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Everything posted by Frogger409

  1. i have no idea, i noticed that as well =(
  2. Sorry about that xD. I just felt like posting sumthing random. Was bored. SORRY FOR DISRUPTION, DELETE THIS THREAD
  3. "Space Invaders Extreme, Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, and Space Invaders Infinity Gene. I like this trend, but where is Frogger Ultra?" From his Twitter account HE SAID WHERE IS FROGGER ULTRA HE CALLED ME ULTRA xD WHO CARES IF HE WAS TALKING ABOUT A GAME, I AM FROGGER https://2img.net/h/oi52.tinypic.com/2r46j49.jpg =D (Now to regain control of myself and calm down) This forum post was made by the magnificent frog, Frogger409. He is a The Frog, he is ANYfrog. Thankyou for reading his post and seeing his total awesomeness in action.
  4. good choice sloth xD mebbe make a rhino ants, BIG ants armadillos cmon man, look in an animal encyclopedia xD if you need mah help, and I'm there, ask me and I'll do what I can. -Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog-
  5. wtf? i thought cafe was already banned, and had STAYED banned. How the heck did he get on the server?? AND HOW IN THE WORLD DID HE IMPERSONATE MOU. Methinks impersonation of others = bb cafe. -Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog- EDIT: LOL my bad xD sorry about that. Perhaps I do needs glasses Sorry again xD disregard this comment.
  6. thats a pretty cool buildings model you did =D
  7. Here is the skin that my sis made =D. https://2img.net/h/oi55.tinypic.com/5mdjs.png TADA -Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog-
  8. https://2img.net/h/oi53.tinypic.com/do2u6o.png link to skin pic
  9. I know this may not be necessary but a chatbox on the forum would be nice since not everyone can go into the game to talk. That way people that can't go into the game can chat here and stuff =D Approve?? -Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog-
  10. General Rules: Please do not use foul language. This server also has some kids on so please be considerate. Also please do not insult others in any way. Failure to comply may result in either a mute, kick, or if you do it enough and refuse to comply, a BAN. Griefing in any way is not allowed (Random deleting, pit making, columns = griefing). Stay a safe distance from others' things and do not destroy just because, "it looked bad" or "it looked abandoned." Terrforming is OK as long as you don't disturb others' creations. If you happen to damage something, repair it immediately. If there is a misunderstanding, don't flame/go crazy. Stay calm, apologize if necessary, and please don't be sarcastic, you will only make it worse. If you absolutely can't solve the problem by yourselves, forget about it and move on. It would be best to not talk about the problem until you have both calmed down.. ALL THE WAY. (Since I am working on getting promo right, please correct any errors of mine. Thanks.) Requirements are as follows: -Novice to Pupil: Build something good, spend time on it, don't rush it just to get promotion. Spend a couple of hours working on it.Tips: For big buildings, try not to make the walls plain as it looks ugly. Instead add different materials to break up the uniformity. Make windows. Decoration is very important. Spend time making your creation look nice. Add little gardens here and there, porches, balconies, all these things make the building look nice. If your going for something like model of something (Star Destroyer from Star Wars, A dog, etc.), DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL. Make it look as realistic as you can. Sometimes, in order to do that you need to make it bigger. Things that are harder to do and require more time are more likely to get you promoted. Once you feel your creation is good enough for a promotion ask for someone to check it for you. To sum it up, 6+ hours on server and make good buildings. -Pupil to Mason: Spend some time on the server helping out, talking with people, being social. Make yourself be liked by the server. Spend like 15+ or more hours on the server, doing these things just mentioned. Don't just sit there secluded from the rest of the server, building by yourself and expect a promo at exactly 15+ hours. Be reasonable. Also, try making even HARDER things. The higher rank you are, the more you have to do to rank up. Ranking up is NOT meant to be easy. To sum it up, 15+ hours and EPIC buildings. -Mason to Adept: From here on out you keep doing what you did to earn mason, but you just do more of it. Build more, help more, talk more, get known more, know others more. Make people happy =D Getting promoted will consist of quality time. Over time you will earn adept. Be Patient. To sum it up, 60+ hours, EPIC BUILDINGS, and what was stated before sum up. These are the requirements of promotion. Learn it. -Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog-
  11. My sister is quite good at making some skins. What do you have in mind for a skin? I could tell her to make one for you since she likes making them. =D
  12. https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/classic/minecraft.jar Thats the link to the working minecraft.jar Replace the one in your WoM Client lib folder with this one. enjoy CREDIT TO ZHUGE FOR THIS LINK, HE HELPED ME WITH THIS -Frogger409-
  13. Frogger409


    i am a frog posting on this forum. i am an expert i am a haspaid=true i am Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog that is all ALSO, email me if you need to contact me. gamer2dmax@gmail.com NOTE: MY NAME IS NOT MAX. just saying <.< -Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog-
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