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LadyonFire 217

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Posts posted by LadyonFire 217

  1. Is your stepdad a spiritually mature person?
    Are you more spiritually muscular than your stepdad?
    Would you like to be the spiritual voice of reason when the family sits and fellowships together, but you are timid to do so, so you just try to squeeze your opinions/wisdom between what others are saying.

    I just see you not wearing your spiritual muscles sometimes to avoid what you think would cause conflict.

    My opinion. Toss the dross. But, I sure hope this rings a bell for you.

  2. Generally speaking, in my dreams, the outstanding attribute of the relative usually represents that same attribute in my personality or character or life. Your bro in law was doing something he would normally not do. What are you doing that you would normally not do?
    What does you ex represent to you? Check that area of your life.

    I had a dream recently where my sister told my daughter private info about my husband and didn't care. I was shocked!
    The very same day, I had the opportunity to do EXACTLY what my sister did, because I was angry! And I almost did, except remembering the dream stopped me and I thanked God.  I even had the "I don't EVEN care" attitude. I just had to say "wow" to myself as I realized what I had almost done. God is just so merciful, caring, long suffering and loving to His children.

    Hopefully your dream hasn't happened yet and it is a warning for you just like mine was for me and you will be victorious in your situation also. I pray God's mercy, grace and strength for you.

    Just some thoughts.

  3. You sliced through someone mid waist ...you cut them short. The battle didn't last long.
    You used a sword like a saw...the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword. So sharpen your sword before this exchange takes place. Pray God give you such wisdom that the person has no rebuttal against it.
    You cringed at the thought of hurting some...the Word says the wounds of a friend are faithful. So although your cuts may hurt them for a while, it's for their good.
    You sing a song over them. You try to give them praise for what they did do well. Bless those who curse and spitefully use you.
    If the battle is fought properly, God will receive the heavenly praise.

    Those were some thoughts that came to me.

    I bless you in your forthcoming opportunity to give God glory. Walk in victory and be victorious over this situation. Meek, humble and yet bold in Christ.

  4. http://www.google.com/#fp=5a13dfe521a172d5&q=insurance+company+coin+purse&biv=i%7C1%3Bd%7CDLTnvtzxs_CFCM%3A
    If this link works, it shows a picture of the coin purse. They used to be given out by insurance companies. (If the link doesn't work, you can google "insurance company coin purse" and the picture should come up.

    In the dream, I wondered if someone had made me swallow the purse while I was asleep, but I decided against that. The purse made me think of my maternal grandmother, who was a very holy woman. My whole emotion was wonderment. Why was it there? How did it get there? Barely any money in it, maybe one coin, maybe two.
    It was neither good or bad. No anxieties.
    The purse was lodged in the RIGHT side of my stomach/abdomen.

    Side note: I had a dream not long before this one that also involved the RIGHT side of my abdomen. Don't know if they are related in some way. In that dream, a section of my large intestine and a section of my small intestine were crossed over each other improperly. I could feel the large first, then the small. I tried to massage them back into the proper place, but couldn't. I decided I needed to go see the family doctor and talk to him about it.

    Thanks for any insight you might be able to share.

  5. Another dream I need help with:
    My skin grew over my toenail on my left big toe, kinda like flaps. I could move or pull the skin back off the toenail. But as soon as I let it go, it would re-cover the toenail almost completely. It was not ingrown.  I illustrated it to my husband. He thought it was disgusting. It was not painful. The End.
    Any thoughts would be helpful. I do not have any problems with my toes.

  6. Just a question or two...
    Could each of these "mob bosses" be areas of your life in which the flesh has been in control?
    Could the "silent killer" of these mob bosses be the blood of Jesus, the Word of God and prayer which you have been applying to these "mob bosses"?
    Could 70's mean you are completely and utterly finished being ruled by the flesh in these areas?
    And could 80's mean you are so ready for new beginnings in these areas with Holy Spirit being in control of these areas of your life?

    Whatever doesn't help, toss the dross.

  7. Here are a few thoughts:
    The wire stood out to me and the phrase "wired for sound" came to mind.
    This lead me to the thought that this person has been "wired" or excitedly speaking the word of the Lord in the "partial" wisdom she has had up to this point. But now she is coming into a new and FULLER (no longer partial) level of wisdom and understanding. The teeth coming out is making room for the greater wisdom and understanding coming her way. This wisdom will be "implanted", but the cost of this wisdom will be great. Is she willing to pay the price to obtain this wisdom?

    Just some thoughts. Hope they help!

  8. City - the world

    City bus - trusting someone to get you to where you need to go

    City bus Driver - big, black, muscular - represents God/Holy Spirit. You see God as big/omnipresent.  
    (He presents as a black man to you because you are comfortable with black men  or so I'm assuming)
    You see God as strong/muscular/omnipotent.
    (However,  we have free will to choose Him or not, to listen to Him or not, to obey His leadings or not, etc.)

    50- God is extending extreme grace to you.  

    Trying to hit on you - God is being affectionate towards you.

    Don't remember what he/driver was saying - You are not interested in what God is saying to you in this dream (in this area of temptation)

    Laughed him off -So you ignore God.

    God knows you are a Christian and it pains Him that you (a child of His) have men (mankind) falling at your feet (worshipping you or your talent. God is the only one worthy of worship).

    Your eyes (desires) then focused on a "man of dreads"- the dreads are a character representation of whatever it is that has caught your eye/attention. This is a dreadful temptation that is trying to draw you into it's clutches. Some things that hair can represent are: Anointing, which would make this a dreadful anointing; Long hair, on a man, = shame, which would make this a shameful temptation and also long hair/dreads = self glorifying temptation.

    He (the dreads man) was cute- the temptation looks really good to you.

    He was talking to you - this temptation has your attention, but not quite your full attention yet, because you don't remember what he said.

    Bus driver is upset cause you are liking (enjoying) talking to Mr. Dread/entertaining this temptation.
     The bus driver is upset because the scriptures tell us God is a jealous God. He wants to be your first love.

    NEXT THING YOU KNOW (you have been playing with or entertaining this temptation to the point of not even realizing that Holy Spirit is not in control of your life in this area any more)  you're on a highway looking over the edge (get away from the edge. It's dangerous to stand too near the edge!)  You are no longer being led by the Holy Spirit, but by your own desires in this area.
    ESV (©️2001)    James1:14But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.

    Mr dread is across the way (there is still an opportunity to escape the clutches of this temptation.  1Cor 10:13 but WITH every temptation, God will make a way of escape.)

    You really want to get to know mr dread in a bad way.

    Mr dread wants you too, and finally reveals a little more of himself to you. His name is Johnny Appleseed.  Apple being symbolic of  Temptation. Once you fully succumb to this temptation, it has the potential to multiply in your life to the ruination of your whole Christian testimony. (Seeds produce more of the same fruit, which in this case is more of the same temptation).

    Mr Dread Johnny Appleseed has lived in the city for 6 years. (Think back 6, weeks, months, years or 6 something, and think about what has been drawing your attention and affections away from God).

    New York City  or New York State = the Big Apple or the Big Temptation
     (I'm thinking the temptation has something to do with entertainment, the arts and fame, but that's just my thoughts).  Whatever this temptation is, it is the BIG one for you whether you realize or not.

    _ _ _ _ _     5 spaces = J E S U S and abundant grace
    _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 spaces = J O H N N Y or this temptation
    You must choose. 

    Jer. 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things..."

    How long has it been since God fist started talking to you about moving to Jacksonville?
    These are the thoughts I do believe The Lord has given to me.  Please, sincerely talk it over with Him and see if He speaks to you through this.

  9. The thought that immediately came to me was "a prison of their own making", and 

    Whom The Son sets free is free indeed. John 8:36.

    And as I began typing, the following scripture came to mind:

    New American Standard Bible (©️1995)
    How lovely on the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace And brings good news of happiness, Who announces salvation, And says to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7

  10. Is your husband trying to walk out/direct your sons spiritual life/vocation alongside of walking out his own purposes in Christ? Is he placing too great a burden upon himself to get your son to where he thinks the son should be? How can your husband explain this to his boss/God?

    Your husband has to let his son walk in his own shoes. Sure we all (parents) want to help our kids do their best and succeed in life, but sometimes (and its very hard I know) we have to just let them do it own their own.

    Your husband needs to drop the burden of trying to walk in his sons shoes for him. It will NEVER work.

    The Lord got this point across to me in a dream where he told me to get out of the drivers seat of my daughters car.

    Hope this helps.

  11. The pastor says he has cerebral palsy. You say Parkinson's. The difference being:

    Cerebral Palsy - ... term denoting a group of NON-PROGRESSIVE... motor conditions that cause physical disability in human development, chiefly in the various areas of body movement. - Wikipedia

    Parkinson’s disease is a CHRONIC PROGRESSIVE motor movement disease...
    The fourth primary characteristic is trouble with balance and coordination. ....... --copied

    Is this your actual pastor? If so, has his teaching/preaching become unbalanced? If so, are people beginning to rise up against this teaching?

    Could the flood symbolize a flood of words or verbal attack coming his way and thereby coming the way of those who are standing with him?


    You see this "wall of water" through a HUGE window in the house. This part definitely says God is allowing you to foresee the impending danger. Begin now to pray. Since in the dream you haven't yet been hit by the water (whatever) it symbolizes, there is hope and the possibility that you and yours will be able to avoid the destruction. So, don't delay. Pray today for God to make a way of escape for you. Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open to Him showing or telling you what to do in order to be safe from destruction.

    I am praying for your safety...mental, emotional, spiritual. There is no reason for you to be harmed by this impending situation because God has forewarned you.

    Love you in Christ,

  12. Here's a thought that immediately came to me even before I finished reading the entire dream.
    Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend.

    Faithful [are] the wounds of a friend
    That is, friendly reproofs; which, though they may be severe, at least thought so, and may grieve and wound, and cause pain and uneasiness for the present, yet, proceeding from a spirit of love, faithfulness, and integrity, and designed for the good of the person reproved, ought to be kindly received; see ( Psalms 141:5 ) ; ~John Gills Exposition of the Bible

    No sensible Christian wants to cause pain in others in order to help them. But sometimes, it is necessary.

    In the dream, while doing the job, you were scared and cringing (not totally trusting your Teacher). But you were also shown that you are capable of doing the job with boldness and confidence.

    It is not easy to wound a friend in order to help them. But I just resign myself to the fact that this is what God wants me to do at any given time and I take a deep breath and go be obedient to the Spirits leading. God will be with you throughout the entire procedure, whatever He is instructing you to do.

    Hope this will be helpful.

    Love ya in Christ

  13. Just a thought...the things stored in your heart are pure, holy and righteous, and if perchance anything unpure or unholy tries to get in and mess up your clean cabinets, you are totally prepared to wipe/clean that mess (teaching) up right away.
    Again, just a thought.

  14. 2Tim 3:5 ...having a form of godliness but denying the powere thereof.
    That's the scripture that immediately came to my mind as I read your dream. To me, body builders are all about show and not power.
    Perhaps someone around you is trying to impress others with their knowledge/memorization of scripture. BUT in the practical application of scripture in their lives, the power of the word in their lives is sorely lacking.
    Just a thought.
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