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Posts posted by Destine

  1. I'm in my house packing for college, I go into our kitchen to gt tape.
    When I return, I see the wings of an angel, I say "Hello?" the angel replies
    " do not worry, You are going to fulfill what you were Destined for"
    The doorbell rings, I answer and it's an old friend of my mom. She's crying, I give her a hug, while my mom comes out and asks what's wrong. My mom ushers her into another room, I leave to give them privacy. I go back into my room, I see the numbers 8,13,15 above my window painted in red.

  2. I'm staying at a friends(One of my Mom's good friends) during Christmas: I'm speaking to Mrs. M and she says to me "The test is setting you up for greatness"
    IRL: I got my test scores back, and they aren't what I need to get into the college I want.
    Dream: I'm in another house, I'm rushing to pack my bags. The house I'm in reminds me of a castle. The dream moves forward to me sleeping, and there's someone else inthe bed; The body evaporates into thin air, when I turn to my left.

  3. I'm with my family at my former church, I think were there for a Christmas eve service. I go to the back of the sanctuary to talk with an old friend. My friend has to use the restroom, when I get inside the stall, the toilet begins to overflow without me even touching the handle. The numbers 8&13 are in the stream of water coming out of the toilet. I quickly get out of the stall and leave with my friend.
    When we get back to the sanctuary, the curtains on the stage begins to fall down in black smoke. But, when I ask my friend what she thinks this means, she tells me I'm seeing things.

  4. Hi all, I took the ACT yesterday (officially making it the third time I've taken it) Please pray that I get the score that I need, so I can get into the college I want! Also, I need prayer for healing, my blood pressure has been high, this is very unusual for me. My next doctor's appointment is the 17th of this month, I have a retracted ear drum (right ear)

    Thanks, I appreciate it!

  5. I'm at home with my family, I'm supposed to be helping serve the homeless with my current(and former) churches. We're running late and I don't know what time I need to be at the event, I ask my mom If I should text our pastor's wife, she says "You know she's still acting funny," I don't understand what my mom means by this.

    We're on our way out the door, our old pastor's wife is at our door, crying. My mom asks what's wrong, she whispers something in my mothers ear. My mother instructs my sister to drive me to the facility for the event. When I get there, all teens are listening to the adults for instructions, it seems like it will turn out nice.

    I get instructions to go with someone else to get supplies, when were in there the guy asks me, "Are you OK?" I said yes and ask him how he's doing.
    He says, "Good. But I feel led to say that God has destined you for greatness,"
    I tell him God told my mom that while she was pregnant with me.
    We hug, two girls come in, both start accusing us of wrong doing.
    The Girls march off to get one of the leaders, the leaders believe the girls over us.
    I'm stuck unloading food serving supplies, I look up to see a gold cloud with the numbers 8&13

  6. I've been wandering if I should pray for my old church, but I did that earlier this year and neglected to pray for the church I'm at right now. I'm praying for my old church, my former pastor is going through a transition: there are things that have happened and their members have no knowledge of what is going on

  7. My dream first starts out with me going grocery shopping for ingredients for my Christmas party. I go to the deli, I see some old friends of mine and we start talking about our former church: Now in the dream, I'm not seventeen, I'm nineteen and home from college. My friend begins to say "I can't believe your marrying" I can't hear the persons name. My friends brother begins to say, "That church is so empty, how can it still be around?".

    The dream fast forwards to me being at my former church, the building is different, it's not as big as the older church building. My parents start talking to the Pastor, while I excuse myself to the bathroom. Once again, I see numbers, now I see four of them on he mirror:8,13,4,19.

    After I catch up to my family, the pastor's wife pulls me aside, "You have to come over with the bridesmaid dresses," I smile and say I would.
    Later, I'm watching the news with my sister, my old church has been flooded.

  8. The past two dreams I have had involve me along with my former church:
    The 1st dream focused on the receiving of a ring from Tiffany's, it had "You are destined for greatness" I got it while I was in the office of my old church. To make a long story short, the Lord told my mom while she picked out my name "Name her Destine because she is destined to live and do great things". Would that correlate with the dream? The numbers 8&13 were also engraved on the ring. In the second dream, the numbers 8&13 were in a toilet bowl, a pair of hands held up 8&13 along with my former church building as well. My former pastor's son was in the last dream, his shirt had the numbers 8&13 on it

  9. I'm at a restaurant with my Mom along wih my aunt: I go to the restroom and I see tue numbers 8&13 in the toilet bowl. I get creeped out, I walk out back to our table. As the waiter takes our order, I see hands (no body, just hands. I think they belonged to an angel) holding the numbers 8&13, along with the building of th church I used to attend.
    The dream fast forwards to me at a youth service, there is something so familiar to it, but it's not my church. I see my former Pastor's son, the numbers 8&13 are glowing on his shirt. The dream skips forward to where I'm in my room seeing something take place in the natural: I see my Pastor with my old Pastor, my former pastor is asking to rent our church building while his building is in the process of construction

  10. The dream I had was really, strange: I'm at my old church for it's annual nativity.I'm having a good time looking around, also catching up with old friends.
    The odd part comes when I go into the church office: My mom is in there praying with the pastor. I quietly go to the lounge area in the office. A guy is in there, he's so familiar To me, but I can't see his face, there's a white cloud over it. We talk about our jobs, when he suddenly hands me a promise ring. The ring has "You are destined for greatness
    (It comes in a Tiffany blue box. Here's the odd part, that's something the Lord told my Mom about me when she was still pregnant with me. I asked him, "How did you know this?" and he says "Because you told me." I can see this short angel watching us. The dream fastforwards to me listening to music with family. I can't focus on the music, because on the TV screen(which is off) I see two glowing hands holding the numbers 8 and 13

  11. So, the lord brought this dream that I had last year at this same time:
    In the dream, my former pastor's family were moving in next door to us.
    I'm helping them carry boxes, I remember one box was filled with candles that were
    Lit. But the box didn't catch on fire.the mood in the dream was sad, my old neighbors( who lived in the house before my pastors) were crying about having to leave.

  12. I'm in a mall shopping with my friend, we go into each store looking for gifts for our parents. I tell my friend "I still don't have an idea how to tell my parents," my friend reassures me that everything will be OK. we visit eight stores, in each one I find a picture(it's blank) on the floor in all the stores we visit. The last one we visit,
    I buy my mom a necklace, the woman ringing me up says; "God has a plan for you, don't pray things away that were placed in your heart for a purpose" I wake up after this

  13. I'm home with my family watching Christmas movies. After it's over, my sister and I go outside to wash our car; I start to clean the roof of our van, the car changes to a
    Mercedes(my mom has been praying for one) my sister and I both ask each other,
    "How did this happen?" I put my sponge down so I can tell my mom what happened.
    When I get inside the house, I tell her "Mom, god manifested your car in the driveway!"
    My mom replies, "That's just faith in manifestation baby," I go back outside to help my sister. I'm drying the car with a towel, my sister says to me
    "When were you going to say anything ?" I tell her I just told mom about the car.
    My sister shakes her head at me, "I found condoms in your room."
    I stop drying the car and run into the house. When I reach my room, I start to cry while clutching my stomach. I notice small droplets of blood on my hands, falling to my knees I sob harder.I text my (former) Pastor's wife, she replies "I know what happened, god still loves you, and I love you"

  14. I'm at a craft store with my mom to buy Christmas supplies. My mom goes
    Into the car to get a coupon she left while I stand in line. In the dream I start feeling sad and empty. Once my mom comes back, we pay for our things and leave.
    That evening, I help with a Christmas drama at my former dance studio. I help the younger girls change clothes and keep things tidy in the dressing room.

    My mom picks me up once it ends, my mom asks me if I want to see the Nativity scene at our old church. I say yes, when we get there we talk to our former pastor and his son.
    The Pastor's son(I'll call him PS) invites me to walk around with him.
    I enjoy talking to him about the holiday and what lies ahead in the future.

    He offers to drive me home, I ask my mom and she gives me the OK.
    Fast forward to the end of the dream, I tell him on the ride home that I'm sad and confused about the future. I invite him in my house, my sister isn't home. My dog begins to growl at PS, I tell her to be quite. The next part of the dream takes part with PS&I in bed; I tell him he has to go or my Mom will kill him.

    I text my friend what I did, she tells me it's going to be alright.
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