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Posts posted by writer4him

  1. Well, my interpretation may have been premature as far as the complete manisfestation. Our recent reconciliation attempt of one-year in duration ended last month with my kids and me being abandoned with meager resources and no place to live. We have had no contact with him and although the day after we got into a hotel, he got a room there as well, although he ignored us and has not contacted his children. Wow...that dream happened about 8 years ago! God is faithful.

  2. Hi everyone,

    I apologize for the lengthy post--but we need these specific issues addressed in prayer.

    I would appreciate your prayers for my 4 children and me. We have been at a hotel for the past month since losing our apartment due to domestic abuse. I lost my job 5 months ago after extended illness disrupted my life and ability to work. I was a few months into the process of a reconciliation attempt with my estranged mate when the emotional abuse began with a full month of the silent treatment. Soon after, my work began to suffer and I developed internal bleeding that continued for weeks without us locating the source because I lost my insurance when my paid leave ended. When I eventually became unable to work, he stopped contributing financially to the family until we were evicted from our apartment. He stashed his paychecks, bought a new car and left us stranded on the night we had to move out. This was after we filed joint taxes and he set it up to go into his account. We had agreed to pay off the apartment complex with the refund--now I don't know what he intends as we have no contact with him. He stayed at the same hotel that I checked into for a few days but ignored us.

    Earlier this year, God suddenly brought my 95 year old, absentee father back into my life during my illness and he has sent funds as he was able but of course this cannot continue. My adult daughter works part time but her income does not replace my earnings or cover the hotel room. We are living week by week here trying to get our bearings but now my funds have been depleted. My meager IRA is tapped out. I am looking for work but feel at a loss as to what I can actually do as my healing process was hindered by all of the stress--my doctor keeps sending letters reminding me that I need to get checked out but that is not an option right now. Out of the blue, I have begun having PTSD/anxiety symptoms that I had nearly healed from during the separation.

    Now, I have been trusting God for our care and provision but I have been on an Elijah-on-Mt- Carmel type prayer focus right now---"Which God is the true God". My eldest daughter left the faith, talks of universal consciousness and has embraced alternative lifestyles that are troubling (all internet for now)...she is busy trying humanistic means to pull us out of this pit and my conscience is being sorely tried. Apparently there are people out there who will pay other people quite well to "boss them around" (and other darker things) and she is linking up with them. I am asking that God move quickly as our deliverer as I can't stomach being provided for from such activities but I don't want to lean unto my own understanding on this. Plus, I have two sons (15 & 16) who are actively involved in church and their faith is being attacked right now--they're having difficulty trusting God will be a loving provider after being abandoned and left destitute by their earthly father. My second oldest daughter (18) professes Jesus but has been dabbling with marijuana, is not taking her diabetes meds (last glucose reading in April was 564), and is sexually active (I stumbled across an alternate fb page which revealed her life away from home--breaks my heart). I know that the devil is actively working to destroy my family but I cannot believe the Lord will allow this to happen though we are being sorely tried. This is the fallout of domestic abuse that proves this issue demands attention in the body of Christ. Abuse links victims up with the spirits of fear and unbelief--this cannot be what God intended for the family to be like. Thank you everyone. God bless.

  3. I recently dreamed that I was learning how to cast a fishing net.  I was trying to catch a specific type of fish (mullet) which is very popular back in my hometown.  I remember being so happy to find the net at my disposal and apparently all the time in the world to master the technique.  I had watched videos and asked a couple of people for pointers then spent all day (maybe more than one day)  wading in the water and casting repeatedly.  

    I caught all manner of fish, one or two at a time, but for a long time I couldn't seem to cast quickly enough when the schools of mullet swam past.  I was disappointed but had this hopeful feeling that the next cast would be successful, so I did not give up.  I eventually caught my first mullet and it was so exciting, I couldn't stop smiling.  I felt so triumphant.

  4. Last night's dream:

    I was on a barrier island near my hometown, standing on a condominium balcony and looking down at the beautiful Gulf of Mexico.  The sky was so blue and the white sand seemed to glow and sparkle.  I was a bit apprehensive when I saw what appeared to be a couple small sharks inside a wave; closer inspection revealed that they were actually dolphins.  After noticing the green flags posted, I was so anxious to get down to the beach for a swim, but I was waiting for my 18 yo daughter to get into her swimsuit so we could go together.  Green flags usually mean: Low hazard, calm conditions, exercise caution.

    It seemed to take forever for her to get dressed and I felt that my daughter seemed to be stalling our swimming plans by coming up with errands to run: first she wanted to walk to a convenience store to buy apple juice; then she decided to go get yogurt...I was growing impatient and felt that we were wasting precious time.

    While she was gone I quit waiting and went down to the beach.  The azure waters were perfectly calm and beautiful and felt wonderful....irl, it has been more than 2 decades since I swam there so it felt pretty special.

    I don't remember if she ever came down to join me.

  5. Saturday's early morning dream:

    As if viewing a movie, I watched a man and woman who were on the run from someone; I felt like they were husband and wife. They moved from place to place, hiring themselves out as farm hands to get food and shelter. At the last farm, they were given a tiny, one-room shack to live in. They went to bed and were awakened by the shouts of men and the sound of horses the next morning. They shared a look and said 'It's time', then they shared a quick kiss just as the door was kicked open. They were dragged from the bed by a group of militia-type men. Smoke was everywhere. The woman was taken up to the balcony of an adjacent building and while she was being assaulted, the man was being brutally beaten to death by a group of men. They took turns hitting and kicking the man. Just before he died, he signed "I" (pointing his thumb towards his own chest) "love" (his arms crossed his chest) "you" (pointed at the soldier who stood in front of him with his fist drawn back). As the man slumped to the ground, I thought to myself: Why are they doing this?! Someone shouted "They're Armenians!", almost as if they had heard my question. I felt fear, horror, then anger and frustration at my inability to help the couple. Then I was confused about why the "Armenians" were being targeted. My son said he came in while I was asleep and I was tossing and turning and seemed angry.

    I woke up aggrieved and decided to do some research; what I learned about the persecution and destruction of roughly 75% of Armenian Christians a century ago floored me. The 100-year anniversary was just a couple days ago on April 24th. This huge sense of loss has lodged in my heart ever since....

  6. Question: Can this be a connection to a previous dream?  

    As I prayed over this, I suddenly remembered a previous dream which I also posted on the site as "Two different beds, a reneged promise and a joyful future" which I also prayed over and hid in my heart.  That dream began with me being a bit older than I am now with new grand babies and then jumps back to when I was a hopeful young woman with my childhood self traveling alongside me.  

    The dream I posted above seems to fill in the middle years which were missing from the other dream...and also ends in a bedroom.    

    Beds/bedrooms, scarcity/abundance, despair/joy seems to be important contrasts in both dreams.  Anyone have thoughts on this?

    **Also, I just noticed that in today's dream we had "company". After studying spiritual warfare a number of years ago (my kids and I), we began using that as a code phrase when one of us notices we are suddenly feeling out of sorts/anxious or inexplicably squabbling over minor things, having sleep disrupted, etc...as a reminder to stop and pray for deliverance from demonic oppression. Things usually settle down afterwards....**

  7. Today's dream had me holding my head as I awoke with a bad headache; perhaps as I recall it some clarity will come.  I apologize for the lengthiness but it was like watching a very vivid set of movie scenes and I am not certain which aspects of the dream to leave out at this point:

    I was at home with my spouse and kids--it was an apartment that I had lived in for 7 years as a little girl after my parents separated but it looked a bit larger inside than the tiny apartment that I remember.  The apartment was almost bare but he had bought a big screen TV--this purchase was a bone of contention between us because the family had real needs and the TV wasn't one of them. We needed furniture, food, clothing for the kids, etc., but he had bought a TV. arguing    I walked into the den where he and our sons (who were younger than in real life) were watching television; it was a really violent action movie and I was upset that he was letting them watch it because in the past, we were very strict about these things. Banned :stop: (I had the feeling in the dream that we had argued about this and he was doing as he pleased...the kids were just caught up in being able to do something previously forbidden by both of us--so of course I'm the spoilsport.)  He knew I was upset and basically ignored me in an obvious manner after giving me an insolent look. That's when I noticed that we had company:  the rapper Jay-Z was there and a couple other guys that I didn't know. I knew that my spouse was making a point to demonstrate to the guys just who was ruling the roost, so to speak, and I was like an outsider in that place.

    I walked into the bathroom to calm down a bit because I was about to blow up! :stop:  I splashed water on my face to cool down.  When I returned to the living room, there were more children running around.  It was 7 or 8 little girls whose ages ranged from about 3 years to age 9.  Somehow I knew that they were orphans and needed mothering and felt bad that I didn't have resources enough for my own children. Yet I felt drawn to them as soon as I entered the room and they surrounded me.  I knelt down on the bare floor to talk with them and a little girl of about 4 years, who seemed to be a special needs child, immediately gave me the sweetest, biggest hug and kiss.   huggins kiss   My heart was stolen in that moment and each girl came to get a hug from me as well.  They needed care and I felt responsible for them.  Someone scolded them and called the girls over to sit with the rest of the children in front of the television--they  were annoyed about them running around the living room and talking.  They were made to sit in front of the TV too.  I could feel my anger rising again so I went outside to walk and pray.  referee

    For some reason, I started jogging and ran across the backyard of the apartment building behind ours ( irl, I grew up in old, military-style duplexes many of which were placed back-to-back in our complex) and as I reached the sidewalk in front of that duplex I slowed to a walk to catch my breath.  An older man dressed in a maintenance uniform suddenly came out of one of the duplexes and called me over.  I walked to the front porch and could see that there were other workers inside--they were about to put the apartments contents on the curb.  He quickly explained that the elderly residents had passed away and there were no living relatives, so I was to get whatever I needed from the apartment before they put the rest outside.  I had the odd feeling that they had been waiting for me to come by so they could tell me this.  I also felt really sad about the residents and felt funny about going through their things but he insisted, so I began to look at the items.

    I immediately found a long, low wooden table that was painted green; it was about 8 feet long and 4 feet wide which was perfect for all those little folks at home to sit around on the floor.  Wearing an angry look, my husband suddenly came in the back door of the duplex with my sons to see why I was in there with a maintenance man--he calmed down when he saw other women in there looking around (it was odd how the women seemed to suddenly appear and I noticed that although they rummaged through things, they did not take anything--and this apartment was FILLED with beautiful furnishings, etc.,).  I had my sons, who were now looking like they do in real life--ages 15 and 16 and 6 feet tall, take the table home with instructions to come back and help me with the rest.  

    A grandfatherly worker called me back into the master bedroom which was beautifully decorated and furnished.  The contents of this room were to be mine as well and it was overwhelming:  new bed, linens, pillows, paintings, furniture.  I was to take basically everything.  He showed me beautiful jewelry and purses that would just be thrown out, then told me to me to go through the highboy and waited patiently while I did so--it seemed that even the workers were not taking anything.  I reluctantly began placing the jewelry and other valuables into purses to carry home.  I particularly wanted the jewelry and documents, diaries, etc., to be kept safe--it had crossed my mind that there may yet be undiscovered kin somewhere in the world who might appear one day and would find these items to be precious heirlooms.  It was unimaginable to think of them being left out on the curb to be ransacked. Btw, how on earth did they have such nice things in such a dismal place?

    I also felt confused because although the exteriors of the duplexes were just as I remembered, the interiors were not the same.  Back then those apartments were plain, with chipping exterior paint, concrete floors and no air conditioning...nothing like the officer's quarters over on the base.

  8. I was at what appeared to be some sort of church gathering in a big meeting hall, mingling in the midst of the throng.  The atmosphere was festive and there was a lot of food and games, etc.

    Suddenly an old friend walked up and we started chatting about the event's success and how much fun it was.  That's when I learned that I was part of the event planning team.  After a few minutes, he said that I should make the big "Thank you for coming!" announcement.  No one had previously said anything to me about handling this task which was usually done by the event host/emcee but I didn't mind doing so.  I was thinking 'Oh no, not me!' and said so aloud, just kidding around like we always did in the past.  I had just popped the last of a piece of chicken strip into my mouth and begun chewing.  That little piece of meat seemed to expand as soon as I started chewing plus it was a bit dry.
    He gave me an annoyed look, then turned around to get everyone's attention for the announcement. He turned to me and waited for me to start talking.  Now I was the one annoyed because he didn't give me time to finish eating and was doing something he had done in times past when I was kind of shy as a teenager/young adult and we were dating--try to 'break me out of my shell."

    So I addressed the crowd, apologizing for having food in my mouth (all of the trash bins and napkins had suddenly disappeared so I was forced to speak from behind my hand!).  Apart from having bits of food falling out each time I tried to speak, I was comfortable handling the task.  The people were just smiling/laughing/clapping and everyone basically went back to talking before I was done.  When I was finished, I STILL had that piece of expandable fried chicken in my mouth!

    **In real life:  Having someone talk to me with their mouth full of food is a pet peeve :(.  Also, my friend is ex-military (sergeant) and would sometimes put me on the spot to cure my "lack of motivation".  He did not understand my introverted personality which was so different from my brother (his friend) and my mom who were extroverts and that I hated being in the spotlight.  I had gone from being sort of his kid sister( he is 9 years older), to being his best friend, to dating him for several years.  We eventually went in different directions, married other people, etc.  He became a pastor.**

  9. In this particular dream I was visiting my mother who was in the hospital. I climbed into the bed beside her to watch over her while she slept; she seemed to rest better with me near. I remember it being very important to me that she get her rest. I made careful note of everything that she was given (meds, food, etc...) and asked a lot of questions. When she was taken away, I changed the linens on the bed and tidied the room. The hospital staff member who came in to change the bed linens was surprised to find it already done but seemed angry about it although a smile was pasted on her face.

  10. In this dream, I was inside mouth of a protected cave-like part of a mountainside when the mountain suddenly began to rumble and shake.  Rocks and boulders started breaking loose and flying outwards then tumbling down the mountain which seemed to be pulling away from the part where I was standing.  What is going on?! I thought to myself and walked towards the entrance of the cave where daylight was visible.  I heard a deep and quiet voice reply:  "I'm moving mountains."   It was so realistic that I almost expected to be on that mountain when I woke up.

    It was dark but peaceful in the cave and I felt expectant as I looked towards the light. I was not really afraid of all the rumbling for some unknown reason.

  11. Hello Spiritdaughter,

    Is there any chance that your son would be experiencing bullying?  Sometimes stressful situations in the past caused my sons to regress in areas like bed wetting.  At first their dad treated it like a disciplinary issue until we noticed that it was precipitated by a major change (like moving or being bullied at a church we once attended)...just my thoughts.  Disregard if they are not on point.  God bless.

  12. I have been praying about this...what I remember is that I had strong feelins about specific things in both dreams. In the high bed, i felt wealthy, well cared for, comfortable, queenly. The cluttered bed made me feel cheated, misled and very tired. Everything was focused on reaching that house where we were supposed to find rest...the child had trusted me and I brought her to a desolate place. I felt that we could not stay there but lacked the strength to go on. The tree seemed like a place to rest from a distance but felt unsafe as we got closer. The old man seemed to be kind and I trusted him...did not feel alarmed.

  13. Greetings saints,

    Just now I was dreaming vividly until my cell phone rang twice and awakened me.  **Pt 2 seemed to be at an earlier time in my life than Part 1.  None of my kids have any children right now.

    The dreams are as follows:  

    Pt 1.:  I was climbing up into a very high bed.  It was not high like a bunk bed but a big queen sized bed with several mattresses on it.  There were lots of pillows on it and I was dressed very nicely.  Once I had settled onto the pillows comfortably, I held out my arms and one of my children placed a granddaughter in my lap.  She was beautiful and dressed very prettily.  I snuggled her into one arm then another one of my children handed me a second granddaughter who was also beautiful and prettily dressed.  She was settled into my other arm and I was so happy my heart felt about to burst.  I remember laughing and telling my grown children to take lots of pictures. Both girls were infants of about 8-12 months.

    Pt.2: I had been promised something good (like a job or something) and had to travel by foot to get it, so I began walking with a young child who was about 3-4 years old.  I don't remember if it was my child but we were very close and the child was snuggled against my right side the whole time we walked.  I remember it being odd that often times our feet became very entangled but I didn't trip or stumble; instead it just felt very familiar and comfortable when her leg brushed against mine. We were both barefoot and the ground was warm beneath us; the sun was high overhead.  

    The child was dressed in a simple shift dress that was plain and drab; like a poor child in a rural setting from another time period.  The sun was hot and we became weary and thirsty but still had far to go.  As we came to a large, shady oak tree, I had the feeling that we were in danger somehow--I'm not sure why and don't remember if I saw something/someone but my apprehension grew as we neared the tree.  There was a old wooden fence a few yards behind the tree; the dirt path curved behind the tree and continued past the end of the fence.  

    I stopped for a moment to look around and when I looked again, there was an old man leaning on the fence.  He beckoned to us and indicated that he was there to protect us so we should walk with him.  He draped an arm around my shoulder as I had done with the child and we three continued on the journey.  We had been walking for miles and miles but the child never complained about the journey.

    The scene changed and we reached a house that think was our destination.  We were so exhausted and wanted only to rest but the place seemed unlivable.  We went shown to the bedroom and what I saw there was so disheartening:  the bedroom had a bed in it but it was piled up with trash.  There was dust, debris and broken junk everywhere in that room.  In fact, it looked as if the place had been ransacked then shut up for years and abandoned.  I cleared debris off from a side of the bed for the little child to lie down and after only after she fell asleep did I allow my tears to fall as I sat on the side of the bed.  I had believed we were going to receive something wonderful at the end of of our journey; it is what kept us going.  The sobbing seemed to come from somewhere deep inside of me and I heard myself groaning in my sleep just before my cell phone rang near my head and awakened me suddenly.  I was mo
    mentarily disoriented and felt like I was still crying until I realized that I had fallen into a deep sleep sitting in a chair in my living room...

    In fact the phone rang twice.  The first call was from my 18 year old who needs a ride home from work tonight.  I was drifting back to sleep and starting to see that room again when the phone rang again.  The second call was a recorded message from a prayer group that I dial into occasionally. It said:  "Today is the day for your miracle. God is going to do a miracle in your life--it doesn't matter how long the trouble has been going on!"  Half asleep, I just thanked God and praised Him then put the phone down.  Since then I have been wide awake and still feeling disoriented and a bit off....

  14. Thanks, Mia. This dream felt intensely personal and I remembered it clearly as soon as I woke up. I have been in a difficult season and have been praying that the Lord would reaffirm my gifts, move me on to my next place of service and help me build new relationships with our brethren. Thank you for your prayers. At least I will know how to sort out the situation and pray for the individual(s) represented by the man in my dream. God bless your ministry to continue. It has been immensely valuable over the past decade; it is so wonderful to look back over dreams I posted here years ago and realize how they came to pass in my life.

  15. I was at a small group meeting with about a dozen or so people.  I was so happy to see my brother there as we live states apart and rarely see one another.  

    There was a couple there whom I met had through my relationship with the grandmother of the wife about 10 years ago.  They had been pastors of a small congregation but lost their building and ministry during difficult times.  The grandmother is a former neighbor of ours who had 'adopted' me and my family, calling us her God-given grandchildren and making us a part of family gatherings. Although she always insists on including us, we can kind of tell that her family doesn't quite feel the same way so we sometimes decline her invites because we don't want to put a damper on their holiday gatherings.  The couple's 11 year old daughter was there as well.

    I was standing with my back against a wall and their daughter ran over to give me a hug and she remained there with her arms wrapped around my waist, kind of snuggling.  Her dad stood up suddenly and began to share with the group some wonderful stories about recent supernatural events that had occurred but he mentioned them as though he only was privy to the knowledge.

    My brother got an surprised look on his face and spoke up saying, "Aren't those the things that my sister had prophesied about"?  Others in the room excitedly confirmed what my brother said.  The speaker kind of gave my brother a dirty look and ignored him the others to continue on talking about other things.  While he was talking, he strolled over and removed his daughter's arms from my waist and wrapped them around his own waist then leaned against the wall next to me but she looked uncomfortable in the embrace, not restful like before. (He is very slim and tall; I have what my kids affectionately called "blubbies" when they were young and that was why they liked snuggling with me  laugh )  

    I felt like this awkward behavior was disrupting the meeting so I left the room and went into the bathroom and just stood there feeling really sad, unwelcome and confused at to why the man had such enmity towards me...

  16. I have been in intense prayer over a huge decision that I need to make and have many standing with me in prayer. The choice before me requires a leap of faith but I want to make certain that the unction I am having is the right one...

    That said, I think perhaps instead of holding my hand on this walk, God wants me to walk on my own towards His outstretched hands. (The drivers took a back seat even though I didn't think I was capable of handling that huge vehicle). I think He wants me to know that He trusts my judgment (they both went to sleep with me inexperienced driver at the wheel!). My driving wasn't perfect but from the way they acted, you'd have thought that it was. I managed to stay on the road and not injure anyone because I knew more that I thought I did about driving.

    So now I will stay up tonight and think over my decision in light of the dream...

  17. Recent Dream:

    I was traveling with a couple of truckers as a passenger. After traveling for some time, they decided to get some sleep and they insisted that I drive while they slept. I had never driver an 18-wheeler (irl I have never had any kind of driver's license!) and therefore was very nervous but I switched seats with the driver anyway. The other driver climbed into the cab's sleeping berth and closed the curtain.

    As they slept and were unavailable for coaching, I drove for some time and managed to keep that huge truck & trailer on the highway without mishap. I had a little trouble staying in my lane on the curves but made it safely down the road. Just as I was getting exhausted, they woke up and took over driving again, all the while congratulating me on doing so well and insisting that they were proud of me, knew I could do it, etc. That is where the dream ended.

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