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Posts posted by Destine

  1. Dove-Solutions wrote:

    God loves you so much! He said in his word, even if the world rejects you, I will not abandon you! I love you with an everlasting love! That means he will never stop loving you! I know that there have been times myself when it seemed hopeless.....but I was so wrong....God brought me through my storm. Let me pray for you.

    Father God,

    I pray in the name of Jesus which is above all other names in heaven and on earth that you would wrap your loving arms around Destine right now.....send her your peace which surpases all understanding. Father we come against the enemy and command him in the name of Jesus to shut up right now. Get your hands off her! She belongs to Jesus! We command you to the feet of Jesus now and bind all powers including speach. We plead the blood of Jesus over Destine right now and ask the angels to come and stand with swords drawn to defend her. Here her cry Lord for you! Lord I speak over her your love, your comfort, your strength to stand against her foe, your endeering touch! Father let her here only your voice, your spirit and your word and may that minister to her in her time of need. We give you all the praise honor and glory, in Jesus mighty name.

    your servant,


    Thank you, do you think I could talk to you through a personal message

  2. I had a dream that I was in a store with my mother looking for something. We found whatever we were looking for and we went up to the register. The cashier kept telling me that I looked familiar. I smiled and said "I get that a lot" she went on to say that she knew why I looked so familiar. The cashier handed me a phone and it had photos of me on it, I asked her where she got the phone from, and she said she got it from her brothers friend. It made no sense to me

  3. I had a dream that I was in a mansion text messaging someone I had no business talking to.The conversation turned bad, so I told my mom and she told my dad and I started to cry in my room because I didn't want any drama. My dad ended up having to go to court, I had to testify against the person who had text messaged me, I ended up winning the case, But I told my dad I was really scared about going into court.

  4. I had a dream a while back that I was walking into a restaurant with my family, carrying a baby girl. The baby had to be in least 18 months old, this lady told me to come this way, I followed her down this hallway and ended up in a classroom. My baby had turned into a cute black lab! I noticed my father was in the room, and he kept yelling at me and said this horrible thing would have not happened if I had just listened to him. I remember that I was crying while he was yelling at me.

  5. a few days ago, I had a dream that a few of the girls from my youth ministry were in our church van, and we were all crying over something and everyone was just mad at each other. We arrived at our first ladys house, and we were all mad and started to fight and my mouth was filled with blood and my teeth fell out. the room was filled with the color of green and everyone was just going crazy

  6. I had a pretty strange dream: I was back in my old church and my mother instructed for me and my sister to get some boxes from our church kitchen. I did what I was told, when I went into the kitchen, the woman handed me the box and it was filled with bugs, the woman kept denying the fact of this though. I went to find my mom and I passed my old sr. pastor and he was going off on someone because the state church office decided to get involved so was going to be removed as the pastor.

  7. Hi,

    this morning my mom took me out driving, and it didn't start out well.
    When people make me feel stressed, I cannot listen to directions that well; and my mom was making me feel really tense. It's only my second time driving, and it was my first in our actual car (the car I first used was a rental car) and it went better than.
    Also, my dad is a better teacher than my mom, she makes me tense

  8. I really am baffled by this it's very strange, the dream is now coming back to me because I couldn't remember it yesterday. So, I'm at my sr. pastor's house, and we are all celebrating about God blessing us with a building for our church. We are in K's room talking when we see someone trying to get through the window. It's our old sr. pastor's son (the youngest) we let him in. We notice he has something in his hand and it's a frog, K and her sister (A) start to scream because it starts to jump every where; The frog bites K on the eye, but she doesn't bleed.
    We force him to throw the frog out the window, and he does. K askes him what is he doing at her house, and he said he didn't like his church anymore because it's making his parents fight, so he wants to runaway. A gets her dad and he calls the sr. pastor to tell him what happened, and they come to pick him up. Than, we are in our church service, and I think it's our formal youth pastor congratulating us on getting our building. (I can't see his face but I recognize his voice) and we all start to clap and so forth, and I just see the color of gold in the building..

    Basically, last night I told my friends' mom about my dream and she said "Well, everything sounds good except the frog part" and she said the frog means "Lying". Well, last night, we were having a bible bowl with pizza, and we were eating and the girl next to me was texting one of my former good friends. Today, we found out she lied to him and said we were gossiping about him. He texted K's sister, and he was all "Why are you guys talking about me behind my back?" and she said, "No we aren't" but we got that cleared up. Something didn't settle with me about the girl..
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