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Grey Butterfly

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Posts posted by Grey Butterfly

  1. daphanie02 wrote:
    ...a scripture that came to mind was about shining your light before men and not hiding your light. I guess people who are afraid of the world and seclude themselves would be doing just that...

    God has been speaking to me about shining my light this week. Thanks for this post Angelique :o) I was already paying attention and being ministered to by your post, but as I read through the comments and saw that you had put the "light verse" in Laura, it just made me sit up and take notice LOL.

    Thanks :o) Diane

  2. Thanks Laura :o)

    I really appreciate your encouragement.

    I can see that (for me) a large part of helping people here with dreams they don't understand is to pray for them. There are people on this forum that I pray for often and worry about (in a good way... I worry with God... and talk to him about them) I am drawn to new people here, the people who have had a freaky dream that scares them... I like that I can tell them that perhaps seeing your baby die in a dream (for example) doesn't mean they actually will die... I like being able to point them to Mia's teachings, or a verse that has come to me. I like telling them to seek God on it, telling them that he is good.... to breathe and trust God and pray :o) I also like that I can pray for people I will never meet and God can and does work in their lives. I want to spend the rest of my life doing that! :o)

    I will keep going here in the testing area :o) But I'm going to pray and only post an interpretation if I believe God has given it to me. There is no point in posting my "well I think's" because it is like Samson's riddle, as God so graciously told me when I had a go at Mia's first test post. I am like a pipe that the clear water of the Holy Spirit can flow down... but I'm not the water, and I don't turn on the tap.

    Will I still get it wrong... probably, heaps, but it will be about my learning to hear the voice of God, not about how well I interpret the symbols... and that I want to practice!

    Thanks again... you are very caring and I feel your warmth towards me and I know that is a gift that God has given to you. :o) I'm not discouraged... (well maybe I was in the first instance... but God quickly dealt with that) I am learning what I can and cannot do... and I'm so very grateful for the opportunity to do that in a safe way! I'm not going anywhere... :o)

    Bless you!


  3. He still loves you Jasmine... will you forgive yourself and turn into his arms and do what it takes to find him?

    Think of the prodigal son... the Father ran to embrace him... Jesus told that story. He told that story to people who where scolding him for eating with sinners and outcasts... He told that story to show that the Father WANTS SINNERS TO RETURN TO HIM!!!! He is watching and waiting for you to want him, and for you to return to him... All day long he holds out his hands Jasmine, you can have your relationship with him back.... you can move on to even greater heights and intimacy with him...

    He adores you!

    Turn to him, cry out to him, pray, and don't stop till you sense his presence and feel his peace.

    Much love to you Jasmine xxxx


  4. Hi Delightful soul,

    I pray for hedges around you... a barrier that marks out the places where the enemy may not pass... I pray for rest and for restoration in your body and soul and spirit. Jesus I ask for this woman of yours to be upheld and kept out of reach for a time... I know that trials are a real part of life and we cannot expect to escape them forever... but would you hold her for a bit... strengthen her frame and give her a new sense of vigour and a real experience of your presence that will carry her through her days. Thank you for your blessings for your child. I praise you that you have beaten the devil and that we need never fall for his schemes... he cannot win, the battle is ours, we just need to take the fight to him... you have gone ahead of us and won the battle already. Just like the Israelites... this delightful soul belongs to you and she does have dominion over the flesh, the flesh must obey the spirit.... when you speak the wind and waves and the heavens stand as one... you are GOD! I ask that you make this reality and experience for Delightful Soul today and this week and this month.


  5. Oh wow...

    I'm learning heaps through doing this! I wrote here (this morning) that I was soooo not going to interpret anything for anyone... But, then as I walked around this morning, I was praying and trying to just let go of interpreting dreams. It hit me then that that is exactly what I need to do. I've been approaching these test dreams like a puzzle that I can solve... like a test :o) I'm very aware just now that without God, it is impossible.

    Thanks heaps for this opportunity! :o)

    Blessings, Diane

  6. Yep, thanks :o)

    I'm so glad that you are feeling better too! I'm also glad that it wasn't your goat butting or kicking you twice - which is what I thought of, and why I asked the goat's name... that would hurt!

    Blessings to you and thanks for the opportunity to practice and see just how hard this is... and to know when you are wrong or right is so very valuable!

    Thanks, Diane

  7. Oh Jesus, how sad to lose a loved one that way... sad to think of them in so much pain that they would do that. I pray now for the family of your friend steadygaze, I lift them up and beg you Jesus to wrap them in your comfort.

    I pray also for the many others who are contemplating this right now and ask that you will give them a new perspective, a point of light to keep them from taking their own life... distract them with something Lord and bring them someone who can make a difference to their day... a smile in the street, a friendly hand... whatever it takes Jesus please be with the bruised reeds today!

    I pray for steadygaze, I know her fundraiser was days ago and I pray that it went well and your hand has been on her ever since, I pray that the pain from the injection has gone and that she is feeling physically well.

    I pray that you will comfort her heart over her friend too Lord, it is oh so sad that we cannot step back in time sometimes... and the sadness of loss is one you are familiar with. be with her Jesus please... and hold her give her rest and strength to continue on towards India.

    Blessings to you Steadygaze.

    big hug 2

  8. That must feel awful to dream Tweety!

    Is there anything going on in your life that feels the same as the dream felt?

    Are you pregnant in real life?

    The symbols seem to speak of something unexpectedly ending, but that isn't necessarily true cos' God is infinitely creative and a symbol used in one way for one person can mean something entirely different for the next person.

    Talk with God and seek the meaning with him... because he wants to communicate with you. :o)

    I'm not an interpreter, just trying to help with my own thoughts :o)

    Bless you, and welcome to the site... it has been a great place to be, I hope you find what you are looking for!!


  9. Hi Piano,

    This is what occurred to me when I read your vision:

    (From Bible Gateway)

    Zechariah 14:3-5

    New International Version (NIV)

    3 Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle. 4 On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south. 5 You will flee by my mountain valley, for it will extend to Azel. You will flee as you fled from the earthquake[a] in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the LORD my God will come, and all the holy ones with him.

    This is not an interpretation, just your description brought this verse to mind :o) Blessings,


  10. Hi Laura,

    i noticed that you said:

    "Most of my dreams are waaaay blown out of proportion and most of the time have to do with scenerio's in my day to day life with some spiritual meaning but mostly literal meaning." And, I know that you keep goats...

    Soooo, I wonder if this is about a goat that likes to go where it shouldn't? Is it one that you have needed to fence in - perhaps differently to the others?

    I don't know if you have neighbours who also keep animals... Can I ask questions with these tests??? The river seems to me to be like a boundary, so I am thinking it might be a neighbouring animal is the one who likes to come visiting.... (I have farming friends who had to get a new bull because their very large bull had begun just walking through fences whenever he felt like being with the cows - LOL) I'm wondering if this was a similar scenario.

    The problem either way is solved by fencing (the net in the middle of the river - which I am seeing as the boundary) the hands to me symbolise having help to solve the problem. You are able to rest and not worry about it any more.

    Blessings, Diane

  11. Hi Laura,

    has someone in your house been playing Armadillo run?

    I don't know anything about armadillos... and when I read your dream, I wondered where they lived... I wondered, could you possibly have seen a real armadillo - and this be a literal dream??? So I googled "armadillo"

    When I did, up came "armadillo run" (a game) and suddenly I felt like I knew that this was what your dream was about.

    Was it a visitor who played it at your house heaps and is now gone? or was it a trial version of the game or a game of short lived interest that is just not chosen anymore.

    Or am I completely off base :o)

    Blessings, Diane

  12. Hi :o)

    It is hard without asking how you see your ex now, how you feel about rummage sales... are you buying a sewing machine or doing some kind of industrial sewing, or even do you drive a sports car??

    I know that this is a test so I will tell you what I think, given just the dream...

    I noted that the house is yours in the dream, but is really your mothers... (does that mean it is your childhood home... I am going to assume so.) according to what I've read about dreams, this then is a dream about the past... Your ex is there and you are driving so it is not childhood, but the past. (Did your ex live next door to you in real life.... I'm going to assume not) I'm going to assume that him being next door is symbolic for you not being together anymore... him being in the dream I believe relates to the way you see him, (ie: a part of his character)

    The car ride: I know that this dream has already manifested, so I wonder then if the manifestation of this part of the dream will be that you are in the passenger seat directing the driver who does not know where to go... Someone who gets impatient with you and suggests that you drive. I think this part could be literal and might trigger your memory of the dream.

    I think for the most part that that the whole set up of the dream is just a backdrop to get you to the right bookmark... a jumping off place... i think it is about moving on from one life - of "running low" (ie: the supply of whatever is being served is running low) to another life of plenty... with "several floors" of provisions.

    You are lining up to try on some clothing and you see the sewing machine... (it strikes me as a tool to create things like the clothing you are waiting to try on... and you state that you are doing sewing in the dream... this then is a tool you need, it is practical and reliable) You are waiting to negotiate with the owners (could this be praying about moving into the new area of ministry?) Your ex reminds you that your life doesn't have room for this. (I have taken the car as a symbol of your life - sports car. Unless you drive a sports car - LOL) I think that in this part, your ex is voicing your own feelings of uncertainty about the change.

    I feel like this is just so many guesses, and I haven't actually told you anything of value :o) If you saw rummage sales as horrid places with dirty "used by someone else" clothing for example, then the dream would mean totally different things...

    Blessings to you.... I know that I have answered this differently, and thought differently, because I know it is a test... it has been interesting to do this :o) Thanks!!!!


  13. Hi Lurdys,

    I have a feeling this is about a medical test. I know that I was praying for you earlier this year, lots of us were, and I wonder if perhaps you are getting to the point where test results can confirm freedom and you are anxious to know the result and get this "inconvenient" (understatement) squatter in your life over and out.

    I would normally ask this question first... but I know that this is a test and that you already know the answer, so that is why I am just saying it... hope that's ok. :o)

    Blessings, Diane

  14. Thanks Sabrina,

    I really appreciate your help... I will pray on it. I am growing and moving into more prayer ministry and have been warned (along with my group) that the enemy may attack... perhaps it is that. I don't believe I have anything hidden that is not known to anyone but me... I'm pretty open :o) And to date, no-one has defamed my character in real life.

    I will be praying! thanks heaps to both of you

    Diane :o)

  15. Hi all,

    I dreamed that I got into my car - it was night and it was parked somewhere on a street... like near a railway or something.

    When I got in, I realised that it had grafitti all over the inside of the windows and the roof etc... it looked to have been done with indelible ink, and I know that at one point I rubbed at some on the windscreen, but it didn't come off.

    I felt frightened and immediately jumped back out of the car (I hadn't yet shut my door) I checked the back seat to see if there was anyone still in the car. The car was empty.

    I then felt afraid of being out of the car and so I got in and locked the doors.

    I pulled out of the kerb and began to drive, I had to pass a group of about 3-4 people... (young people) on my right, and there was someone else to the left, but that bit has faded now. I know that I felt embarrassment because they would be able to see the grafitti.

    It was swearing and obscenities and drawings - the crude stuff that is often in public toilets... the messages in it were directed at me - personally attacking. I know I felt that I couldn't wait to wash it all off.

    I still feel very new to this, and so I would like some help and confirmation. I guess that I don't like what I think it means either... I'm hoping that I'm wrong :o)

    Thanks :o)


  16. Hi Mia,

    I only saw this today... and I saw that it was a "training exercise" I had noted also, when I clicked on the thread, that you were the last to post so I figured that the manifestation would probably be at the end. I wanted to participate however, even if it was just me here doing it and then reading the answer... :o) So I decided not to read beyond your first post to see what everyone else said.... I decided instead to sit an pray first. I really wanted to test myself :o)

    I could see the symbols: The baby... something new, something time consuming, something right now. I felt that the Doctor was someone who asked others to leave and give you some space that was needed because of busyness... but not pain.

    But, I was feeling a reluctance about all that too... nothing spiritual, it just seemed obvious to me and you had said that everyone would be wrong :o) I figured that it would therefore not be an obvious take on the symbols.

    So.... I sat for a bit, and I tried not to grasp at meanings - and just asked Jesus to show me if there was something there, if indeed he wanted me to know at all. I was also asking him if I have a gift of interpreting dreams...

    The thing that came to me was Samson's riddle. (The one about the honey in the lion... no-one could interpret the riddle, so they bugged his new bride to ask him and she in turn nagged him till he did, and then she told her family, and they got it right...) Samson was angry because he knew that without the intimate knowledge that his wife possessed, they would never have guessed the riddle.

    I figured that God was telling me that he was the only one who could truly interpret dreams, he is the speaker of the meanings... I know that he could tell me, but that I would not be able to discern it without him... I figured that he was saying no to two things: Firstly, I felt that he was telling me that I am not an interpreter of dreams, and secondly that he was saying no, I am not going to tell you what this dream means.

    I have seen that next step often, where someone asks the dreamer about feelings and what is going on in life, and I thought that perhaps someone had done that and you had answered... so, I decided to skim down then and just read any of your posts, thinking that if you had given more info, I could continue with the exercise. But of course your next post gave the whole point of the lesson and the manifestation - which I was NEVER going to get and God didn't choose to tell. :o)

    I've read the rest of the thread now, (before I began to post this) and feel a bit like I cheated.... although I know I didn't. It is awesome that God chose to give me an illustration of the lesson - not the interpretation of the dream.

    I don't know what I would have written had I answered before your second post... :o) and I can't go back and "unknow" the answer... so I guess I didn't really participate. But it was a great lesson and I did learn from it... thanks!!!


  17. Hi Beloved of the Lord...

    I'm not an interpreter, and haven't been doing this very long... but i think perhaps both dreams are the same dream with different "props" It seems to be about you calling for help and not being heard. In both cases you couldn't breathe, there are people with you, but they are unable to help...

    I wonder if this is about a situation in real life... do you feel overwhelmed and unsupported perhaps??

    Maybe post your dream out in the "dreams to be interpreted" under it's own heading, so that others will see it too... :o)

    Jesus I pray for this beloved child of yours, I pray for her life and situation, I pray that you will make these dreams clear to her Lord, are they literal and foretelling a situation where she will feel these things? Are they dreams about her life at present and how she feels now... I don't know, so I want to pray for your covering Jesus, I pray you give her clarity of mind and draw her close. I pray for her health and for her family... I pray that you will give her the knowledge and discernment that she needs for these dreams and for whatever circumstance they refer to. Amen

    Blessings, Diane

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