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Posts posted by Destine

  1. So, I'm at a tea party with my friends, we're all talking about what we plan to do at her house afterwards. I end up running into a friend on my way to get water. My friend tells me he isn't doing too well; he looks really depressed and sad. After the tea party, we go to my friends house. Something happens To my friend, she starts to cry and vomits blood.

  2. I'm in my Mom's room, my hair looks shorter, because my hair is typically long. My mimed asking me about something andit caused me great grief. My hair grew out faster after a short period of time. I walk into a room and it's a church and the individuals who are getting prayed over are healed. In the next part of the dream, I'm on the phone crying, talking to one of my mentors. I had the sense that I was shameful about something I did. The next part I see myself repenting for falling into sexual temptation

  3. My friend is over at my house to hang out and make Christmas cookies. My parents take us to a Christmas display exhibit and we find a dead body in the snow. We report it to the owners and the police show up. Afterwards, we eat and go back home. I go outside to walk my dog and this lizard bit me and I bled

  4. I had two dreams last night: I'm at a party with my family at an old co-workers house, my sister and I are bored while my parents are enjoying themselves. My sister and I walk around and find an old friend. We talk and we decide to change out of our wet swimsuits to play UNO. I find a bathroom, after I finish changing, I hear a scream come from the bathroom. I open the door to see a guy trying to attack my friend. I throw a book at his head and he leaves. My friend and I get my sister so we can talk to the parents about what happens. Once we get downstairs I realize I left my purse, I go back to the bathroom to see the guy who attacked my friend. He threatens to kill me if I tell anyone I saw his face.

    Dream 2: I'm off of work and my sister invites me to go to the movies with her and some friends. I say "sure". We get to the movie theatre, get some snacks;then meet up with our friends. The previews already started, we spot our friends and sit. Once the movie starts, shots are fired from the back of the theater. I get hit in the arm, but I don't bleed. The theater dream was filled with black and red smoke.

  5. My pastor is preaching at the church he used to work at, when gun shots are fired from the congregation. My family and I leave and once I get home,my friend invites me to sleep over. I talk To my parents and they say yes. My dad drops me off at my friends house. My friend and I are talking about something when het dad comes in and warns me about a relationship I'm in isn't safe. I disagreed with my friends father. The next day, I'm at the house of( the person my friends dad tried to warn me about) a fire breaks out, and I end up getting hurt.

  6. I want to ask for A prayer of healing: My legs feel tight as if I strained the muscles in both of my thighs, my neck feels sore as well. Even my hair looks different than it usually looks like. I'm not stressed, I think it's an attack from praying for people

  7. I'm at church. and my pastor is speaking at the former church he used to work at: During the sermon, gun shots are fired from the congregation, none of them hit my pastor. I went home and my friend called and asked if I wanted to sleep-over. I said I would need to check with my parents. My parents said yes, and my dad drove me to her house. While I was talking with my friend, her dad joined the conversation and he said "It sounds like to me ever since you started hanging out with this Guy you like, you started to ignore your parents. I think you should stop seeing him," I ignored him and my friend asked her dad to leave. Before he left, he said "Be careful, I think he's dangerous" Than I woke up

  8. I'm in a clothing store, folding clothes and doing markdowns with a fellow co-worker.
    I excuse myself to the restroom where I find a few guys just talking and hanging out in the omens bathroom. I tell them to leave or I would get security, they attack me and try to prevent me from leaving. I get out and scream and locate security who handles the situation. I tel my manager what happened and she sends me home to calm down. My mom picks me up and when we get home; the phone rings and it's our pastor. He Asks us to come to his house for an urgent emergency. We do, an old pastor we know is there along with her son, and he had a mental breakdown. We start to pray and he vomits demons.

  9. I'm in my mothers room watching a TV ministry, when our dog starts to growl,She starts walking out of the room and the next thing we hear is her whining and she comes back into the room. We go into the living room ( the room my dog was in) and my mother begins to rebuke all unclean spirits;I open the door to make sure their out of the house. We go about out business and start to get ready for a Christmas party. I get a text from my old pastor's wife, She says her son isn't doing well and might have to see a psychologist.

  10. I forgot to submit this dream when it happened, God brought it back to my memory today:

    I'm at a friends house, helping them move, My Mom is talking with the parents over tea about decorative ideas, I'm helping my friend move some boxes and what not. My friend begins to tell me that their struggling with depression, and basically feel like a failure. Once my mother and I leave, I tell her what my friend said, she told me "Well, I tried talking to them (the parents) about how your friend seems different, and looks depressed, but their in denial." the dream was filled with darkness, and it was foggy too.

  11. Grey Butterfly wrote:
    :o) I know how you feel Destine, (cos' I recently felt compelled to tell someone to go have a skin cancer check if they hadn't had one in a while - because of my dream. They took it well, said it was a bit "left field", I just agreed that indeed it was! LOL, and left it with them) I am sure it will make a difference to him to know you cared enough to get over the awkwardness of sending it. I pray that it hits the spot and brings him to a place where he feels he can take the risk of seeking help from those who love him. I pray that he recognises God's love for him in giving this message to you in order to reach out to him.

    Bless you xx

    Thank you, and I hope it can be used as a tool to bring him closer to God.

  12. In the first part of the dream, I'm at my old church and the
    Former youth pastor(he no longer works there) is standing at the door.
    I run up to him and just cry, and tell him everything that has happened
    To me, he says "It's going to be alright" I get the feeling that someone
    Has betrayed me, and my former youth pastor counsels me.
    In the next part of the dream, I'm with my sister and mom, we
    Run into old friends and we have lunch together. My friends invite me and
    My sister to sleep over. We go home to pack and I notice that a lot of the clothes
    In my closet are new. We go to the car to put or things in the trunk when we're finished, I realize we have a new car( mom has been praying for a new car)
    On the ride to the friends house, Mom says she is going to bake Christmas cookies for our former senior pastor because their going through a lot with their son.
    The sleep over is very fun and relaxing, and the whole dream is filled with the colors gold and white

  13. Grey Butterfly wrote:
    Hi Destine,

    I don't know you, or if you dream symbolically or literally... these sound like warnings to me, but I'm no interpreter.

    I would pray for the Pastor's child in the second dream at least. Are you still in touch with them?

    The thing that struck me is that red and green are christmas colours and the dreams are both set at christmas... that seems like a time marker to me.

    Blessings to you as you pray and work with God to discern the meaning of your dreams :o)


    Yes I am, I still talk to his Mom, I just felt compelled because something recently happened to him, and without going into a lot of detail, It sounds like he's close to the edge of doing something he would terribly regret. We aren't really friends, but I do pray for his parents, I felt the Lord leading me to make him a card; But I tried to ignore it. Just because I felt silly and didn't know what he would think about it, and basically made a lot of excuses. I decided to obey God and made him a card, it may help or it may not.

  14. The 2 dreams I am about to describe all happened last night:

    1st dream: I'm at a hotel resort complex with my family for vacation, I can tell it's during Christmas because I see Christmas decor in the palm trees. My parents send my sister and I off to a store to get a few things; When we get back, I head upstairs to our room, a guy leaps out from around the corner and tries to attack me. My sister hears me screaming, She comes up the stairs, scaring the Guy off. My sister and I agree that he was trying to rape me; We tell our parents as soon as we get to our rooms. We decide to check out of the resort just to be safe. The color through this dream was green.

    2nd dream: I'm at work dressed in a formal, The management team made and announcement that every sales associate/cashier should dress in formals to encourage the sales of formal wear with the customers. My mom calls me to inform me that she cannot pick me up; And to call our old Pastor's wife. I'm a little surprised, but I do what she says. My former pastor's wife picks me up, her kids are in the car as well. I notice that her older son looks really, dark, I actually see a dark cloud around him. When we get to my house, My mom talks to our old pastor's wife in another room; I go to my room and change. Once I come back out, I watch TV with my sister and her sons. Once they leave, I ask my Mom if everything is alright with them. She said "No, their older son is contemplating suicide". I'm not really shocked, but it's still alarming. This dream was filled with the color red, and it took place during Christmas too.

  15. The 2 dreams I am about to describe all happened last night:

    1st dream: I'm at a hotel resort complex with my family for vacation, I can tell it's during Christmas because I see Christmas decor in the palm trees. My parents send my sister and I off to a store to get a few things; When we get back, I head upstairs to our room, a guy leaps out from around the corner and tries to attack me. My sister hears me screaming, She comes up the stairs, scaring the Guy off. My sister and I agree that he was trying to rape me; We tell our parents as soon as we get to our rooms. We decide to check out of the resort just to be safe. The color through this dream was green.

    2nd dream: I'm at work dressed in a formal, The management team made and announcement that every sales associate/cashier should dress in formals to encourage the sales of formal wear with the customers. My mom calls me to inform me that she cannot pick me up; And to call our old Pastor's wife. I'm a little surprised, but I do what she says. My former pastor's wife picks me up, her kids are in the car as well. I notice that her older son looks really, dark, I actually see a dark cloud around him. When we get to my house, My mom talks to our old pastor's wife in another room; I go to my room and change. Once I come back out, I watch TV with my sister and her sons. Once they leave, I ask my Mom if everything is alright with them. She said "No, their older son is contemplating suicide". I'm not really shocked, but it's still alarming. This dream was filled with the color red, and it took place during Christmas too.

  16. I'm in my church, and my Senior Pastor invited his former Boss (who happens to be a Senior Pastor as well) to speak at our church; It starts out going well, with praise & worship, and the chairs have to be moved for all the new visitors to come in. Our first lady starts a big riot (during the service) because she's mad that her husband allowed their former boss to speak at their church

  17. About a week or two ago I had this dream: My mom was speaking at our former church, our former Senior pastor apologized to (our now) Pastor for everything he did to him in the past that wasn't right and went against the word. We were happy to see that they were reconciling. Now, in the pastor's office it's white, and I feel peaceful. I join my mother in the sanctuary, she's talking to our former first lady, telling her how excited she is about speaking there. The sanctuary is starting to fill up with members and visitors for the conference my mom is speaking for. Our Pastor's wife comes in, and starts yelling at my mom, saying "How dare you become friends with her, if you want to be a member of my husband's church you need to be speaking to me!" Mind you, everyone is giving her crazy looks. My mother along with our former pastor's wife try to calm her down, The pastors come in and look around at the confusion that has just taken place. The sanctuary is filled with black.
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