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Posts posted by seeking1

  1. Lord, I lift this young woman up to You. Please heal her wounded heart. Help her to find true Christian friends and to recognize those in her life now who are not true friends. I pray, Father, that You would protect her purity and help her to know she is beautiful in Your sight. Father, please give her parents and other family members wisdom. In the name of Jesus, may every rebellious spirit be bound from operating in this girls life. I pray that she would walk in the divine destiny You have for her all the days of her life. Thank you, Lord. Amen

  2. I've never done much dream interpretation so take this as a beginners attempt and please disreguard if totally off track. I won't be offended :)

    Maybe an opportunity is coming to help a ministry (that you aren't necessarily a part of) in an outreach (harvest). The help is appreciated even though you think what you do is a small thing. Since you usually aren't rewarded by those you help it feels and seems unfamilar.

  3. A big AMEN of agreement with all prayers for you, Mia. May the Lord richly bless you in every area of your life: spiritually, physically, relationally, finacially, mentally. May you be known as a woman who is highly favored by the Lord.

  4. I sure don't have any answers for you, Daisy, but I do want you to know that my heart goes out to you and I will be praying for you.
    Dear Lord, I lift Daisy to you and ask that you would bless her and her household with peace today. May Your sweet presence fill and premeate every corner of her home. May You be her refuge and strength today. Lord, You say in Your word that if we lack wisdom that we should ask for it and believe and we will recieve. So I ask that You would give Daisy and her husband Godly wisdom as they make decisions about moving, a church home, how to help thier adopted child, and any other situations where they need Your guidance. I pray, Father, that You would touch that little girl and help her through the traumas she may have had to deal with already in her young life. Bless her with peace and help her to learn. May her knowledge and understanding increase daily. Father, I pray for a restoration of relationship between Daisy and her mom. Thank You Father that You always hear and answer our prayers according to what is best for us. To You be all the Glory in Jesus Name. Amen.
    Always remember, Daisy, that God loves you and sees exactly where you are and knows exactly what you need. Seek Him.

  5. Just joined this forum a few days ago and wasn't real sure why I was brought here but have been reading some of the threads and totally understand why I am here. I am going to learn sooo much from all of you. I, too, didn't have a clue what a seer was until I read James Goll's book. I am going to reread it. My first call is to intercession and often when praying I get pictures that I then pray out. Totally amazes me how God works! Love His ways! He is such an amazingly good God! So glad His ways are not my ways cuz if it were left up to me I would mess it up big time. To Him be all the glory forever!

  6. I haven't seen much of it either. What I did see looked really violent which I guess a lot of the Old Testament is rather violent. I'd also like to know what others think of it. Are any of you doing the study that goes with it? Wondering how unbelievers are recieving it or are they even watching?

  7. Thanks, Mia and Dove-Solutions. I think you got the interpretations correct. Thankfully, after prayer and seeking the Lord, He led me to scriptures about trusting Him and the nightmares have stopped. My friend was also my sister-in-law and so family as well as very best friend. While she was going through her last agonizing days on this earth my mom was dealing with health issues and my grandson was very ill with RSV so with all of that it definitely gave the spirit of fear an entrance. I guess all those family connections explain the families under attack in my dream as well. Thank you for your prayers. Standing on Ps. 18:30 As for God, His way is perfect. All the Lord's promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection.

  8. Background: My very best friend recently died of cancer. Her funeral was on Wed. Wed. night and again last night (Thrus.) I had horrible dreams. I'm almost afraid to go to sleep tonight.

    First dream: In the dream I had only one arm. There was just a stub where my left arm should have been. I saw two tiny snakes crawl into a room and I followed them into the room which was brightly lit, sterile, stark white. The idea in my mind was that I was going to kill the two small snakes. As I came around the corner into the room a HUGE diamond back came at me. It moved toward me with great speed. I was terrified as it raised it's head towards me. I cried out in fear and woke myself up with my scream.

    Second dream: There were many people gathered in a large enclosed area. My husband and I, our 2 yr. old grandson, and my mom were with the crowd. There were armed guards standing all around the perimeter of the crowd. I felt apprehensive and fearful. Then my husband, grandson, mom, and I were all told to get into the cab of a JD tractor. Which we did. The soldier/ guards opened a large door and told us to drive through. It looked like fire was ahead of us. I was filled with great fear. My husband seemed calm and said we would do the best we could. The guards were laughing at us and seemed very evil.
    In the next scene I am a bystander and am no longer fearful for myself. My husband is there but no other family members. The crowd is still there surrounded by the armed guards. The door we were to drive through earlier is now closed. The guards have a large family group lined up in front of the crowd. The family is facing away from the guards and facing a wall. The children are closest to the wall facing it, the mothers are behind the children, and the fathers are behind the mothers with their backs towards the guards. The guards start walking behind the line of fathers and with one quick movement reach from behind and cut each fathers throat. As I watch the slaughter I am filled with horror and helplessness.
    In the next scene the family group is gone except for one little boy maybe 4 or 5 yrs. old. He is lying on his back and is barely breathing. Several soldiers are looking at him and discussing whether he is going to die or not. They decide he is going to die and they staple a large clip on his chest. As I watch the little boy I so desperately want to save him. I turn to my husband and plead, "We have got to do something!"
    Then I woke up.

    Any thoughts or insight is very welcome. Hoping by understanding all this horror I will come to a place of peace. Thank you.

  9. Lord, I lift exo's uncle up to You. Lord, please soften his hardened heart. May the blinders that the enemy has placed on his spiritual eyes be removed, in the name of Jesus, so that he can clearly see his need for You. I pray, Father, that all bitterness would melt away and he would know how much You love him. Lord, please send the right people across his path who will be led by You and know exactly what will touch his heart and cause him to open himself up to You. Thank You for Your love for him and all his family. Thank You that You are not willing that any should perish. Thank You for touching him right now. In Jesus precious Name, Amen.

  10. Hi! Looking forward to meeting many of you and hope to grow in my understanding of God dreams. Know next to nothing about understanding my dreams and feel the Lord led me here for the purpose of growing in my understanding of His ways. seeking1
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