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Posts posted by knockingonthedoor82

  1. Kneeling in the sand face down
    waves washing over her completely;
    then back out to sea again,
    Taking guilt, and shame, fears and insecurities;
    some place unknown,
    some place far from her.
    The salt cleans the open wounds,
    restoring in ways she cannot see.
    The waves do not stay,
    they are not friends,
    Merely a tool used for restoring.
    If they stayed she would drown,
    and perhaps create bitterness, for the sting they bring is deep.
    I watch as they wash over her body,
    and then leave.
    Again and again.
    She does not move from her place
    Only her body quivers,
    tears run down her face.
    Sometimes she cries out;
    when the pain runs too deep.
    I fear for her,
    in a moment I catch a glimpse.
    She is not alone .
    There is a man standing near her
    Commanding the wind and waves.
    Who is this man?
    When she finally rises He takes her hand
    She shines brightly
    they walk down a narrow path
    I cannot see where they are headed.
    Cannot see the road ahead.

    I find myself walking toward the beach
    as if my feet already know the way
    kneeling in the sand...
    just as she did
    face down.

  2. In the silence;
    amongst the screams,
    beyond doubt
    and before faith;
    finally heard,
    the sound of aching wings;
    bound too tightly, too long
    taking shape
    spreading wide
    a sound even the demons fear,
    strength held in for too long
    pain exits as wings stretch
    At last
    encompassed with protection
    no doubts
    only soaring
    watch beauty take to the skies
    as story unfolds
    mountains crumble
    and the Almighty sets free the prisoner
    as you remember all the times you said it was impossible

  3. I'm going to shake the foundations
    rattle the cages
    demand freedom
    for every prisoner
    none left behind
    each crack searched
    every hiding spot turned over
    til the weak are made strong
    the wrongs are made right.
    Not okay with simply being free
    want to run into the fire
    to pull someone out
    to go to the entryway to hell
    to rescue my brother
    free my sister
    spit in the face of fear
    the ransom has already been paid
    victory already won
    may my feet not rest
    until the work is done
    hope will not fall to the wayside
    I have been there before
    I know the way back
    I know the way out
    may the warriors hit their knees
    and the seeders prepare to plant
    many are waiting for the rescue
    and will never whisper a plea
    gear up
    It is time to bring them out

  4. Exodus 3:5 "Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place you are standing is holy ground." Okay, the fact that Moses was going about his daily chores and was like Oh hey a burning not consumed bush let me go check this out amazes me. Then instead of running (like the coward I am) he begins to talk to the bush (God). We all know the miracle and deliverance for the Israel
    ites that came from this beautiful story. I want to stand on holy ground. To hear the sound of God's voice. And to always remember once God sets something on fire for His purpose will not be consumed. Forever remember He hears our cries, holds our tears, and has a plan of deliverance. (Can I get one of those bushes? I bet them r on every corner in Heaven!)

    Wish I had an easel and paintbrush to put all the swirling emotions to canvas. They would at least... Make sense that way. In a fog of colors and twist of patterns one can safely bare their soul. For canvas hides safely the shadows of thoughts while exposing them to the world all at once.

    Some mistakes and decisions leave scars our entire lives... No matter how we try to change them. The trick is finding someone who finds beauty in who we are, and the scars we carry. Do not accept anything less. You are valuable, you are cherished, and you are unique.

    Never underestimate someone in bondage, for they will pull the weight and fight the fight with a determination to conquer all fears. When those chains finally do hit the ground, there will never be another sight like it, beauty and strength will take flight and soar to heights undiscovered.

  5. This is not an interpretation but here is my thought. Prayer must be fervent. The two dreams do seem to be related, and since it is a warning that means that prayer and repentance of the nation, or us on behalf of our nation can change it. God has revealed something that He is about to do, or something that is coming. He wants us to turn from our error so He can heal our land. He said he would never destroy the Earth with a flood but I am not sure about a Nation. I guess maybe if we refuse to be under God then we will be under water. This may not represent a flood or even water but an oppression or something we would be "under" that will drown and destroy us.

  6. In the beginning of the dream I was reading a history book with so many different stories I had not heard yet. One sketch in the book caught my eye. It was a pencil (I think, maybe chalk) drawing of a small boy in a tree, beaten terribly hanging on for dear life. Then a male "narrator" started to speak. & I began to see the story. The small boys dad had beaten him terribly and thrown him over the side of a waterfall, but there was a tree and the boy (narrator speaking while watching it) wanted to live (I was surprised the boy wanted to live and made that decision right then beaten and skin torn while he was being tossed over a waterfall by his own dad) so he grabbed onto the tree and held on. I watched as the boy slid and slid and slid for what seemed like miles down the tree as he tried to hold on. He did not let go but he did not stop sliding. He could not get himself stopped from the toss he had been given.
    I knew the bark was tearing the boys skin as he slid down the tree. It lasted so long. I was sad for the boy. I did not know how it could be stopped so I just watched. Then the tree ended, just as I was about to turn away and he was out of the reach of the tree falling into the waterfall where he would surely die. Then, the tree became alive and grabbed the boy, reached out and stretched and grabbed the falling child, and saved him from his doom. He was still bloodied, and beaten, he had still been tossed aside but the tree grabbed him and walked away with the boy in his branches, holding him. and I heard, "Is anything impossible for the Lord?" But the tree was sad, he was looking down and shaking his "head" with a heavy sadness and disapointment. This was the story in the history book. There were more spectacular stories as this.

  7. I am not an interpreter but here are my thoughts. This is the same as I have felt in my spirit with the Boston bombings. This is very small and minute in comparison to what may be planned. I agree we should pray for the safety of our neighbors and country. Daily. America should very much be aware of the hazards. We have set stagnant in our freedom, grown lazy, and see God as a salve for our wounds, not a lifestyle. This has never ended well for any of the nations in the Bible. Prayer. That, I believe is the answer. :news:

  8. I want to present this dream with the up most respect. This has been on my heart since I dreamed it.
    I did not understand the dream at the time and knew nothing of this sight.
    I was in my grandmothers backyard on kind of the side of her house, I was ushering small children to go in a "basement" (there is no actual basement there) area under the house. I remember thinking in the dream that was where they had to go to be safe but I did not know from what. My biological father was an "angel" or spiritual being in the dream. Two blondes stood out in particular, one little girl questioned me and asked me why, I told her I did not know why she just had to go under the house. She did not want to go. The entire group, who were talking and not really paying attention had to be ushered in. My biological dad overseeing the whole thing. The next day I went to work with a fear in my chest that I was going to be shot because I had upset a co-worker the days before. I felt as if it would for sure happen. It reminded me of all the shootings that we have heard about in the past few years. After hearing about the horrible shooting I looked up online the pictures of the victims and sure enough the blonde little girl that spoke to me was one of the first I saw. I dream often, and my dreams have often been difficult to understand. I feel extreme guilt and sadness when I speak of the dream. I honestly had no idea what I was dreaming. sigh

  9. In this dream I was standing to the right of my boyfriend at a makeshift table with maybe a 2x4 piece of wood laid across teh "work bench" we were working on a project steadily. Our children were playing (he has 3 boys and I have one girl) I believe there was an extra younger female child in a long dress. My boyfriend and I were facing East I believe, when out of nowhere (it was maybe midday) an amazing harmonic sound like silk to my ears filled the air, the light was so bright and beautiful but it did not sting my eyes. I heard my boyfriend grunt. I remember thinking no it is not time for this, I have so much work to do I am not finished. I am unsure at what my boyfriend said, maybe don't delay, or it is all going to be okay now just go, forget about everything else I don't know. All of a sudden I stopped worrying and stopped what I was doing and took off running toward Christ. I remember a kind woman with a round face smiling at me, and short gray curly hair. Christ was smiling and there were people all around. Some of the dream felt off, not right, and some of it was peaceful and joyous but I felt as if the message may not have been clear because there was something deceptive about it. I did not believe that is was Christ and at first the facial expression was almost I dont know, menace or just not right until I ran to Him. The dream ended I believe before I made it to his arms. Because the emotions in the dream were conflicting, I am unsure of the message.

  10. In my dream I was at my boyfriends home, it was early morning and I was walking out of the bathroom. He was in the kitchen and slightly turned in my direction, my daughter walked out of a door that is not actually in the home. (My daughter has not yet met him in actual life.) There was an amazing sweet peace and he was patiently waiting for us to be ready so he could take us to where we needed to go that morning, I assume myself to work and my daughter to school. The thing that stands out to me in this dream is the amazing peace that only comes from God. The one that leaves no room for doubt of the origin.

  11. This is what I can remember of the dream. I was in the bathroom, and a woman; very kind and I remember feeling peace, she handed me a pregnancy test. Although the test was not a normal test, it was a large, extremely thick q-tip. After urinating on the "pregnancy q-tip" I handed it back to her, and she clicked one of the padded ends. The q-tip turned pink, she smiled at me and said you are pregnant, it will be a girl. I woke up it seemed every hour and fell back asleep to the dream. I do not think there were any differences in the dream. I do not remember how many times I had the dream, the number 7 sticks out but I am not and cannot be sure of that. I dream dreams often, I would love to begin to learn what they mean. Often I see them on the news but have no way of understanding them until I see or hear what has happened. I no longer even watch the news because of this. This particular dream did not seem to fit in with the others I have. Curious what your thoughts are. Thank you
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