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Did I really hear God right?

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Hi I'm Destine and I just recently turned sixteen; I have been praying that God will tell me exactly what he wants me to do with my life, and after around 5 months of praying that on a continual basis, God spoke to my heart while I was sleeping and he said "I created you to dance, your testimony through dance will bring people to Christ" I know this may sound really bad since I have been a christian since I was really small but I really don't know if I actually heard him correctly! So I prayed today that he would show me if I actually did hear him correctly. I know the word says "My sheep will know my voice". See, my mom told me that she doesn't want me to be a dancer because it seems that I keep changing my mind on exactly what I want to do, so she said being a dancer is basically out of the question. So, please just pray for me

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Amen, I'll stand in agreement that God would confirm this message. Don't ever feel bad about not being sure what you've heard is from God, it's better to move slowly seeking and receiving His confirmation than to move too fast thinking that you heard from Him when in fact you didn't. Read Judges 6 when Gideon asked God for confirmation several times - God was patience and faithful to give Gideon all of the confirmations that he needed before he took action. He will extend the same patience and faithfulness to you that He did to Gideon. And don't worry about your mom, if this is from God, He'll change her heart on the matter.

Let us know how things progress, ok? flower thumbs Bless You

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Has dancing been a desire of yours?? Is it something you've done in the past? Sometimes you know your purpose based on that deep inner desire.

I've always LOVED MUSIC...even as a child, my mother said I would sing around the house. My parents bought me a big piano when I was six because I begged them for one. I played and enjoyed playing for 10 year after that. Now, I'm a worshipper and have sung in choirs and praise teams over the years. Part of my call is ministry in music.

I said that to say...our purpose is already in us and sometimes we are walking in it without even knowing it. I will say this to you, if you find out your purpose at the age of 16, you are WAY ahead of 'the game' because most people don't know anything until later in life. Good for you...I too, will pray that God will open up the eyes of your understanding.

"I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance." (Ephesians 1:16-19 NLT)

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I have always wanted to dance, and it's the area I have been attacked mostly by satan to where if I'm good enough or not. I love to dance

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I honestly discerned that you were being attacked in this area, based on your mother's response to you.

Ohhh Girl just go and dance!! What we are called to do is never about us, but those who God has waiting for us to touch. I'm so happy for you. Push past all of the attacks and allow the Lord to use you to minister and set the captives free.

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