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Lord Chaser

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Posts posted by Lord Chaser

  1. This may be instruction to seek the Lord as he has an impartation for you... Sometimes he will not allow us to feel or experience him the way we want too..Because he wants us to seek him for him and not for the feeling( I can relate ) , He may want you to know that although you may not experience him the way you want to keep seeking him as he has something powerful for you.. Stay encouraged keep seeking.. seek an you shall find the word says

  2. Clothing= attitude; this dream may have several meanings:

    One: there are some people who will be were they are not supposed to be so that you can get where you are supposed to be; It may also mean you have a deliverance ministry

    Two: God will protect you from an attack from the enemy to use for an attack on the enemy

    Three: You and your mother are called to an intercessory/ warfare ministry and you need to help your pastor

  3. I have had a few dreams where things appeared that they were going to harm me but they didnt... this dream may represent that God wants you to know that you are in a secure place with him and even if there is pendingn danger you will not be affected by it- psalm 91 says a thousand will fall at my side 10 thousand at my right but it shall come near thee.. the house may represent a his refuge or refuge in God - as long as you take refuge in him you will the danger around you but it will not harm you.. God may want you to not worry about whatever you see around you

  4. This dream is a warning.. shorter hair means the loss of glory or power.. this dream may be predictive in the sense that there is an upcoming temptation that may cause you to fall .. but you can pray against it that it won't happen but if it does the dream explains what you will go through... if you fall for the temptation then you may lose glory and power , God will deliver you and save you from it but it appears he wants to prevent it

  5. This snake may represent a demonic presence.. but you not should run , you should stand it spit out the humans to provoke more fear in you to keep you running, But God has not given us a spirit of Fear.. you kill the snake by crushing it's head.. use your praise and warfare... you were asleep in the dream but woke up in time to realize what you had to do to gain victory.. You are more powerful than the snake but it wanted to keep you in fear so won't you realize you can destoy it... Stay in warfare , The victory is yours!!

  6. The word says that crooked paths will be made straight , mountains low valleys.. something difficult is now become easy ... there is a situation that will come to you that is normally difficult and when you go thur with ease you will realize your growth in this area... doing a split is a ability to stretch and is only painful or difficult when we haven't stretched enough - you may have recently gone thru somethings and have not realized your growth but you will see, God wants you to know how you've grown

  7. Hello Saints:

    Very recently about two days ago I had an usually long dream but can only remeber a few signifut seemed to only remember a few things:

    One: a young attractive woman wearing a magenta shirt she was a friend to me but i sensed an evilpresence about her she hung with guys who were rough an unclean they seemed very evil
    Like demons pretending to be human i never spoke with or two them only the girl we walked on concrete
    Next to an ocean instead of sand it was concrete; she would walk with me up and down and talk

    Two: The dream jumps to me being chased upstairs by demon-men I mentioned earlier they wanted to kill me but couldnt catch me I thought they would get me but they didn't

    Three: Dream jumps again??? Im in the air above the ocean I mentioned earlier I cant tell if im fallin down to the water or if im flying down toward the water I was a little scared but not really...before i could hit the water i flew up and began to soar very vrry highi began praising the the Lord with vigor and enthusiasm the more i praised the higher i went...i have had dreams about flying before each time when i started to go up i was gripped by fear and would come down or wake up but this time i was fearless completely fearless...

    Personal life: praying for a new job; wanting more success feeling limited; marriage up and down praying for deliverance; healing and restoration; recently more active in ministry

    This dream for the last two days is pulling at me i pray for interpretation..please help

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