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Posts posted by Destine

  1. I had a dream about three days ago pertaining to me text messaging my former sr.pastor &his wife
    About my engagement to their oldest son. The next day, I was texting my former pastor and he said they really missed and loved my family.
    About a week ago I dreamt that I had my companies launched, they grosses $200 billion dollars in one week, that same week, My pastor's son proposed to me, I said yes We started to plan for the wedding in my old church e's choir room, I remember the room was white, gold and purple.

  2. I'm at my former Sr. Pastor's house, talking with his older son, and with one of his friends, (T, the pastor's son) leaves the room, Leaving me with his friend. At first, everything is fine, we are just listening to music and having a good time. The guy starts to touch my hair, I decline his offer to sleep with him, But he doesn't take no for an answer. T's dad, walks in after hearing me scream, He starts yelling at him, pulls him off of me, And takes him outside to their family room. T comes in, and holds me and tells me everything is going to be OK, Though I'm crying.. I try to believe.

  3. Can anyone help with this dream? I have had like it least 60 dreams about this boy with the theme of us being together, Or were adults and we have kids, It's a little weird; It started during a time where both of our families were at odds with one another, Our families our OK now, it just seemed odd to me.

    I had this dream that I was at the grand Floridian (Disney Resorts) in their wedding pavilion, All of my relatives and close friends were dressed in white, I was in a pink/ white wedding gown, I walked down the aisle with my dad, Who gave me away to Tyler. We had a reception afterwards, I just remember all the rooms were white.
    The next part of the dream we were in a huge mansion, We had a party and we were all eating, We went to the movies and saw Tyler's parents, we talked, but the new years celebration was not for 2013, But for 2012. The movie theatre was filled with different stores I like to shop in, And it was quite upscale. Does anyone have any ideas?

  4. I had this dream that I was at the grand Floridian (Disney Resorts) in their wedding pavilion, All of my relatives and close friends were dressed in white, I was in a pink/ white wedding gown, I walked down the aisle with my dad, Who gave me away to Tyler. We had a reception afterwards, I just remember all the rooms were white.
    The next part of the dream we were in a huge mansion, We had a party and we were all eating, We went to the movies and saw Tyler's parents, we talked, but the new years celebration was not for 2013, But for 2012. The movie theatre was filled with different stores I like to shop in, And it was quite upscale. Does anyone have any ideas?

  5. Daisy wrote:
    I was going to ask you if you feel a desire to have a television ministry. Then, jjp's comments make me think that if you are called into ministry, even if you never go on tv, you would still be a public figure no matter how large the audience is. Do you feel this calling?? Also, have you prayed or been thoughtful of becoming connected to Paula's ministry, once you are of age? Just some thoughts....not an interp. Please pray on them.

    I did, no one replied, I just came here to ask for prayer over it. My mom's been to some of her conferences, I just now started listening to her tapes on my own. I have no connection with her

  6. So, I had a dream of getting married, walking around in a house next door to my pastor's house, I was i my wedding dress, unpacking boxes. The next day, I was with Pastor Paula white, she was mentoring me, And preparing me to go on TBN with her for the next day. The house was filled with white and gold, we had gifts flown in from different designers, we had a ten safes full of gold coins and money, we had maids and different luxury cars, We had a stature fountain of the Lion & The lamb in front of our house.

    Pastor Paula has taken over a church close to where I live, that was the end of my dream. In October 2008, I had a dream of being on TBN with Tyler (Sr. pastor's son) being interviewed by Pastor Paula, She asked me why I got in church ministry, I explained I helped Tyler's mom with a lot with her duties as the first lady. She asked him how he figured out about me being the one.. he began to speak.

  7. So, I had a dream of getting married, walking around in a house next door to my pastor's house, I was i my wedding dress, unpacking boxes. The next day, I was with Pastor Paula white, she was mentoring me, And preparing me to go on TBN with her for the next day. The house was filled with white and gold, we had gifts flown in from different designers, we had a ten safes full of gold coins and money, we had maids and different luxury cars, We had a stature fountain of the Lion & The lamb in front of our house.

    Pastor Paula has taken over a church close to where I live, that was the end of my dream. In October 2008, I had a dream of being on TBN with Tyler (Sr. pastor's son) being interviewed by Pastor Paula, She asked me why I got in church ministry, I explained I helped Tyler's mom with a lot with her duties as the first lady. She asked him how he figured out about me being the one.. he began to speak.

  8. Thanks, I have had it like at least (since July 2010-present) dreams of Tyler and it all referred to us getting married... I had a dream (I'll type it here) That I was at my Former Sr. Pastor's church (Tyler's dad) in a meeting in the board room @ church, With Tyler, my parents and the knew Youth Pastor's from Pastor's old church back in Maryland. We went into the sanctuary, Ms. amber (Youth Pastor's wife) began selecting things for the wedding ceremony, than someone came in with drawings of my dress. Tyler drove me in home in mom's car, We were driving pretty fast. The next day: My mom said something, basically she got mad because she claimed she spent a fortune on this Holiday bag, getting mad over the fact that I used it for a gift for someone that was not in our family, She said I 'stole' it from her room, Which was a lie, I got it from our guest room, My sister does this all the time to her, me and my dad; Now it's wrong? I assume it's a gift-bag, not cash or someone's belongings. So, I went walking, I end up at my pastor's house, I told them I was mad, and started to cry. I talked with them for about 1 hr, His wife drove me home; My former pastor wanted his son to drive over to walk me into my house, I declined the offer, and said thanks anyways. My mom grounded me because my immature sister said I was acting like the fictional character Massie Block from the Clique series, lying saying I'm talking like her, and dressing like her. I ended up grounded, I can't carry around any of my designer purses, half of them were bought with money other family members GAVE me... and I couldn't wear make-up or read.. thanks to my sister, She was all "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were trying to be like her" She even blocked my internet a week before because I was on here asking questions about dreams about Tyler; Of course I ended up with no internet privileges anyways. My sister is a master manipulator, lying saying my mom made her block my internet, saying she was told to do it: Fact, my mom has put parental controls on, I don't mind it blocks bad sites, I just find it funny it happens 1 week after it being put up, The one day I don't log-out of the computer.. very sneaky.

  9. I'm in this mansion, unpacking things I have bought, which have been exclusively sent from the designers. I look at my finger, I'm married, I have a party with my friends coming and celebrating, people tell me how nice my house is. A lot of my friends are surprised at who I Married (Tyler). They were very supportive... the house was colored in orange, green, pink and purple

  10. I had a dream I was staying in my old friends house with my grandma and sister, They left to go to church; The house was filled with purses from coach, Louis Vuitton, Juicy Couture, and Gucci. It was a gift from Joseph, my sister was talking about how great it was about us getting married; Our grandma came back said that we missed our parents flight, so they wouldn't be able to come to something after the wedding. We started rushing, packing those purses into our bags, and shipping them US postal in boxes, we were running everywhere trying to get to the airport. I woke up after that.
    The house had the colors of pink and yellow every where

  11. Chimere wrote:
    double that!!!!! Amen Amen Amen That's right!!!!! We don't have to receive what the DEVIL SAYS!!!! Just because it's there, doesn't mean IT CAN'T CHANGE. We can always get God to change His mind and turn away all evil that wants to come our way. You can't avoid trials and tribulations, but remember this: As long as you're real and sincere with God, He will fight your battles for you. Yes, Destine, as the Lord is upon me, He's telling me to tell you, your mother needs to VERY, VERY careful who she tells her business to because there are a couple of people there THAT DON'T MEAN HER GOOD! I will be praying for you and your family and I decree it by faith that God will intervene on your family's behalf in Jesus name. May every strong hold in your life be DESTROYED in JESUS NAME!!!!! Be encouraged! You can make it with the Lord, precious heart! Jesus loves you so much :hearts:

    Thank you, it's probably our new Pastor's wife...

  12. Daisy wrote:
    I will be praying for you Destine! Your mom is very blessed to have you as a daughter! What a blessing that you help out so much! Even if it may seem like she doesn't notice as much as she should, please keep in mind that God still sees. He will honor you as you continue to obey your mom while you are under her care (even if you dont agree with the things she may ask you to do, or not to do). I am a mother myself, and I know I fall short and miss the mark. I also know that my heart towards my children is always in their best interest and motivated by love...even if I go about something in the wrong way. Im not by any means saying that you're wrong, or your mom is wrong. I also want you to know that I remember being 16 and wanting to make my own decisions. Don't worry, the time for you to totally spread your wings is sure to come. I just want to encourage you that as you continue to honor your mom, God will NOT overlook it, and He will in turn honor you! Keep your heart set upon Him, and great things are sure to come to pass!

    P.S. I also want to add that even though your mom may not be perfect, you are also very blessed to have a mom who has raised you to love the Lord! I would have loved to be able to grow up in the church as a kid! This is all just a preparation for you Destine, and God for sure has wonderful things in store for you! :hooray:

    A false prophet prayed over my mom, along with I and my older sister; But it was a curse, but my mom told the Pastor's wife, She talked to the Sr. Pastor, he said he'd pray about it.

  13. Oh, I meant she won't allow me to wear eye-liner, And she said I was wearing eye-shadow, I was rushing and put foundation over my eyes and it has glitter on it so it looks that way; I didn't tell her because it would make it worse. I haven't even seen Tyler in October. We haven't talked, we aren't together, we never have been. I mean there have been numerous times where I kind of spaced out because my mom had me stressed

    and I was alone and he was walking in church; I could have had like sex with him but I knew it would be wrong, I didn't go alone with him because God would be present; And everyone knows everyone's business because my mom always so called 'prayed' with the Exec. Pastor's wife, they gossiped so much.

    Tyler's mom talked with my mom Wednesday, I heard her say it went well, ever since than she's been mad. She talked with our Pastor's wife (Exec. pastor's wife) and she said they had a lot in common regarding purses, decorating, kids, and life, clothes and she thought his mom wanted them to be good friends, but she was in fear of trusting someone because of her husbands title.

    Since, my mom is not that close with our Sr. Pastor (former exec. pastor/worship leader), things have been strange and dramatic at church since July. But, she thinks it happened so she can be closer with Tyler's mom. I PERSONALLY: think it happened to make my mom finally FORGIVE Tyler, his brother, and his parents. She still talks about what happened in July 2010, She brought it up.. everyday. She's doing the SAME exact thing since I went to their house. I personally think it's because their white, and I'm not. I have a great-granddad, two great uncles, 8 cousins, a sister-in-law who are white, I see no problem with them being white.

    I looked at our genealogy tree, we have relatives from Alabama, Mississauga, Louisiana, and since I'm light-skinned that would make me French (creole) correct? I shortened my name because the user name was not available, I spell it Destinee, that's the french way.

    I just do not understand it... I also think it jealously and insecurity.. my sister is 19 and no one has really stated that they want to court her, Sure guys have liked her; There is one she could court, she liked him but now she's 'too' good for him because she went to Culinary school.
    I do my own: Laundry, I clean our house *5000 sq. ft.* clean my mom's room, do her hair *I should have not mentioned me wanting to be a stylist to her* ,

    Buy groceries for her, pay bills for her, Balance her check book, help HER with the activities she does, Clean up the messes my sister's dog made (I asked for an iPod for Christmas in 2008, I got it.. not a dog) I do school work (Home-schooled all my life, I've been doing it alone since the 7th grade, I'm a Sr.. I did High-school level stuff since the 4th grade.. minus math)

    Decorate churches for her.. which I hate doing but I don't complain about it, Water the grass for her, walk my sister's dog, than get to do one thing which is ballet which she almost took away from me because she's on like 6 boards and she said it was 'selfish' for me to ask her for her to leave it for once a month.. she replied "It's only once a month" this is the ONLY thing I get to do.

    I make little girls hair bows at dance, I try to mentor the tween-teens there between the ages of 8-14... I don't tell my mom about this because she'll say I'm trying to be proud or something

  14. My mom won't let me wear it as punishment for going to my Pastor's house.. I was trying to figure out why she went off so much the past 2 days.. she talked to his wife; Their conversation went well.. she's just still irritated.. Now she's threatening to not let me graduate until 2013. Won't hurt me, I said I wanted to graduate in 2013

    So, my mom believes I am spoiled because I went into a store, My grandad gave me $100 for Christmas, I spent $30 on a Juicy Couture Wristlet; I figure, I have $70 dollars left, I go into the store: Purse from Juicy Couture, reg. $189 ($192 with tax) on sale for $59. Perfect color. I ask my mom, she tells me money went to groceries.. OK that would be OK if that were true. My mom told me I could buy anything I wanted Friday with that money: Saturday was my sister's 17th birthday: I found a receipt in my room that said that the purse my mom bought cost $69. The groceries cost $47.50. Now, my sister received $150 for her birthday, my money went to her. Groceries, fine it's a need, My sister's purse? No. My mom proceeds telling me that I am a brat, 1.) I have my period. 2.) I have bad sinus issues which proceeds to have drainage down my ears into my neck which feels like muscle spams 3. I only asked for three gifts for Christmas, the rest of stuff I got were like socks and lotion, I didn't care. 4.) I have like 40 things out to these girls at dance. 5.) I let someone else receive these concert tickets instead of myself

    The night before (Monday Night) I had a dream that I was in my formal church office with Pastor Chris & Ms. Julie, along with my parents, and Tyler. We went into the sanctuary, discussing my wedding; Tyler drove me home while we talked. Wednesday, my friend is going to college for fashion design, she wants to have a wedding dress shop, She discussed my wedding dress. Tyler was going to come to my house to walk me to my door, I said no though. I almost got into trouble for something I didn't do, but I'm getting the blame: I saw something for a free business card print if you like them on Face-book, I liked them, it asked for a credit card, Google saves credit cards, Once I realized it would probably charge her card; I cancelled it. My dad got a charge for $18, (The cards we're $11).. So I said, "I cancelled it" and she said "It charged it again" (if this were true, it would be $22, not $18!) Whatever, I cleared it up with my dad.-1/4/12
    On January 3rd, 2012
    I had this dream:I was in my formal Sr. Pastor's church, (With his wife) along with Tyler.. we were having a meeting with my parents as well.. the Youth Pastors were present; We went into the sanctuary, Ms. Amber (Youth pastor's wife) was planning out the visual side of my wedding; Tyler drove me home in my Mom's van; And we were moving fast, we were talking about our wedding.

  15. My mom won't let me wear it as punishment for going to my Pastor's house.. I was trying to figure out why she went off so much the past 2 days.. she talked to his wife; Their conversation went well.. she's just still irritated.. Now she's threatening to not let me graduate until 2013. Won't hurt me, I said I wanted to graduate in 2013

    So, my mom believes I am spoiled because I went into a store, My grandad gave me $100 for Christmas, I spent $30 on a Juicy Couture Wristlet; I figure, I have $70 dollars left, I go into the store: Purse from Juicy Couture, reg. $189 ($192 with tax) on sale for $59. Perfect color. I ask my mom, she tells me money went to groceries.. OK that would be OK if that were true. My mom told me I could buy anything I wanted Friday with that money: Saturday was my sister's 17th birthday: I found a receipt in my room that said that the purse my mom bought cost $69. The groceries cost $47.50. Now, my sister received $150 for her birthday, my money went to her. Groceries, fine it's a need, My sister's purse? No. My mom proceeds telling me that I am a brat, 1.) I have my period. 2.) I have bad sinus issues which proceeds to have drainage down my ears into my neck which feels like muscle spams 3. I only asked for three gifts for Christmas, the rest of stuff I got were like socks and lotion, I didn't care. 4.) I have like 40 things out to these girls at dance. 5.) I let someone else receive these concert tickets instead of myself

    The night before (Monday Night) I had a dream that I was in my formal church office with Pastor Chris & Ms. Julie, along with my parents, and Tyler. We went into the sanctuary, discussing my wedding; Tyler drove me home while we talked. Wednesday, my friend is going to college for fashion design, she wants to have a wedding dress shop, She discussed my wedding dress. Tyler was going to come to my house to walk me to my door, I said no though. I almost got into trouble for something I didn't do, but I'm getting the blame: I saw something for a free business card print if you like them on Face-book, I liked them, it asked for a credit card, Google saves credit cards, Once I realized it would probably charge her card; I cancelled it. My dad got a charge for $18, (The cards we're $11).. So I said, "I cancelled it" and she said "It charged it again" (if this were true, it would be $22, not $18!) Whatever, I cleared it up with my dad.-1/4/12
    On January 3rd, 2012
    I had this dream:I was in my formal Sr. Pastor's church, (With his wife) along with Tyler.. we were having a meeting with my parents as well.. the Youth Pastors were present; We went into the sanctuary, Ms. Amber (Youth pastor's wife) was planning out the visual side of my wedding; Tyler drove me home in my Mom's van; And we were moving fast, we were talking about our wedding.

  16. Cloud Connected wrote:

    i had a "marriage" dream once

    in it, i had this feeling like it was all being taken care of and i didn't need to be anxious about it

    but i've only come to realize that recently

    i feel that your dreams mean the same

    God's working behind the scenes even now

    you're only 16...you need to at least finish highschool first

    My plan is to graduate this May as a National Scholar, go to Cosmetology school, Go to Kentucky (Or Louisiana) Bible College; Get a business, law, psychology, performing arts degree) to start my companies

  17. My former Sr. Pastor/wife sitting at a wedding reception, clapping looking very happy for his son to be married. Me, standing next to their son, in a flowing wedding dress, dancing as our state Bishop said a few things and a prayer over our reception. After this, it was a church service, the state bishop gladly said the good news, Welcomed the Sr. Pastor to pray over our congregation and for his son's choice of marriage.

    End of dream

    2nd dream: We were in the foyer, we met and said we shouldn't have ignored each other; We got marriage counseling my his parents and my Sr. Pastor; We married in Louisiana (Where he is from). We were blessed with a $8 million dollar house next to his parents, paid for in full. Our utilities/lights/garbage/car bills were all paid for. The housing bills were paid in full for ten years. We were very grateful, I studied along with him to become a pastor, (Along with getting a law degree, psychologist, cosmetologist/ performing arts degree) we became billionaires by age twenty-five. Our children were very healthy and strong. Actually, god has already given me their names: Destinee, Jessica, Matthew, Mark.

    My first dream was October 25th, 2008: On TBN with Pastor Paula White, I am with Joseph, she asks me while I became a pastor: "I grew up watching you, along with the Copelands, Dr. Creflo, Jesse Duplantis, Joyce Meyer, I knew I wanted to do this"
    Joseph said he knew I was the one once we talked during a dance practice when we were younger.

  18. I had a dream that I was in the office of my former Sr. Pastor's church, I was in a meeting with his wife, (along with him) the elders of the church, My parents along with my new Sr. Pastor/and wife. We were discussing how we were going to do my wedding (Since I was marrying my former pastor's oldest son) We ended in the sanctuary where my mom was planning my wedding. Me and Joseph left in my parents car, we were moving very fast down the road

  19. I have not told my mom this... I have known since around 2004-2007 to now about knowing that God has set this guy apart for me, but I really don't want to tell my mom right now. (I'm 16) I have a feeling she'll say I'm exaggerating and being dramatic, I have noticed she says this when she simply does not understand the view point that I am coming for; Praying for me would be such a blessing for me! I am sixteen, I'll be 17 in March.

    I have quite an interesting testimony: 6 months old; my mom nursed me with something in her system that is not good for new borns, I had blood clots in my brain, which turned in riccits and a Vitamin D deficiency, I had bumps the sizes of golf balls on my leg bones. My legs were turned in,

    I could not work, nor talk. My brain was not the normal shape nor size as a regular baby, I wasn't functioning the average baby, the doctor's said I would make it passed the age of five or six; I would not be able to talk, understand or process things like other kids, I would not be able to walk with a walker or the assistant of a cane. My mom was charged with child abuse, my parents had to fight the court for custody over my sister and I for 9 months in court.

    Miraculously, I was healed, the doctors did not understand, the Doctors told the lawyers it was a disease and abuse had nothing to do with my disorder. The charges were dropped. At age five, a teacher observed me with a class of 7 and 8 year olds: I yelled out the answers while they were still computing the info. Instead of lagging behind, I was learning too fast and it was irritating the other students. It took me one year to learn how to read because I could not pronounce the 'r' sound. I began to read on the 7th and 8th grade level in the 3rd grade. I did high school work (Minus math) starting in the 4th grade. I scored in the top 2% in 2010 for the National Merit scholars to battle out to win the scholarship from testing the PSAT.

    October 25th, 2008 (I was 13 at the time.. really sad and depressed over these kids who were mean to me) The dream: I was on TBN (Which you all know is the Christian version of like ABC). Pastor Paula White was interviewing me and my Former Sr. Pastor's son (Joseph). We had to be it least 30 or forty, Pastor White asked me, "Did you always know you were destined to pastor, Destinee?" I replied, "I always watched you, Dr. Creflo and the Copelands along with Joyce Meyer, I always wanted to pastor"
    She laughed, she turned her body to Joseph, "Did you know Destinee was the one for you?"
    "I knew it when we first met at our Exec. Pastor's house, and during a dance team practice, I knew she was the one for me"
    End of dream.

    I had a dream in January 2011: Joseph's parents were at the after party of a Wedding, they were clapping and seemed so happy, fast forward, I am standing on the stage of the church that I grew up in, (My Sr. Pastor's church) someone is preaching (The Bishop of the state I live in) he begins to say "I am pleased to announce on the behalf of Pastor (so-and-so) that Joseph is engaged to Destinee; We're so proud of you kids" we both smiled, the congregation clapped and seemed really happy.

    March 2011: Pastor Darlene Bishop prays over me and Joseph and says that we were destined to pastor his parents church together, we both fell down on the floor at the same time. His parents (along with mine) began to pray, the congregation began to pray and worship.

    February 2010: I was standing in service, and this Bishop from Kentucky came in, I wasn't really into the service anymore because it was ending, I felt something say "Joseph is going to preach one day," the bishop said he was going to preach and started to prophesy over him"

    October 16th 2008: I was at service on the pulpit, (along with Joseph, our Youth/ Kids ministry) the same Bishop from Feb. 2010 prayed over me and said "This is a women of God soon to be prophet," and I don't remember the rest... I also remember Joseph praying for me while this happened... that's all, any thoughts?

  20. I was in this classroom, with a few members from my old church, My former Sr. Pastor was announcing someones marriage; Everyone in the room turned to look at me, and T (Sr. Pastor's Son) his dad stood, he told us he was glad his son found a great girl to marry, everyone was clapping and seemed honestly happy for us. We ended up leaving in my parents van, we were laughing and really happy, I remember the color in the background was like white and gold.. and a little pink

  21. I have been praying and God has shown me (and spoken through four pastor's) about my true calling and destiny to fulfill for the Lord.

    That calling is to be a Pastor/Pastor's Wife/CEO, my mom knows about me wanting to be a CEO... but she does not know about the pastor thing. I always told her was I around the ages of 4-7 that being a pastor would be so awesome because I was in love with watching Kenneth & Gloria Copeland/ Commander Kellie, Along with Dr. Dollar and Pastor Paula. I stopped wanting to do this because I had a hard time pronouncing the 'er' in my words; I also just hated speaking in public because it took me one year just to learn how to read properly because of not being able to pronounce my r's correctly.

    I am sixteen years old now, I love reading... I started to develop the love of writing/reading around 7 or 8, And I like reading out loud...(only when I want too.. jk)
    I have the faith to say that I actually know who I am supposed to marry... I just do not want to tell my mom.
    1) we had one bad experience with the guy because he was in a lot of pain from seeing his parents argue (He's a Pastor's Kid)
    2) He got on my dad's bad side
    3) No one really liked him anymore after he did that

    I am no longer at that church anymore, I just need to know how I should present this to my mom without her calling me immature of naive or childish.

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