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Everything posted by tweets

  1. i know it arrived not so long ago, but it's getting on my nerves... that anteater plushie! i think soon i'll have an anteater army and the reindeer plushie (hideeni's gift) christmas was long ago...
  2. if you sold me the dark queen bed, back then, i would've gave it to you now lol kidding.. i don't have anything... sorry
  3. how much for the haunted mansion wallpaper and a silver white wig? would 1x4999 be okay?
  4. tweets

    What do you..

    i either study, sleeo, or youtube i haven't been on youtube for a while... i guess i'll have to, now, when i upload the spoilers (if mr mayor answers to me and tells me what background song should i use)
  5. you can circle it in paint, or tell me the list both must be sent in a PM DO NOT POST THEM HERE!
  6. payment sent, items recived, thank you for the trade! adding rep
  7. SORRYY!! it was a missunderstanding, i changed the picture and now there are differences sorry everyone!! lea was putting the pics for me and she put the same one twice, but i thought i fixed it guess i didn't...
  8. OMG i did it! LEVEL 32!!!!!!!! (if you're wondering why her colour is darker... she went to the beach and tanned )
  9. neee, neverujem.... ja mislim da ces moci da imas kolko oces ljubimaca, i da ce biti novi shop za ljubimce... ali videcemo...
  10. pa ko zna, mozda budu bili i TWS ljubimci vezana za temu te nedelje
  11. can i have it hun? i'll send you one RMB when you aproove
  12. ja kupujem mace samo ako su TWS pa mogu da ih prodam milite da cemo moci da saljemo stare petlinge prijateljima?
  13. tweets

    ~~~ For chay! ~~~

    i found something, and i'll let chay try it out, to see if she can get it
  14. tweets

    ~~~ For chay! ~~~

    here's something you can do try searching your recently added friends from PSFC's houses to see if you can find your items there this might not help, but hey, at least you tried
  15. bio je maintanence ali nisu dodali petove.... u ponedeljak ce, a i bili su na spoilerima! onaj kuca je mnoooogo sladak, ali maca mi je odvratna...
  16. tweets

    ~~~ For chay! ~~~

    my point - exactly! if we figure out IP from FB, we can easily figure out who it is from here, and who it is! also - a tip! don't use the same password everywhere! and chay, it may be someone who you have recently added... IT'S SOMEONE FORM YOUR FRIENDS LIST!!!!!! :O how else would they get it to their profile!
  17. tweets

    ~~~ For chay! ~~~

    help, lazar, i can't find it... chay, i'll PM you something that might help in the future... i don't want to post it.. everyone is a suspect lol (it must be PS fanatic, i mean, it hacked a profile to get rares!!) also, the hacker must've been too smart, so it deleted notifications so you couldn't figure out who it is...
  18. tweets

    ~~~ For chay! ~~~

    i think there is a way to find IP adresses of the places you were logged on from i know some people wnt to police to report stuff like that... they can track IP's of your log in places
  19. vidim da si referovao prvi trade bravo
  20. tweets


    i promenite privacy settingse da vam se ne vidi e-mail!! to mozda pomogne... e ljudi, posle onog sto se desilo chay, ni naj drugarici ne dajem password... ovako, ja sam mislila, posto su joj ukrali gomilu stvari, da skupimo donacije i da joj ih posaljemo, da se oseca bolje...
  21. tweets

    ~~~ For chay! ~~~

    chay, i'm so sorry to hear this! i'll cahnge my privacy settings right away, and on my bro's account to... most of my ites are there... i'll send you some items too... i hope you are feeling better did you get your account back?
  22. i know, all giftwraps will stay.... but i keep using the free one, or sometimas the 20 coins one
  23. ali dobro, i dalje sam STR... (safe trade referee, ne samostalna trgovinska radnja!) svi modovi (i L modovi) su str-ovi.... 2 puta zamalo da referujem, ali u jednom je bila chay kupac, pa joj je tiddly (koja je prodavala lisicu) verovala, a 2 put su dawn i ponyboy isto nesto za 10x4999, i pony me pitao da referujem, ali je dawn slucajno poslala a da nije znala a on hoce da bude safe trade... jednostavno ljudi ljudima ovde veruju
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