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Posts posted by Destine

  1. I really am baffled by this it's very strange, the dream is now coming back to me because I couldn't remember it yesterday. So, I'm at my sr. pastor's house, and we are all celebrating about God blessing us with a building for our church. We are in K's room talking when we see someone trying to get through the window. It's our old sr. pastor's son (the youngest) we let him in. We notice he has something in his hand and it's a frog, K and her sister (A) start to scream because it starts to jump every where; The frog bites K on the eye, but she doesn't bleed.
    We force him to throw the frog out the window, and he does. K askes him what is he doing at her house, and he said he didn't like his church anymore because it's making his parents fight, so he wants to runaway. A gets her dad and he calls the sr. pastor to tell him what happened, and they come to pick him up. Than, we are in our church service, and I think it's our formal youth pastor congratulating us on getting our building. (I can't see his face but I recognize his voice) and we all start to clap and so forth, and I just see the color of gold in the building

  2. I really am baffled by this it's very strange, the dream is now coming back to me because I couldn't remember it yesterday. So, I'm at my sr. pastor's house, and we are all celebrating about God blessing us with a building for our church. We are in K's room talking when we see someone trying to get through the window. It's our old sr. pastor's son (the youngest) we let him in. We notice he has something in his hand and it's a frog, K and her sister (A) start to scream because it starts to jump every where; The frog bites K on the eye, but she doesn't bleed.
    We force him to throw the frog out the window, and he does. K askes him what is he doing at her house, and he said he didn't like his church anymore because it's making his parents fight, so he wants to runaway. A gets her dad and he calls the sr. pastor to tell him what happened, and they come to pick him up. Than, we are in our church service, and I think it's our formal youth pastor congratulating us on getting our building. (I can't see his face but I recognize his voice) and we all start to clap and so forth, and I just see the color of gold in the building.

  3. Ah yes, I was contemplating if there could possibly be an element of weakness to the flesh as well. Fear, I know that scripture too, my mom used to quote that to me daily because I had a horrible fear of dogs for a long time. I'm set free of that, praise God! God has been dealing with me with my sin of worry, So I'm constantly praying and quoting Jeremiah 29:11 over myself and 2 Timothy 1:7.. I will share with my mom.. thanks so much to you (Piano) and Peter!
    God Bless!!

  4. I am trying to pray more, and my mom's friend believes God wants to raise me up to be an intercessor. Thanks for the comment, it makes a lot of sense; I was able to call Tasha last night and she was shocked as well. We both believe since the alligator was sitting outside in front of my house that it means we already know the person the enemy is going to try to use, So we just need to pray more now!

  5. lola21st wrote:
    Destine, have you posted your dream?

    The first comment I had was the dream I had, I was trying to shorten it! Sorry, I didn't realize you replied to the comment. But I actually had a very disturbing dream recently (I posted it today in the dreams to be interpreted, But I left out some details)

    So here it goes: I'm in this mansion that is apparently my home, the vision team of my youth groupd are present, Because we are having a meeting discussing the ministry and how to run it more smoothly. (In my church *we* the youth are in charge of the ministry) so, we are all discussing issues when all of the sudden I see someone trying to cut up my dog.(The person was actually my old sr. pastor's kid) so I personally kick the kid out of our house, and when I step outside, I see this alligator, and it scares me so I begin to scream. I run back into the house, But they were already screaming! I didn't even tell them, finally I turn around and see the alligator followed me into the house and began to chase me and the other leaders around the house

  6. So, I had a very strange and interesting dream 3 nights ago: I was in a mansion with my sister and the core cirlce of the leadership team of our church youth group. (we the youth are actually in charge of running the ministry) we were discussing some things; My sister interupted the meeting because someone was trying to cut up our dog. We grabbed the knife from this person (the person was in this black cloak) and actually said "No, we want you!" talking about me, I kicked the person in the cloak out of our house. I stood outside to make sure he was gone, But I noticed
    a long alligator sitting outside in the front yard of my house. I run back into the house, But my friends were already screaming! I didn't even tell them, finally I turn around and see that the alligator followed me into the house and began to chase me and the other leaders around the house. It was chasing mostly me and the core leader (Tasha). Tasha fought the alligator off of her leg, it almost got me but I missed it.

  7. renaemrgn wrote:
    I will pray for you Destine. I went through something similar to that. I felt pushed to take anti-depressants and I did. I stopped talking them after a week because I felt in my heart that covering the issues with a pill wouldn't do anything to solve the problem. I agree with excersising. Right now I excersise, try to eat healthy and try to get out even if it's just standing at the front door to get some sun. It's been working as I have been more happy and less depressed and things are starting to not bother me as much.

    Thank you! it's always nice to hear when someone is praying:::)

  8. Cholette wrote:
    Hi Destine!!!

    I will pray for you. Your emotions will come into control the more you read the Word of God and the more you pray to the Lord in those moments. I can't explain how it happens, but in Hebrews 4:10 it says that the word of God is LIVING and POWERFUL...it goes into those areas and divides and conquers. God gave us emotions for a purpose, but they are NEVER to rule us.

    Go to the Lord and give everything over to Him. I wouldn't do the anti-depressents...but that's just me. We have a drugged up society as it is and we KNOW the King of kings and the LORD of lords...we have an advantage...so let the Lord rule and reign. My opinion about the anti depressents is ONLY my opinion. I can't tell you what to do in that area, but I think you already know it's something you don't really want to do.

    Blessings and much prayer for you!!!

    Thank you! I did not feel at ease with the dr. suggesting for me to take the medicine,

    My mom asked me yesterday how I felt about the medicine, I told her I didn't like the idea; She didn't agree with the idea of taking that kind of meds, so we are not going to take the anti-depressents.
    And we are going to swtich drs. I'm making more of a commitment now to read more of the word, Before I would just read my favorite scriptures daily or just read it when I watch Dr. Creflo dollar or when I'm at church.

  9. Hi, I need a little bit of prayer: I have let a lot of things just build up in my emotions, And finally I exploded. The dr. (I don't think she is a christian) wants to put me on anti-depressant meds, And she wants to do a cat-scan on my brain. I have basically been having a lot of bad headaches and facial pain because I haven't been that happy and I just never told anyone. And I have been stressed so my dr. believes I have muscle spasms on and off; I thought I just needed to get more exercise, So I would walk my dog more and stretch more.. things of that nature. We are going to change drs. because she seems to be saying that medicine is the only answer and I know medicine is not the only answer. And my mom's friend knows others who have become addicts of anti-depressants... so please pray

  10. OK, this dream happened last Monday but I was busy so I was unable to post this right away. I'm at this modeling function with my dad, me and my friend get picked to do a modeling gig and we're all excited about being chosen so were hugging each other and thanking God for blessing us in such a wonderful way. I end up in sea world doing a dance performance will my ballet class during the Christmas holiday; The dance really blesses the crowd. After I dance, I find myself at church

    (my old church, I am at a new one currently) and it's still Christmas time, my old Sr. pastor is welcoming all the members from the pulpit, than he formally says "it's so nice to see you all (he says my family's last name)" and we smile. After he does this, he says "Now lets welcome our Sr. Pastor" which I'm completely shocked by, So a man walks up to the pulpit, but I cannot see who it is! The service ends, and I ask my parents if I can go into a store to get something.

    I'm in the store with one of my dear friends and were looking for something, we take a long time so I get this weird phone call from my grand-dad saying me and my friend need to get out of there. So we do, and my friend rides with me and my family to our vacation house, and our house is covered in Christmas lights, everything is twinkling and than I hear my mom say "Everybody get out!", I don't know what happened but something bad did occur.

    I heard my mom talking and she had a similar dream where me and my sister were helping her with Christmas decor and the front lawn catches on fire.

  11. Hi I'm Destine and I just recently turned sixteen; I have been praying that God will tell me exactly what he wants me to do with my life, and after around 5 months of praying that on a continual basis, God spoke to my heart while I was sleeping and he said "I created you to dance, your testimony through dance will bring people to Christ" I know this may sound really bad since I have been a christian since I was really small but I really don't know if I actually heard him correctly! So I prayed today that he would show me if I actually did hear him correctly. I know the word says "My sheep will know my voice". See, my mom told me that she doesn't want me to be a dancer because it seems that I keep changing my mind on exactly what I want to do, so she said being a dancer is basically out of the question. So, please just pray for me

  12. I had a dream back in February where I was in my van with my family, (on our way to church) and I had my phone in my hand, and it was broken. I put my phone back into my purse and when my dad made a sharp turn, I picked up my purse and the phone was put back together! Instead of going to church, we went to a neighbors house (I don't know who the lady was) and I kept hearing this bark coming from her house, she excused herself to let her dog out, And once she came back my dad asked her if it would be alright for us to walk her dog, she said sure. Now the dog was friendly, but when the dog saw me, the dog started to whine and bark like it was trying to tell me something, and I was really confused. So, I looked up what the symbol of a van, I found out it means transitioning to a new church. A week later after this dream, my mom tells me that we are going to leave our church. I was shocked on how fast that dream manifested, Also what was I found to be really interesting was that on my last Sunday (I didn't know it was my last Sunday at the time) I told my friend "I really want to leave this church", three days later my mom tells me were leaving. God really works fast!

  13. KDRE wrote:

    It seems as though you do have alot of respect for your parents and it their influence in your life is very important

    Sometimes God uses people as such as a means of authority, someone you're familiar with, someone you respect and find their words important to speak to you

    Whoever this T is, God is trying to protect you. Check the discernment and understand how his care is pouring over your life right now. It must be a real devestating ending for your own life that he's trying to keep you away from the danger.

    There is probably this demon assigned to "sift you as wheat", but that is not God's will for your life.

    God has revealed something to me about a demon that may have entered my life some how, So now my mom and others are praying against it. Thanks

  14. Cat12 wrote:
    Destine- The Lord is giving you strong warnings regarding "T". It is important that you spend time in prayer regarding how the Lord wants you to interact with 'T". These Dreams keep revealing to you that no matter what 'T" appears to be or look like.. Underneath is a terrible assignment to wreak havoc on your life. "T" is not who he appears to be to you on the surface.. He is someone the enemy is and can use to keep you from the plans and purposes that God has for you. The Lord is showing you what is really going on behind what you currently see and what road this relationship will lead you to. Ultimately destruction.

    I believe so as well, I am now in the place where I actually won't have to see him at all, So I feel at peace right now

  15. I had a dream that me and my sister along with one of our good friends went out for a Youth night party at a local store, and we all had a good time talking, One of our older friends drove us there, and dropped us off at the church once it was over. We noticed our mom arriving with one of her friends in her van, and we were about to get out of our friends car when we saw this dead body fall off the church's building. That side of the church started to crumble and we started to scream, it was definitely a weird sight

  16. I was at one of my friends house just eating and hanging out, than we went to the mall and went shopping, And went to this class together afterwords. My friend asked me why I still looked upset, My other friend asked me was I still mad about being attacked, But she never said who attacked me. My parents picked me up and we went to someones house, and they had those tiny little dogs that look like hot-dogs, and one of them started to bark at me, So I ignored him, he stopped barking than I acknowledged his presence. He jumped on my knee and bit my index finger, but it did not bleed. The dog started to whine and rub against my leg, I told the dogs owner and she apologized and scolded the dog. Before I went to sleep last night, I asked God to show me what the meaning of these dreams are, and for him to warn me if something bad is about to happen in my life

  17. Since of January (last month) I have had some pretty strange dreams about my Sr. pastor's son, And I'm trying to figure out why.

    1st Dream: It was my sweet 16 birthday party (my birthday is coming up pretty soon) and my mom handed me this gift, it was a cell phone, I thanked them for it, because I really did not think I would get another cell phone. So, I excused myself and went into my room to charge my cell phone. My dad comes in with my Sr. Pastor's son, (I'll just call him SPK *senior pastor's kid*) so my dad is talking on top of his lungs saying he raped me, But I'm confused. SPK's dad comes in, and askes whats all the commotion is about. My dad explains it to him, which starts a fight between them. I look on the floor of my bedroom, and I see this snake slithering and smiling at me.

    2nd dream: I was walking with my family (I think we were at a place of dining) and I was carrying this beautiful baby, And she was so cute. I continued to walk, and my family was no longer with me. I ended up in a classroom, I was the only student, While my dad was the only teacher. My dad started to lecture me and he said I would have not ended up pregnant or hurt by SPK if I listened to him instead of following my instincts.

    3rd Dream: I'm at a store just shopping with my mom, we are done browsing around and we go up to the cashier. The lady who rung me up says I look very familiar, I tell her I don't have any social networking accounts, So it was funny for her to say that.She said she knew why and took out this cell-phone, on the phone was a picture of me, And the thing that creeped me out was that was the bg of my phone before I broke it last october. I asked her who gave it to her, And she said SPK gave it to her. Now I was really creeped out.

    4th Dream: I was at my church, and we were having 3 pastors preach because (we) the congregation were going to vote for our new sr. pastor. And each of them had thirty minutes to preach. SPK's dad did not want this to happen, He did not want anyone to take his church from him, So he asked the state bishop if he could hinder anything. I went into our youth room, And my mom was talking to someone, I sat down and started listening to my iPod . SPK comes up and tries to sit next to me, and my mom hit the roof, she said for him never to go near me, And the person who she was talking to agreed.

    5th Dream: I was celebrating something with my sister and friends, we were having a good time until SPK came in with his friend. Everything was going smoothly, than I ended up alone with him, And than I came running out of a room crying, So we went to my friends house. Once we were there, a few hours later I needed to get something out of our car, And once I got it, (My friends dad was out there just to make sure I was OK) and I got it, and this dog started barking at me, Not the kind of bark a dog gives when they are about to attack, But one of those barks they give when something is wrong. The dog tries to block my way into the house, whining a little now, But my friend's dad holds the dog's collar so I can enter.

    6th Dream: So, I was in this store with my friends, it's like a craft store and we were making something basically having a good time. I go to the back to get something, And the woman who owns the store (M) says she has some cell-phones I can take for under $40, I tell her "Well, I only have $20" so she said she'd give them for free, I thanked her and begin to look in the boxes. I found this phone that was exactly lilke my old my phone, And I turned it on, and the screensaver was a picture of me! It really weirded me out, I asked my friend if she saw the same thing, and she said she did.
    So, I continue to look through the phone and I notice the contacts are all the ones I have in my phone, and all the pictures on the phone are pictures of me. It really scared me, So I asked Miss M where she got it from, and she said that her daugther got it from her friend that went to a different school. So, I talk to her daugther and she said the only thing her friend told her was that a guy gave it to her, And that he liked me. It really made no sense and I'll tell you why: MY phone that looked like the one in the dream is broken, I mean like in 2 pieces no hope for it. And it really weirded me out, Because I had another dream like this a few weeks ago:

    7th Dream:
    So, I was at my church helping the children's director with the children choir, My friends were also helping me, we were all having lots of fun. In the backstage area, my friend was crying and I asked why and someone said something mean to her, So I comforted her and the children's director scolded the girl who was mean to my friend. Once church was over, for some reason I was at my Sr. Pastor's house, my parents had me staying with them instead of another family. My friends were able to come over, and we were sititng in the room I was staying in, helping me fold some clothes. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, I just went in there to fix my hair when someone starts knocking on the door. I said "Someone's in here" and the person continued knocking and started saying my name, I forgot to lock the door and it was opened and my sr. Pastor's son was standing there, and he forced me to the ground but I was able to get up and I started running. I made it back to the room where my friends were at, I told them and they started to lock the doors. I texted my parents about it and they said they would be on their way.

    I think the reason why these dreams seem so weird to me is that the guy who has been in it hasn't really been mean to me at all, Like last month he gave me a hug (actually it was the day after I had that dream about my dad accusing him of raping me) so it was a little strange.

  18. So, I was at my church helping the children's director with the children choir, My friends were also helping me, we were all having lots of fun. In the backstage area, my friend was crying and I asked why and someone said something mean to her, So I comforted her and the children's director scolded the girl who was mean to my friend. Once church was over, for some reason I was at my Sr. Pastor's house, my parents had me staying with them instead of another family. My friends were able to come over, and we were sititng in the room I was staying in, helping me fold some clothes. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, I just went in there to fix my hair when someone starts knocking on the door. I said "Someone's in here" and the person continued knocking and started saying my name, I forgot to lock the door and it was opened and my sr. Pastor's son was standing there, and he forced me to the ground but I was able to get up and I started running. I made it back to the room where my friends were at, I told them and they started to lock the doors. I texted my parents about it and they said they would be on their way
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