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Grey Butterfly

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Posts posted by Grey Butterfly

  1. Hi Emmie,

    I am not an interpreter, I'm just a fellow dreamer, but I said I'd look at this for you, so I did :o)

    The things that strike me is that you are missing a lot of things, and that it causes difficulty for you.

    I also noted that you asked for assistance a lot in the dream too... with the staircase (and it ended up just being easy) then you were offered assistance with the embankment (from someone who had been there before) and then at the bank you ask for assistance but it is only given reluctantly.

    It just seems to me that these two things, missing things and asking for help and the varied responses to that are in this dream a lot.

    Has anything been happening like it lately?

    Were there any feelings in the dream that perhaps you have been feeling in real life?

    With regards to the girl, Hutika... it just strikes me that you didn't notice she was blind, I don't know if that is a significant point or not :o)

    These are just the things that struck me, hope they might help :o)

    Blessings, Diane

  2. Hi Emmie,

    Welcome :o)

    I think that you and I probably spend about the same amount of time on the computer LOL.

    I am sure that there is a part we play in interpreting dreams... but God gives us even that! Blessings to you, I love your crab, he's cute :o)


  3. Hi Nola :o)

    I wondered if you know the woman you were with?

    It seems odd to be treating the bull that way... kind of patronising. It would be just plain stupid to do that with a powerful bull in real life, so it seems odd that the bull would just lay down and let her scratch his belly too.

    These observations might mean nothing to you... if so, just toss them :o)

    Blessings, and welcome :o)


  4. Keep praying and seeking God. Put all of your desires in his hands... and be patient. It is good that you were brought to repentance by the Holy Spirit, continue to walk humbly, God will lead you :o)

    blessings to you, Diane

  5. Hi PF,

    The Holy Spirit did not speak to me... my heart just went out to you and I wanted to hug you and pray for you.

    There are plenty of examples in the bible of close relatives marrying, Abraham and Sarah shared a parent. Genesis 20: 11 "Abraham replied, “I said to myself, ‘There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.’ 12 Besides, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father though not of my mother; and she became my wife." That is immaterial however if the laws in your country prohibit first cousins marrying - as they do in Aust. The laws have been made because of the similarities in your DNA and the greater chance of birth defects in children... have you talked about whether you plan to have children?

    Father I pray for calm and peace to flow over PF, and all of the family and the church concerned... I ask for your wisdom for PF and his/her cousin... may you help them to work through this situation in a way that honours you, and honours the love they feel, even if it does not lead them to marriage.

    I ask Lord that you will cool tempers and lower the levels of indignation so that those who care about these two are able to share their concerns in an atmosphere of love, and in gentleness, even if what they have to say is not what the cousins were hoping to hear. Heal this hurting soul Lord God, cos' falling in love is not usually something we can help...

    Blessings to you, Diane

  6. Stephanie, you are still quite new here, so I don't know if you have read Mia's articles or instructions for giving and receiving interpretation. Know that God holds the key to your dream Stephanie, he is the author of it and therefore you can ask him for the interpretation... seek him also about what you have been given here, because we are all human!

    Tarzanbeta, your words to Stephanie were presented very confidently, like you know her or God gave you the message... and that may well be the case, but if it isn't, then you probably need to make that clearer to her.

    You mentioned the lack of interpreters on the site... and you are right, there are not many interpreters here (I have seen one, but she hasn't been around lately) because Mia is very careful to tell us all to seek God for interpretation and she doesn't want people being given interpretations from fellow humans that are wrong because that can be damaging to young Christians, or people who are new to dreams and dream interpretation. (I'm not saying what you said to Stephanie was wrong... I don't know either of you, so I don't get to judge the interpretation) But I do know that to get the "interpreter" badge on this site, you have to prove to be accurate... and that Mia recommends we all test the interpretations we are given by praying about them too.

    Blessings :o)

  7. Wow... :o)

    I'm glad that you are figuring it out and that God is obviously speaking to you about your future direction.

    I pray Father that you will open the doors to serve you, that you will continue to direct and be present to Tarzanbeta. i ask for clarity and certainty about your words and your plans Lord, and for the peace that always comes when we "just know" that something is from you and we have heard you correctly.

    Bless you :o)

  8. Are you thinking that there is a message about God's people coming together in unity from both the east and the west?

    i hope and pray this will be so :o)

    If that is what you are saying.... then, in the centre of that - on the paper fold as you called it, is this island with Kawai on it... If that is the water of the Holy Spirit, or living in the presence of God, as I thought it might be.... then I can see it is very significant in this theme you are seeing. Because, I think that unity must be centred on him for it to be true and deep and lasting.

    Sooo, is this what you are saying??

    Blessings to you Tarzanbeta. :o)

  9. Hi Lakewoodgal,

    Was the eye watching you? like it was personal/intelligent, and if so, was it friend or foe??? or was it just a shape?

    In your dream, there is a storm raging and yet your focus is this eye... why? was it beautiful? calming? or gripping your attention in any way?

    Were you in your own house?

    Is there a "storm" in your life at the moment???

    These are just questions ok :o) I'm not an interpreter, please take them and pray over your dream and ask God to show you what it means... hope this helps.

    Blessings, Diane

  10. Thanks Mark :o)

    The morning went well, both at school and having a cuppa with my "butter" friend :o)

    I am praying... and will be aware. Thanks for pointing out this part, you are right and I will be able to respond rather than react if something goes wrong in the next day or so.... I do tend to want to wrap my kids in bubble wrap [they keep telling me that - unless they want me to make their lunch or something - LOL] :o) I will be praying for smooth settling in.

    Bless you Mark, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  11. I just had a phone call from the person who put butter on my hand in the dream!

    She asked me how I was because my littlest one is going to school tomorrow for the first time... (my last baby.) She offered to meet me for coffee after I drop off.

    Suddenly I can see a new meaning. The clean cut that didn't hurt, is looking good now! This is a relationship that is meant to sever.... and heal quickly.

    I feel so relieved, I understand now, there was even a part in the dream where I was inspecting the school... that seemed out of place before, an extra, unnecessary detail.

    God is so good... and I need to beware of the butter tomorrow! LOL.

    Blessings, Diane

  12. Hi all,

    A part of a dream: I had my left hand sliced by a person (not a person I know in real life they were also injured in the same way, but on their right hand). It cut down through my left ring finger and cut off a part of my palm on the way towards my wrist. It felt a lot like slicing a vegetable and the piece came off cleanly and without pain. i stuck it back on (just by placing it back where it was supposed to be) and spent the rest of the dream "going" to the hospital (I never got there) A friend of mine spread butter on it and stuck it back on, but this stung badly so I washed it off and then stuck the piece back on again... (the piece came off in the water and by this time it looked very much like a piece of chicken, it was all dirty and had bits of stuff on it. But I washed it and tried to stick it back on.) I met a person in another part who told me that while they would go through the motions of trying to re-attach the piece of hand, (at the hospital) it would never "take" he showed me how clean the cut was and how it already seemed to have sealed over. In another part I was going to drive myself to hospital in a kid sized pedal car that had no panels at all, it was like a wire frame! It rained, so I realised that I would have to accept I couldn't go in the pedal car and went back to get my husbands car.

    I believe I know what this dream means, but I would really like it to mean something else :o)

    Blessings to you all, Diane

  13. Hi Tarzanbeta,

    I have been praying for you, and for understanding of your dream... please know that whenever I did the interpretation tests, I failed. I am not an interpreter. I will give you what I believe God gave me, but please check it out with others, please pray too okay? :o)

    The water and the lava I believe are the Holy Spirit. I believe that you are right about the aloneness aspect in the swimming in the ocean, but also that you are being carried along in this dream by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is spoken of in the bible in both ways, fire and water. (I can share some verses with you if you need them)

    In the car scene, It seems probable to me that you needed to see that God sees your work, and I think that he wants you to not be so judgemental towards yourself. But also, about your wife, you said: "I was so hurt and angry that she had lied. So I walked up to her and said, "If you say that again I will take your head off." I felt Big Chris behind me not consenting to my attitude, but also giving me the feeling that it was okay; to relax"

    I have highlighted Big Chris being behind you, because I think this is a word play (God likes to do this with me in my dreams) God is behind you... he has your back. He is also pointing out that he doesn't like your attitude... but that part didn't require interpreting, it was plain to you.

    The Island is called "the water" and "the water" is the town in the centre of the idyllic Island surrounded by silver linings.... that to me is an invitation to put God in the centre of your life...

    As for the bloodless vessels in the roof of your mouth, I did have a thought... but I've just been asking God again, because it isn't nice and I don't want to say it. I know you at all. Please forgive me if I am wrong? Just because it seems to fit or it popped into my mind does not make it from God... test it, reject it, dismiss it if it doesn't ring true in your spirit! That goes for the "nice" bits too... ok?

    Here goes:

    This is in your mouth... could this perhaps be your words??

    It is blood vessels that should be full of blood, but are not... I remembered a part of a verse in the bible the part was: for the life is in the blood

    Therefore I think that the vessels are bloodless = lifeless.

    Do your words bring life and encouragement???

    This is an amazing dream! God is definitely in it and with you!

    Blessings to you, I pray that God will surround you, and open your eyes and ears to discern the truth and to understand your own dream in its entirety.



    PS: (I can't find the verse about the life being in the blood at the moment. I found this one when I was looking, but it isn't the one I remembered. It is similar, but this one talks about animals: Lev 17: 10-12 For the life of a creature is in the blood)

  14. Hi Christi,

    The Widow was symbolic, the dream is actually about a man who is not old and is married. But, in the dream, I knew that the widow had been a widow for a long time. the gifts had been there a long time, they were wrapped in oil cloth, very dusty on the outside, but perfect inside. (I didn't see the gifts, I just know they were preserved) The widow's house was cluttered, like a lot of old ladies houses are, it was pleasant being there, she was working at her desk... she struck me as someone who had long ago accepted and come to terms with being a widow... I am aware that while I liked her, it is not a good symbol for a man - who is not old! I think it speaks about stagnation, aloneness, sadness, acceptance of circumstances... it would be ok in the widow I saw, but it is not really the way a younger person should be viewing the world.

    Thanks Christi :o)

  15. I felt such a deep compassion for you as I read your reply... we perfectionists hurt ourselves so much and even though others may say we are amazing, we never ever quite see it that way! You obviously work hard and are trying to do what you believe God is asking of you.

    You said: "I felt Big Chris behind me not consenting to my attitude, but also giving me the feeling that it was okay; to relax. Then Big Chris said, "You did a lot of work on this car, didn't you?" And I said, "Yes. I spent 200 hours working on it." Dear man of God, rest in the love he has for you... he sees you and he sees the effort you make to honour him. Know however, that the foundation of his love for you is not what you do... it is in the fact you are his. He is delighted with you!

    (I know what you mean about the state of "christianity" I'm not saying God is love and you can do whatever you like and he is just cool with that - ok? God IS love, but - if we say we love God and walk in darkness we don't even know him. I am assuming that you take your walk seriously from the tone of your writing)

    I have to go do some "back to school" shopping at the moment, and I don't want to rush in and reply to you any further at the moment... I want to pray and give it some thought. You seriously don't just want my thoughts on your dream :o)

    I am hopeful that others here who have the gift of interpretation might jump in and give you what you need before i come back anyway.

    I pray that you will exhale and find that the love of God has been surrounding you in your aloneness and that his love is so heartbreakingly beautiful that you will be glad of your aloneness... I pray too, that the connection you feel with God will drive you deeper in connection with his body, in trust and in healthy dependence and in mutual love.

    Blessings to you :o)


    PS: I can't see your face as you speak and I don't know you at all... so if what I have said makes you go huh!? then please feel free to discard it ok - this is what I felt (strongly) when I read what you wrote :o)

  16. Wow!

    And then she dreams of you caring for a baby!!

    And putting it down for a rest too!

    It seems to fit your circumstances doesn't it....

    I pray you find another job sister, I pray it is something that is suited to your talents and that allows you to use all that God has given you and feel great satisfaction. I pray for your finances to last longer than you think is possible, for you to always be provided for and that in this time God will be more real, more close and more precious to you than you have ever known him to be.

    Blessings to you!


  17. Hi Tarzanbeta,

    Firstly, I'm not an interpreter, just a fellow dreamer, and this is just my thoughts, :o)

    I got the impression that your work is fulfilling for you, that you are proud of what you do, and that you work hard... do you worry that you may not have done enough (like the corrosion) IRL?? I see that you accepted that the job was done in the dream, do you do that IRL?

    Your wife did not see the extent of your work on the car - and there was conflict there... are there times you feel (she, or others) don't see what you do, or don't appreciate your efforts?

    Mia has a worksheet that helps... she says to take out the symbols and just write down how you felt at each point in the dream... doing that might help for you in this dream because it changes scenes so much.

    Please throw out whatever doesn't fit, and pray about it ok :o)

    Blessings, Diane

  18. Hi sister, :)

    My thoughts: Your Mum had the dream, so I wonder if there is any significance for her?

    It strikes me that she is at the house of her sister which is not calm, and she is bringing calm to a baby and she is seeing you, capably taking care of "your" baby too...

    I think that you should hop into your Mum's eyes first, before you look for anything significant for you in it.

    Hope that helps :o)

    Blessings, Diane

  19. Hi Mark,

    Yes, definitely!

    In the dream, the widow was completely oblivious to their existence... they had sat on top of the beam and gathered dust for her whole life. I was helping her with something on a high shelf, so while I am on the chair I find the packages and bring them to her... the dream ended there.

    Yes, I think he could definitely do with encouragement. It seems that I am in a position to do that. I would not have thought so!

    The love comes from God, not from me, so it seems that the encouragement he needs is to know how much God loves him. I think that I will need to pray and ask God to give me the packages... If I just find verses that are meaningful to me, they may not hit the spot at all.

    At least I know what to do with it now.... thanks so much Mark.

    Have a wonderful day :o)

  20. Hi,

    I was dreaming that I was at an elderly widow's house. I know whom I was dreaming about, (they are not a widow nor elderly, and not female either) I think that the widow is symbolic for this person. anyway, in one part I found some love letters and gifts hidden on a beam (up near the roof where the ceiling should be) that the widow had never found and so had never seen/read, they were left for her by her husband who had loved her dearly.

    What do you make of them being on a high beam like that? Do you think that it is God who is the husband in the dream?

    Blessings, Diane
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