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clair a bell

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Posts posted by clair a bell

  1. Lazar wrote:
    You know what I do clair?
    I go to the 36th page if my chest and see what I have.

    thats what i did last time and i was way off
    Lazar wrote:
    Relax,take a deep breath,and tell me why do you hate me so much? Laughing

    Maybe cause you made her lose her work somehow

  2. Steve, seeing you here means you found the map we sent
    Its nice to 'see' you back hope you havent missed us all too much

    Congrats on the new bambino, are you finding out what your having? and before someone says, yes i know a baby ( just pointing that out, as thats something ide say lol).
    Cant wait to see your new ideas Smile
    And like others, i agree lisa does rock
    and not forgetting you do of course Laughing

  3. Just been out in my garden (in ps of course ) picking fruit from my trees and i found this
    Ive not had anything off my halloween trees for ages so seeing this made me chuckle
    I didnt even pick it off the tree Ashamed so i dont know if it'll let me get one or two
    As anyone else had 2 in 1 place

    Since i started this thread one more lolly grew but i decided not to take them off and see what happens. Just popped in my garden and now it looks like this...
    Put it so you can see the other half and when it next grows ill take another shot

    this is what happened last time congratulations and its done it again

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