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Everything posted by tweets

  1. thank you for the brain jar! yumm...
  2. tweets

    Mr Gaga!!!!!!!

    here's a weird one....
  3. tweets

    Mr Gaga!!!!!!!

    i'm still the closest
  4. :ror: ...... oops, i'mean
  5. tweets

    Mr Gaga!!!!!!!

    two down, two to go
  6. we were worried, if something happened to you... but we know that you can't just stay away from us
  7. ma meni niko koga sam addovala zbog peta ne moze da mi vidi zid... (ok, nzm da li su svi, al ajde.. vecina ) OT
  8. rocky gave me an idea. (i think by the hairstyle you can guess who it is) and i'm trying to make others now..
  9. znaci, ubicu te! mislila sam da ti je face hakovan i ko zna sta.... ooooooo boze.......
  10. tweets

    only 2....

    i know that you need to have the wig thank you so much! (this is for a ''good'' cause :spiteful: ) i sent you a little gift that i hope you like
  11. they didn't first i got the mermaid dtatue with my bait, and then after refreshing, the mermaid wig....
  12. tweets

    only 2....

    i only need 2cc, for one wig dying.. retro red to black payment in 3333s pwetty pwease with a chewwy on a top? gaia!!
  13. bailey's chest got 5 pages bigger yesterday... oh, and ames gets bombed all the time
  14. evo mesto za smesne klipove ako ne znate kako da ubacite: Code:[youtube]link.ka.videu.sa.youtubea[/youtube] lolololololol...hohohooo... xD premotajte slobodno negde do 0:20
  15. i want misa amane clothes and a wig!!!
  16. me too! it isn't it doesn't say (boutiqe) under it, so it's normal coins maybe i'll dye mine to blue
  17. i want the display room door >.< not cause of the room. i just want the door for my alice room.. :3
  18. i'll pull all of those stupid egg trees up, just to get it full of sakura trees!
  19. i couldn't wait to see your reaction! as soon as i saw the theme i thought - OMG, this is heaven for gaia
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