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Posts posted by Destine

  1. Hey all, here's my dream: I'm sleeping over my best friend's house, getting ready to see a movie. As we get ready, my friend says " We should go out to eat before the movie"
    I agree, we finish getting ready and we get in her car.
    While were in the car, I start to daydream about who I might end up marrying.
    We get to the restaurant, our dinner is very pleasent, I'm generally just having a good time with my friend. Then, my friend points out this Guy, (I'll call him David)
    IRL: I liked him, he liked me; but my parents don't like him.
    My friend says "Oh there's David," I nod clearly not interested. He sees me, comes over to our table and says "Hey, can I talk to you outside?" I'm about to say no, I change my mind and say yes instead. When we get outside, he says "I'm just being honest, but I'm in love with you, I know it might sound crazy." I told him I wasn't ready to really tell him
    My feelings yet. I go back inside and tell my friend, she nods and says she understands.
    IRL: My friend just asked me last night if I liked David, I said no, and she said "Darn, I want to know who your going to fall in love with" I laughed, but said it could be anyone.
    The part where I'm talking with the guy, it was pink and white

  2. So I'm at home hanging Christmas decoration(for a christmas party with close friends.
    I begin to hear a lot of noise coming from outside. I look out the window and notice a family friends son throwing rocks at the windows of different homes on the street.
    I tell my parents, my mom calls his mom and things are taken care of.

    My best friend, along with a good friend of my sister's arrive for the party.
    After we have cookies and cocoa, my friend and I decide to go on a short walk.
    As were walking, a car pulls up, I don't like the vibe I'm sensing.

    We start to walk faster,
    But it's too late: The driver from the car hops out, we start to run but he catches up.
    My friend and I are held at gunpoint in one the bathrooms on the golf course. I don't remember the rest of the dream after this point.

    But, I do remember the portion with the bathroom part, it was filled with black smoke

  3. So I'm at home hanging Christmas decoration(for a christmas party with close friends.
    I begin to hear a lot of noise coming from outside. I look out the window and notice a family friends son throwing rocks at the windows of different homes on the street.
    I tell my parents, my mom calls his mom and things are taken care of.

    My best friend, along with a good friend of my sister's arrive for the party.
    After we have cookies and cocoa, my friend and I decide to go on a short walk.
    As were walking, a car pulls up, I don't like the vibe I'm sensing.

    We start to walk faster,
    But it's too late: The driver from the car hops out, we start to run but he catches up.
    My friend and I are held at gunpoint in one the bathrooms on the golf course. I don't remember the rest of the dream after this point.

    But, I do remember the portion with the bathroom part, it was filled with black smoke

  4. I'm at a high school for a test, it's very crowded and loud. I go to the bathroom, and the whole restroom begins to flood. The dream switches to me and my mom at a store shopping for holiday motif. An old friend from our former church stops to say hi.
    My mom talks to him for a little while before we leave. My mom gets a call from our pastor once we arrive home. My mom doesn't tell me what's wrong, but she says she has to leave and will be back soon. When my mom returns, she tells me our former pastor's
    Son had a mental breakdown and almost overdosed.
    I call my friend and ask her to pray for my old pastors, but I refrain from telling her all the details. The next day, I get invited to sleep-over at a friends. Before we go to sleep she goes ballistic and blood comes out of her mouth while she screams.

  5. I'm in my room praying to God and reading the bible. God tells me I
    Need to end one of my relationships, I ask and plead with God about it, but I obey him.
    I tell my friend to meet me at a park, when she gets there I tell her there is something
    I need to discuss with her. I tell her after much prayer and drawing close to the lord, our
    Season of friendship has come to a close. She starts to scream, out of nowhere she draws a sword and hits my left ear. I scream for help while holding onto my bleeding ear.
    A jogger races towards us and he tells me he's calling the police. The police come along with the medics, but my friend was able to flee the scene before the cops came.
    When I get home, I get a phone call from a friend asking if I just want to
    Drive around and talk. I said sure, I tell him how confused and angry I am with me my friend, He listens and acts compassionate towards me. To make things short, I end up falling into lust and sexual sin.

  6. I had two dreams last night: 1st-My dream starts off with myself, my mom along with my sister going through a town looking for Christmas decorations. We find a few things we like, and leave. We pick up our dog from the groomers, and I tell my mom I need something from a store. I go into the stores bathroom; I hear muffled screaming, I try to locate where it's coming from. I open one of the stalls to see Malia&Sasha Obama. I call my Mom, she tells me to stay with them while she calls the police and my dad.(My dad is in the army). I tell the Girls it's going to be alright and I'm able to untie them. My mom comes and tells me the police and a few soldiers are on their way. We have to slowly get out of the restroom and get them into our van, we end up getting chased by two men; We're able to get to the car safely. We meet up with the FBI on a military base, and get the girls to safety.

    2nd dream: I end up at a friends house, I'm talking to the son of one my my Mom's friends in his room; We talk about feeling the need to he perfect and not wanting to let out parents down. I end compromising my sexual integrity, I don't tell my parents or my sister. Instead, I tell my friend. My friend says everything will be OK and she asks if she can come over to talk. I get the OK from my Mom, so I tell her "Sure,"
    The visit goes very well, until my friend starts crying and there's actual blood in her tears. She keeps saying I have been a horrible friend and she sounds really crazy. My Mom hears all this noise, and starts to pray and calm her down while I call her parents. The next day at church, I end up crying an telling one of the women there I just have a bad stomach ache. The women doesn't believe me, I tell her what's really going on; So I agree to tell my mom about what I did

  7. So, in my dream it's during December, because I see my house is decorated with our Christmas motif. My sister and I decide to host a sleep-over (In real-life my sister wants a chocolate party, and I want to have a friend sleep-over as well) Anyways, I invite my two friends, and my sister invites her two friends as well. Everything is going OK until my other friend shows up, she doesn't like my friend at all, She starts yelling at her and trying to push her;My sister's friend (Whose 19) goes off on her, so she calms down.

    My friend gets me to a corner, she apologizes for how she acted and blames the way she acted on what's going on with her family. (In real life, her parents are going through a hard time in their relationship) I tell her I forgive her, she gives me a gift, which happens to be a purse from my favorite brand, but I feel like she bribed and manipulated me. My parents go to the store to get more snacks, when they return, my Mom gets a text from a friend asking if she can watch her son. My mom apparently forgot she agreed to, so she says yes.

    My dad ends up watching him and playing video games with him. My mom tells us(the girls) to watch for his older brother whose supposed to be picking him up. when he does arrive, he looks really dark. We decide to go to our clubhouse, and on the walk there, my friend (the one who didn't bribe me) asks me if I'm OK, I told her I was.
    Once we get to the clubhouse, we decide to play board games, my friend and I go to the restroom and we see the older brother coming out of the guys' bathroom with his friend, and we both smell alcohol.They start to talk trash, and push my friend, we push them back and go find my sister and tell her what happened.

  8. I'm helping my mom pick up decorations at a store. My mom gets picked up by a
    Friend, I have to drive to pick up my sister. I dent a car when trying to park, but the driver is in his car so I'm able to get his info. I go inside to get my sister, once I find her we go to the bathroom. Her coworker is being held at gunpoint, we pray and call the police and the robbers are arrested. When we get home, I sneak out to be with a guy, I stay in his house and his parents find us, I just start to cry
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