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Everything posted by Frogger409

  1. (Now listen to that while you build your 1/1 rendition of the Eiffel tower, along with the Beijing Olympic Stadium while your at it. It's sure to help increase your productivity because of its relaxing feeling that helps you concentrate. If not build, then do your homework with this music.) If you're feeling manly and feel like sounding manly, then listen to this and sing in tune with it. It's sure to attract attention While your at it, take the poll that I posted. I'm curious. Also, post about the most angering creeper experience you've ever had. If you don't have MC Premium, post about the most angering griefer experience on Classic. (Griefers are basically humanoid creepers after all) To further lengthen this thread, also post pictures of anything Minecraft related. Make sure the pics are yours though. To finish it off, rant about something, be it something real, or fictitious. Rant as much as you'd like and about whatever you want. Rant as ridiculously as you possibly can. My work here is done. This should get this forum up and going.... Unless the adepts+ don't care about the forum.......... Oh well. Darn mods >:[ Now I can't get first post on adepts+ forum. Meh, it is life after all. These things happen..
  2. Oi, what's up man? I've also been a bit busy, and so I haven't been on server that much. As for an SMP, I can go on an SMP hunt later today, and then tell you about it. I'd really like to co-op with someone since the server I used to go on is dead (for now) and it gets lonely on other servers. D: So, if you could be patient with me I'll find one, unless somebody else comes and tells you one. Have a nice day EDIT: Found a nice one. You might like it. I don't know how many you mean by many people, but I hope it's not too many. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/542149-beyondminecraftnet-xbox-360-giveaway-smp-mature-10-bukkit-no-lag-mumble-website/ It didn't take me too long to get signed up.
  3. Hey, nice to meet you. Thanks for the clarification. I think you did a great job on your level, as I said in an earlier post
  4. Why were you banned in the first place? I unbanned you because I didn't think you going on a break was reason for banning. :/
  5. I think that rather than artisans+ getting their own world, we should make themed worlds, like Townsville. A world with a theme where the builds in it should tie together with the theme and the other builds. I guess it could be alright for a player who has a big project to have their own world, but this is just an idea to tie the community together.
  6. Yo, when is the server going to be updated to 1.0.0?? I haz urge to play, but can't do anything about it D:
  7. *climbs out of bath tub* Ribit. *Eats an annoying fly*
  8. Dun worry man, if you lose, which will obviously be because of biased judges, I'll convince Mou to track them down and make them change the vote or die. :] E'RRY 'UN IS 'APPY YEEEYYY
  9. Oh okay, I see your point. Depending on the setting, guns can fit in. Cool. I'm going to fire up my busted lappy and hope I can get on the SMP to check out your city. I'm really curious to see how it looks.
  10. Whoopsie, that wasn't my intention. But seeing how eric is, there is a very real possibility that his words contain a second meaning. Ah well, whether or not it does, I hope that this guns event takes place only in Mou's city and not outside. IMO, Mincraft and Guns don't match.
  11. xD I'm worth 10 points. Lol, how much is non-frogger? Also, eric, how in the world did you "score me" o.O (might have a second meaning... I hope not.)
  12. Lol yeah, too bad I was afk watching FMA. @_@ I only got to see once you left.
  13. Ribit. The ones that I think are good are "When Worlds Collide" and "Touch of Fear". Of course, this is just me basing off of the screenshots. If I were to actually play in the level, maybe it would be a different story. The other ones I didn't like, be it quality, personal preference, or not enough screenshots of the entry. I'll make a list of the names ordered from least liked to most liked. "Life is Hard" "Digimaan: The Aftermath" "Blackline" "Touch of Fear" "When Worlds Collide" (P.S. Why is there a fence blocking the staircase in "When Worlds Collide"? xD) So these are my comments on your competition, and I hope I get to see your entry soon ^^
  14. o.O WoM is working fine for me ^^ Server has been kind of lonely though :'( COME ON YOU GUYS, WEEKDAYS I'M ON MUCHOS TIMES
  15. Lol, that would be great. Even if I can't get that clothing irl (dunno where to get xD) I can modify my skin to be alchemist style >:O OH YEAH
  16. DOEEET. Then get a top hat, and you'll be the most gentlemanly alchemist evar.
  17. Lol yeah, then just buy some shiny pants, put on your awesome boots, and buy a silver watch, AND NOBODY will mess with you.
  18. XD Lool, nice Mou. I'm surprised you remember that xD I didn't remember until right now that you brought it up. Lol, good times, good times.
  19. Goodbye beautiful memories D': It was nice knowing you. I mean, the memories are still in my head, just not the structures that also induce those memories.
  20. ALCHEMIST COAT BLACK ALCHEMIST COAT I agree, it is awesome. Get some white leather gloves.
  21. Ikr, take pics, and bring me us back a souvenir or 3.
  22. VPS Maintainance. Once that's done, Onion will get it back up.
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