son. On Monday and he seemed a little depressed.

    Last night I dreamt my former senior pastor's wife face booked my mom saying she needed help and asked if she could talk with her.

    Yesterday, my former pastor said he didn't understand why kids from my pastor's church keep contacting him, when we have a pastor.
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