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Posts posted by v3ryan

  1. I had a dream last night that I saw one of my friends asking this figure (by figure I mean I do not recall any distinguishing features at all. I can’t even tell if the figure was male or female) and my friend was asking this figure if she was saved, I forget the response, but I asked the figure the same question, but it shook it’s head slowly no. The meaning of this dream is disturbing to me because I’m not sure what this all means. I know I am saved as I have the Witness of God’s Spirit and His peace on me.

  2. I had a dream that a friend of mine had some strange disease in which unless he had his right eye removed, or he would die.  It also happened that he won a free trip to Israel where the surgery would take place.  Despite the fact that he would be losing his vision in his right eye he was in a cheerful mood, and looking forward to the surgery.

    In real life the friend who I dreamt of is a non-Christian who I've been praying and fasting for a while now for him and his girlfriend to be saved.  Since I started praying for them they've both opened up more to the idea of God, by having an interest in Christian movies, which has opened the door to conversations between us about God.  I believe it's only a matter of time before they are saved.

    As for the dream itself, it may have something to do with what Jesus said, regarding if our eye causes us to sin, pluck it out and throw it away.

  3. I had a dream last night that I believe is heavily symbolic. I also believe I have a fairly accurate interpretation of the dream, but I thought I'd share it in case anyone saw anything else that I might not have seen.

    I dreamt I was home, and it was night out, and most of the lights in the house were off, but I had a strange fear of the dark on me that I don't feel in real life. There was a pastor I know who was laying down on my couch and I extended my hand towards him in order to try to get the Peace of God in my life that he had on his. When I went to bed myself in the dream, I felt this weird presence at the base of my spine, this presence was very unpleasant and was trying to inflict me with something, felt like a very strong stiffness, but not painfull. I remember thinking, "Spirit Of Fear" so in the dream, I commanded the spirit of fear to leave in Jesus' Name. I said it three times, and each time I said it, the fear would gradually be replaced by peace, but the strange sensation on my spine would also increase in what seemed to be a type of retaliation. After I said it the third time I woke up.

    The interpretation seems very straightforward to me. The house and the rooms seem to represent myself, or parts of myself. The darkness and the fear that came with it is my anxiety. Although I have not been diagnosed (nor tested for that matter) with an anxiety disorder, I do, on a frequent basis, feel that I'm not doing things right, or hearing God right, or something along those lines, or I'll worry about things at work or stuff like that.

    I think the pastor I saw laying on the couch in the dark, and me wanting to share the same peace he has may represent my desire to have the same level of peace a believer in Jesus should have. He was laying on the couch in the dark, but he didn't seem to be worrying about anything. I also had another dream later on the same night of this pastor on a rollercoaster on the fair. The ride was going every direction and orientation imaginable, but he was having fun, wasn't afraid at all.

    God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of sound mind, yet in the dream, there seemed to be a literal spirit trying to inflict fear on me that I had to cast out. As for the base of my spine, I'm not 100% certain of that.

    Anyways, those are my thoughts, if anyone sees anything else I may have overlooked I welcome your comments, God Bless. :)

  4. I had two dreams regarding fire that could not be extinguished by water.

    The first dream was a tiny flame the size of a candle flame at the bottom of a bathtub. The bathtub, full of water, did not result in the flame instantly being put out by the water, but instead the water was dissolved by being vaporized by the fire. The water levels dropped until all there was, was the flame at the bottom of the bathtub.

    The second dream took place in my apartment. I initially wanted to ignite something using gasoline on a stick of furniture, (an end table) for whatever reason, once I did, I tried adding water to put it out, but couldn't. The flame would shrink a bit, but not go out completely. Eventually sparks and pieces of burning embers went on the carpet, and I tried to pour water directly on them, and finally was able to put the embers out before the carpet caught fire. Eventually the flame on the end table continued to grow, and I continued adding more water, and eventually was able to put the fire out at the end.

  5. I had a series of very strange dreams last night, I want to bring up two of them specifically.

    The first dream took place in this school. I was working as a camera switcher for a tv production. (I work as an editor and tricaster operator which includes camera switching in real life for a small Christian tv show) although this wasn't the same show I work on in real life it seemed to be some kind of variety show, with skits and stuff. Partway through the power is cut and water sprinklers go off. (Which are oddly placed at the windows). The show of course goes off the air during the unexpected time. When the sprinkers stop the director decides we need to move to a different school for some reason.

    The next dream takes place at my parents house. It's in the middle of the night and I'm arriving at their home and I notice a lot of neighbors seem to be leaving their houses in a hurry. I see one of the pastors of the church I work at that runs the show and he explains that something is in our houses and we need to evacuate, he says he'll wait for me for ten minutes. I run inside to grab my wallet and phone, and see my mom in the house in her room. The reason we're all evacuating is because there are these strange small diamond things growing on the doors of the houses.

    I wake up shortly after that. I don't really remember feeling anything in the dream also, although there was some nervousness with the first part of the dream involving anxiety around working a new job.

  6. I had two dreams last night. The first dream, even though I took notes after I awoke, it was hard to record accurately as it was also difficult to remember the dream after waking up, but I as in a haunted house, and things in the house began turning into this weird horror movie type thing involving strange demons in the house, the house somewhat bore resemblance to a computer game I play too, although the game itself isn't supernaturally themed in real life. The last bit also had a pastor from youth camp talking about the demons, and mentioned stuff about not getting into rules or regulations, but getting into guidelines. Unfortunately if I remembered more about the dream it would have been helpful.

    When I went back to sleep I had another dream, this one more clear, I was at my church and I was at the backdoor where the handicap enterence was, and me and a friend of mine were doing what appeared to be sharpening chopsticks or something, and the fire alarm goes off. I want to get out of the building before the fire department arrives, because I didn't want to get into trouble for some reason. (Not entirely sure why I'd be in trouble, perhaps for not evacuating?) But my friend was all calm about it, and I saw that other people in the church seemed to be ignoring it as well. And then a city bus comes, and dumps sewage out into some kind of sewage disposal hatch in the parking lot.

    Then I appear in this restaurant with people from my church, and the bill comes to $1,100, and one person suggests we split it, so we only have to pay $40 each. In reality it wouldn't be just $40 amongst all of us since there were only six or seven at us eating out.

    Regarding the first part of the second dream regarding the fire alarm, I think I may know what that means.

    I tend to have an hyperactive conscience at times. I constantly feel like something I'm doing is a sin, or it's wrong, despite the fact that it may not have any scriptural evidence whatsoever, but it still isn't on the same level as personal conviction as it is more anxiety driven as opposed to morally driven. If you want to take a quick look at https://cryingoutforjustice.com/2013/05/14/dealing-with-an-overactive-conscience/ to see what it is I'm talking about. Usually when my conscience is bothering me, I take it to God, and ask Him what I should do about something. I ask for peace if I should continue, and often more than not, I get peace that seems to indicate I should continue doing what I'm already doing instead of worrying about it.

    Anyways, my conscience can often act as a malfunctioning fire alarm. Going off when there is no danger, hence why I believe the fire alarm may represent my conscience. If this is so, than the dream may be referring to something that is currently, or will happen which may not be a worry for the average believer, as for what the sewage means, I'm not sure, maybe there's junk in my life? Stuff I need to get rid of?

    Anyone has any thoughts?

  7. I had a dream last night, and although I forget a few elements of it. (I have a really bad habit of lethargically going back to sleep instead of disciplining myself to write the dream down at times.) I have retained what I believe to be the core elements of the dream.

    The forgotton elements have to do with earlier in the dream. I was in some kind of store, grocery store I think, and someone, a stranger, is starting to follow me. (This part I am uncertain of, if they are following me, or what, but they are there)

    Anyways, the part of the dream I can remember in more detail, is that I'm driving a car, however, the driver's seat, controls, steering wheel wheel, and everything, are actually behind what would be in reality the regular driver's seat. As I'm driving, (and still facing forward) I'm having trouble seeing the road as I have to keep looking around past the seat and through the windshield in front of me, and because I'm having trouble seeing, as I approach an intersection I end up stopping on a crosswalk instead of the stop line behind it. At this point, a pedestrian gets angry at me for going past the stop line.

    This pedestrian is someone I know in real life. He is a non-believer I went to college with. He was mostly respectful of my beliefs, although he did try to tease me in little ways about it.

    I think the dream has clear symbolism of being a backseat driver. Someone who keeps insisting that the one who is in control is doing a bad job, or does not know what He is doing.

    I've recently had a struggle with anxiety lately as I have struggled with having faith in trusting in God to lead me where He wants me to go. I feel and believe He's told and confirmed to me to go one way, but then something happens which seems to confirm the exact opposite. This throws me in a sense of confusion and lack of trust in my ability to hear The Spirit.

    I think it's probable God may be telling me to continue trusting in Him, and to let Him show me, rather than me trying to figure things out my own way.

    If anyone has any thoughts they wish to add feel free too. :)

  8. Some background info: Four of my friends live in the same apartment building, two live together (they are nonbelievers, but I have felt led to interceed for them to come to know Christ) the third, is a believer, fourth is also a non-believer, also pray for her as well. For the dream to make better sense, this apartment is also for those who need assisted living.

    So I had a dream I went to visit my third friend. As I drove in, I looked through the windows of my first two friends to see if they were there. I saw one of the friends, but not the other. Inside my third friend's apartment, the fire alarm goes off. Friend number four was also in the apartment at the time. This apartment had a protocol where in a fire alarm, the residents should remain in the apartment until a worker got to them. (I heard something about a similar protocol in real life, but it was only for those in wheelchairs) Anyways, we wait, but smoke starts pouring out from the carpet on the floor. Suddenly one of the workers is in the room with us, so we head outside. Outside we see a cat that belongs to friends 2 & 3, except this cat looked more skinny, almost like a different cat.

    Later on in the dream, I overhear firefighters talking about something in the water system catching fire.

  9. I had a dream that me and a group of friends were travelling to Italy. I haven't been to Italy myself, nor have I taken much consideration of visiting there in the future. In the dream, I'm in this hotel room, and I'm trying to find my passport, and the cab has arrived to take me to the airport, for a flight that leaves in about ten minutes. There are all kinds of passports around the room, and I'm trying to find my own. I see my dad has this unusual "Aboriginal" passport. (My dad in real life as a social worker, worked with a lot of aboriginal native people in my town prior to his retirement, and also (not entirely certain if this is actually relevent to the dream I noticed that my pastor today, after the dream, asked him to clarify to my pastor about the significance of an eagle feather, about what it meant, and if it was some kind of good luck charm or not.) I found a passport that strangely was a single passport that had a single photo of me and my siblings when we were younger, but it wasn't the one I was looking for. I also remember grabbing my cell phone recharging cord in my room.

    I woke up, thought about it, prayed about it, and went back to bed.

    It's a very similar scenereo. Trip to Italy (or at least somewhere this time) leaving imminently, but instead of a hotel room, I'm in my parents house. I go into my parents room where my parents are in bed sleeping. (In reality, my mom keeps the passports in her room for safe keeping) I asked my parents for my passport, and either my mom, or my dad, hands it to me. After this, I need to get into the bathroom, but the door is locked, so I have to ram against it to open it. Inside, the bathtub is running on hot water, which had just run out by the time I got in there.

    I thought this was a very interesting dream. As to what the passport means, maybe a means of travel perhaps? I thought it may be a type of rushing around not ready, the parable of the virgins who didn't have oil in their lamps. I'll read that scripture today, and see how it speaks to me. I'd hate to think the dream means I'm a foolish virgin, but if it does, I'd like to know areas in my life I specifically need to repent of, as I know I'm not perfect, but I still seek God on a daily basis, walking with Him and repenting of what I know to be wrong, what are your thoughts on this? Blessings. :)

  10. I had a dream that the house I grew up in was basically haunted by these demons.  The demons took various forms, mostly people.

    The earliest part of the dream I can recall is that the demons came out of what looked like a VCR.  A tape ejected, and demons came out.  I was commanding them to leave in Jesus' Name, but they weren't leaving right away, as they seemed to linger for a bit, and had to repeatedly command them to leave.  Most of the demons looked like people, and some looked like weird creatures or objects.  (I don't exactly remember what those other demons looked like)  Eventually the spirits faded and left when I started singing worship songs.  I forget which songs, but I remember I Exalt Thee was one of them.  (On a slight side note, I am actually curious as to whether I was singing only within the dream, or if I was also singing in reality as well, as I've been known to talk in my sleep)  At one point they seemed to have been completely gone, so I was unsure as to whether I could stop singing, or continue on.  I remember I was sitting at the front door of the house, looking towards the back door, and while I was on my knees worshipping, I remember watching a demon leave through the backdoor.  I also remember looking above the backdoor, and seeing this sticker of the world (North, Central, and South America was visible on this sticker.  Basically what you'd expect to see if you found an image of Earth) which was stuck above the door for some reason.

    Not everything had dissappeared though, although the demons were gone there was this newspaper which remained that had been brought by a demon.  I remember I didn't know if the newspaper was a physical object they brought, but left behind, or if it was demon itself somehow still manifesting, but as I flipped through I found a page that looked like horoscopes, but instead of listing different people's horoscopes, it mentioned, "Scripture verses people commonly misinterpret."  I almost started to read when it occured to me that if a demon had brought this paper, and left it in the house, I probably shouldn't be reading it.

    At this point some of the elements of the dream changed.  Just like how in some dreams one person changed into another, the newspaper was no longer a newspaper, but hockey ice.  My youth pastor and his son was there, and he took this ice to this arena to play hockey on it, but when they tried to play, the players played so terrible the game actually ended a couple minutes in.  I woke from the dream after that.

    I can't help but think this dream is some kind of warning, what the specifics about what this warning is about I'm not too certain.  When I was asking God what the elements of the dream could mean, I immediantly began to think that perhaps the newspaper represented the Good "News".  If that's the case, perhaps the part of misinterpreted scripture could be a warning against twisting scripture or something.  Anyways, not 100% sure if the newspaper represents the good news, but what are your guys' thoughts?

  11. I had a bit of a weird dream last night where I was in my parent's house and someone's son I know from church was playing with matches, and as they would sometimes hit the floor, and then at one point in the dream I saw that the floor had been soaked in gasolene, and of course when the matches would hit the floor it would ignite the floor. I would have to dance around since I was barefoot and the floor was on fire. I felt no pain in the dream. Also at one point my cat was also in the dream, on the floor too. At one point I was holding the matches, there were about three or four matches ignited at once.

    Moments before the dream ended, it suddenly changed to my parents bedroom, my mom was panicky, because she got a revelation that someone in the house was going to die. At first in the dream I thought it was my dad because he wasn't moving in bed, but my mom left him in the bedroom and went out. I woke up after that.

    I woke up kind of freaked out about it. :\

  12. So I dreamt that I was sleeping in my apartment, but it wasn't really my apartment it was some other strange apartment, and at first I was hiding under the covers where I couldn't see, but I heard this noise of someone coming up the stairs and at first I was looking in the balcony, looking down and up to try to find the noise, but I couldn't find it, but I feel this strong impression to just go back to bed, so I go back in my apartment, lock the door, and go back to bed and hid under the covers. As I was hiding under the covers I was wondering if the latch was even locked, and my mind starts racing about whether or not I even locked it, or if the latch breaks, and that gets the intention of whoever is going past, and then suddenly I hear someone going down the stairs, and I stick my head out from under the covers, and for whatever reason I have the ability to see even with my eyelids closed, so I can see who's going past the apartment through the window, and it's people from my church, and they want in, because they heard the latch open and shut, but they realise the lock was open and I tried making eye contact with them, but I didn't want to because I didn't want them to know I was awake, even though I had my eyelids closed. (I think they wanted healing? I could heal their grandmother or something, I barely remember) But they start pounding on this door, and I didn't want to open the door, and eventually (I forget exactly what happens) but they end up bursting in, but before they burst in, I leap up, and I'm no longer lying down, but I'm against another window (there were two layers of glass seperating my bedroom, and the rest of the apartment) and I'm freaking out, everyone else is getting more and more roudy and hyper, and they break in and start chasing me. At this point I get a little more lucid and I'm aware it's a dream, but I don't try to take control of it or anything. They are chasing me with scissors, and I'm also trying to defend myself with my own scissors I somehow gained. One of the guys chasing me looks like someone from a YouTube series I was watching, and I use the scissors on his ear, but there is no blood, the dream ends shortly after. What's interesting is that I felt no fear in the dream, I was freaking out in the dream, but I didn't actually sense any fear at all.

    Another time a few nights before that I dreamt a bunch of weird stuff, but what stands out to me is that I dreamed that I was with some people and I was praying over this homeless woman, and I've seen this homeless woman before in my city in real life a few times, but I was praying over this homeless woman, and she was saying some pretty weird stuff about rainbows, or having a vision of flying, and someone in my group in the dream gave her a vision they had that she was falling over sunflowers. So we continued praying over her and in the dream I saw this pizza, (a vision within a dream I guess) I saw this pizza, and there were slices of pizza missing, but the pizza represented the world, and I saw the bits that represented China, and the pieces that were representing China were covered in cheese, and this cheese represented countries where the gospel was prevailent, and of course it covered most of the upper left corner of the pizza, (which was almost as if it was an inverted map, so it wasn't as if the upper left was North America, it was more flipped around, so it was more like the upper left was Russia and all that) Then there was almost like a discussion going on in my head about this guy from China who was going on about how as a Chinese Christian that his family was disowning him because he was following Christ, as they wanted him to follow their "Chinese Empire" as I heard in the dream, yet this man replied, "Jesus is my Empire, and this Empire brings genuine freedom." So he was going on about that, and there were four breadsticks representing Christianity I think, not sure. Then the dream went a little strange, because it was going on about the Hunger Games or something like that. I found myself in this hallway, a strange hallway, and it was almost like a movie trailer of some sort of The Hunger Games, but me and a bunch of people were sitting at this table, and there was this water, and some of it was up to our shoulders or over our heads, I forget, but we were sitting in this flooded room, but at the same time it wasn't flooded to the point that we couldn't breath.

    Some of my terminology doesn't make sense, but that's because I find it very hard to describe my dreams. :P

  13. I had a dream that I was dealing with an issue at work. I dreamt there was a floppy disk given to me by a coworker that had some old software on it. (Old version of DOS amongst other things I think) and when I was testing it, the floppy disk turned out to be formatted so there was nothing on it, so what was needed on it was lost. Not 100% certain what that could signify.

    In my real life job, I work for a Christian TV Ministry, and part of my job included taking full episodes and putting them on USB flashdrives. I then have to test the flashdrives on three different computers to make sure there are no flashdrive & file problems before mailing them off to the stations. This dream could mean something about my work, and something that is old or outdated perhaps.

  14. I ended up having a bit of a disturbing dream, it wasn't a scary dream in the sense that I woke up in a startled or frightened emotional state, but it was a dream that I felt relieved from when I woke up and realised the events in the dream were not real.

    I dreamt that I was reading the newspaper, and I saw an obituary for one of my friends in the newspaper. According to the newspaper, she died of a drug overdose. (While I do know she is a non-believer [to my knowledge] and I know she does drink, whether she does drugs, or drinks to excess, I do not know) I felt sad, very sad, when I saw it, and I wished I had a time machine so I could send the news article back in time and warn her. There was something also interesting and peculiar about her photograph in the obituary, the photo was of her with her eyes closed almost as if the photo they used was of her body, rather than a photo of her, of while she was still alive. (To clear up any confusion, this friend of mine is alive in real life)

    As I was flipping through the newspaper, I saw a few other interesting articles which stood out. One had this picture of this almost bigfoot looking creature in this large advertisement that was talking about this guy that stitched human hair into this bigfoot winter hat/full body costume, as a winter jacket.

    There was also a third article that was also about someone I know as well I went to high school with, and apparently she was walking to school in the cold.

    There was also another brief portion of the dream where I remember thinking about how a mutual friend of ours was taking this.

    Before finding the newspaper, I remember going into the living room and my mom had the fold-away bed from the couch extended. She was sleeping on it, and she asked me to make sure that the dog (we do have a dog in real life) was fully on the bed, rather than his backside slightly hanging over the right-edge of the bed. So I gave him a tap and he moved fully onto the bed, and I remember that his teeth were strange. Almost like stapler remover looking teeth.

    That's pretty much what I remember from that dream.

  15. Wow, I need to come here more often. I don't have any funds being frozen, nor something that is entitled to that was being locked up, BUT there was an opportunity for me to give that has just recently (as of a week ago) has come and gone, and perhaps, now that I look back, the dream was speaking about that situation. I had an opportunity to give some money to help someone that I felt God wanted me to give, and I was going to, but I kept delaying for one reason or another, and when I did get around to actually trying to give, I found that the need had already been fulfilled, and they were no longer accepting donations. Looking back at the dream, it's possible the train was related, in meaning, that I was too late, and I missed an opportunity.

    Oh well...we learn from our mistakes.

  16. I dreamt that I was in this grocery store, and before I go into the grocery store there is this train, there is this train, and I miss this train and I try to run and catch it, but there's no way I can catch up to it at this time. So I go into this store, (It's possible that the train and the store were two seperate dreams itself) and I'm trying to purchase something using my debit card, and the first time I punch the code in, I don't punch the code correctly so it's an invalid entry and it doesn't go through. The second time I try to punch it in, again, I enter the wrong button trying the enter the code, and the result again, is another invalid entry. Well what happens is, now the card itself has been permenently blocked by the bank until I can deal with it at the bank, so now my card is completly useless, and I am incapable of purchasing what I wanted to buy. (I don't remember what it was I was buying)

  17. I had a dream a few nights ago that I moved back to my hometown, but was living in another part of town from where I grew up in. One of my firends from that town was asking how I'm liking it and I'm finding it ok, but I barely had much time to do much there.

    Later in that dream I was somehow overseas with my family in London England (We spent Christmas in the UK this past year in real life) and I'm having this very horrible attitude where I'm very angry and very rude to my parents (which is rather unlike me in real life) and I keep trying to rebel against them, and my mom was furious at me, even telling me to go back and that she doesn't want to see me for the rest of the night, and offering to drive me home (or back to wherever we were staying in England). In the dream I'm just wandering around taking photos, at one point I was at Trafalgeur Square, and my sister is near these police box things, and finally when I do calm down and come to them in the end we end up praying with a bunch of strangers, (apparently it was Brittney Spears' family) and there's a lady there who spoils a surprise about a BBQ the next day, and upon realising she leaked information I wasn't supposed to hear, she tries to cover it up by saying that we're heading back home the next day, or that night. It as a very intereresting and unusual.

  18. I had a remarkably and abnormally strange dream last night, that kind of left me feeling creeped out. It didn't jolt me awake in fear, but it left me feeling unsettled as I thought about the dream after awaking.

    I dreamt I was watching a movie, and the movie was called "Bellevue, Ontario". I looked up the town name after awakening. In punching in "Bellevue Ontario" into Google I discover the town really exists, but is part of a place under a different name, Kawartha Lakes. As for how I knew about the town in real life I may have heard about it, but was not conciously aware of it.

    In the dream, I watched this horror movie, although it initially started out as more of a bizarre comedy that gradually had some gory elements. It was a type of movie which I wouldn't normally watch, and the goryness was actually just out of sight, but it was the type of movie that would be typical of a Hollywood horror comedy. (Near the beginning at least) Things in the movie included these two street cleaners. One guy ended up urinating in this box, the other guy urinated on the ground next to someone who was watering the ground. There was this guy who was operating this high-pressure hose, but he put his male genitalia inside this pressure hose, but it had cut off that genitalia.

    Fast forward there was this unusual event that was happening in which the very tips of objects around town were being removed, for example: The upper parts near the mouth of beer bottles, top tips of pizzas, (almost like someone took a bite out of it), even ordinary materials, like plastic objects had tips removed from certain corners. As I sit here typing this, it suddenly occurs to me that an accurate description would be that it is almost like common everyday objects are being "circumcised". It wasn't long however before the whole town noticed there were very strange things happening, as this phenomenon was all over the place. The people started to get upset, but they found out, that this was not just happening within the borders of Bellevue, but this was happening outside. This was happening on a National scale. At one point in the dream, everyone was told to remain indoors, because there were certain health risks. (Specifically the guy with the beer bottle tops cut off posed a risk as the tops were now very sharp, as the glass was not broken off evenly. People had been risking their safetly by drinking out of these broken bottles.

    At one point this one guy came out and told everyone to stay in their homes, and what happened was at one point in the dream even the military was called in, and they were going to bring the military into town using this type of railway which was used in this type of national emergency.

    The last part of the dream involved me being a part of it. Presumably after I had watched a movie of these events unfolding. I was driving down this highway and I passed the actual Bellevue, notably this abandoned motel, which was now completly abandoned and devoid of population. The rest of the country seemed ok, and unphased by what had happened, but this town had long been abandoned since this very strange event in which the culprits were not caught, in which, as I remembered it worded, "A third of random objects had been removed" or something like that (As in vandalized with the tips removed)

    I had no idea what this dream was about. Some kind of event? I know the Bible talks about a third of the sun, moon, and stars being struck, I wondered if there was a connection. Anyone have any thoughts? Thank you and God Bless. :)

  19. Hello,

    I've noticed that whenever I have a dream that involves driving, the brakes don't seem to work very well. In the last dream I had I had to put my foot all the way to the floor to get what feels like 10-15% of braking power. This often makes driving in my dreams dangerous, and at one point in the last dream I had last night, I sideswiped a van my sister was driving while trying to back out of my parent's driveway. Anyone out there have any ideas of what this could mean? This seems to take place in any dream I have where I'm driving. Thanks.
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