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clair a bell

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Posts posted by clair a bell

  1. 1.colour.....Red/purple
    2. flower....Them big daisys ( dont know the name Mad )
    3, tv programme.....Soaps lol, makes my life seem normal
    4. book......Autobiographys
    5. food.....My homemadde lasagne, yum yum
    6. drink.....Vimto (my most recent addiction )
    7. film.....Dirty dancing
    8. board game.....Monopoly
    9. animal.....My dog of course
    10. singer.....Depend on my mood
    Just read tiddy's answers and now i cant get lady in red out of my mind

  2. I had 5 requests for those and did one and then got really exicted so when to accept another so i can show my other half and it wouldnt let me so me being me thought i bet you can only open one a day so i saved 1 til next day and it still didnt work!!! It wasnt until someone told me that i knew you could only have one

  3. lea75 wrote:
    OMG talk of the devil and she shall return

    Glad you had a great time hun...I'm not jealous at all...MUCH!!

    Hey lea who gave you permission to steal my thoughts
    It is really smorkle isnt it? No-one as stole her ID
    Im so happy your back, we've all missed you x
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