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Everything posted by Frogger409

  1. Oh, I played it when it was during beta, but as you know, my computer sucks so I could barely run it. I also was very confused and didn't know what all the different things were so I ended up not reinstalling it when my computer died and got reformatted.
  2. I agree and disagree with this. Starting fresh is always fun, but i almost have enough money for a faction... -.- Dw, you can make a non-official faction till you get the monies Just gather your peoples and build your base.
  3. I for one am perfectly fine with losing everything. My favorite part of mc is the beginning.
  4. T_T *sheds a manly frogtear* Goodbye friend. You will be sorely missed. Thanks for hanging with us while you could. Come back at any time, I'll welcome you with open arms. May the Force be with you, always. And may the stars watch over you.
  5. I don't need a sword of that caliber anymore. I already have obtained a sniper rifle. Make sure to cover you heads, yall
  6. Frogger409

    me whining

    So.. you can't just simply repeat use a command? Is it really that hard to use a command more times? I understand that it may be annoying, but it's possible. I think the problem here isn't block limit, it's the amount of patience one has.
  7. Frogger409


    I have a proposal to this. You know how the thing said "By default 'so and so' blocks are protected"? Well, we could disable protection on some of them for small grief capabilities. For example, we could disable protection on glass, fences, wood doors, torches, farms, etc. More could be added later.
  8. Frogger409


    I could just burrow into the ground and stay safe :3 Liekafwog
  9. Frogger409


    :/ So invasions won't be happening? No attacking and claiming the stuff? Maybe we could use the CTF mechanic where if we steal the flag, which should be heavily guarded but accessible, and bring it back to our base we then claim that territory. I think it would be good for constant action.
  10. Wall of text inbound... We know that the server is not totally complete, so we are just waiting. We can't expect it to be done like 'BAM'. While I myself may play on other SMPs from time to time, it's not like I'm rejecting AITM SMP. It's just for the meantime and as a side thing. When you wait for your food to cook, something like a stew that takes a while, do you pull up a chair, sit right in front of it, and stare at it till it's done? I don't, I do other things nearby, in the meantime. If I'm getting hungry, I eat some snacks. The food is getting cooked, I can hear it cooking, I look over at it to see how it's doing, and taste it every few minutes. and once it's done, I take some out and eat it. This is sort of like that. AITM SMP is the stew, that I take bites out from time to time. The snacks are the other servers I might play on once in a while. I check back in on the "stew" once in a while, but that doesn't mean I continually play on other servers. In fact, AITM is the only one I've been playing for a while now. Once the "stew" is done, I'll be able to get some, and enjoy it fully. I personally appreciate the work you're doing. I tried looking at plugins and all that stuff to get an idea of what goes on, and it's quite confusing. So I'm glad someone capable is working with them. When permissions weren't working, you worked your butt off fixing all those confusing things, and got them working and you even refined them. And I bet you did all the other plugins too. So I thankyou, and I await for when the server is completely finished. It's fun as it is now, so I can't wait for later. Please don't feel depressed. If I can help, just tell me
  11. "modamodamodamod modamodamodamod modamodamodamod modamodamodamod modamodamodamod" I did it!
  12. LOL You guys think about everything too hard. Solution: Make a tnt cannon and launch them to your platform thing. (Too bad it's disabled. ) But yeah, on a more serious note, plant grass on the thing and wait for animals to spawn. It's a lot more cheap than making a bridge. Either that or make an enclosed ladder all the way up. I think animals auto-climb them when they touch them. That way they don't drown, like they would if you used a water elevator.
  13. I really like the idea of CTF. I played CTF on another server one day for a little bit, and it was very fun. And the arena wasn't all that big. It was a bit longer than the length of the apartment complex (i think) and about 2x wide. There was a small keep on either side of the map, with two towers on either side of the keeps. On the top of the keeps were tallish towers where the flag was kept. If you got on top of one of the towers, there was a little cloud-path overhead that you could jump from cloud to cloud to get to the tower diagonal from that tower. It was a bit harder to cross that one, since the clouds were a bit far apart and there was always the danger of falling, but it was almost always empty. Then, on ground-level, there were very little trees, a structure in the middle (I think it was a well) and barricades along the field. Then, on the other tower that didn't have the cloud path, there was a ladder to the underground. It was a winding cave thing with barely any light and uneven terrain. This one was a bit more traveled than the cloud one, but not as traveled as the field one. This is just a recollection of an arena from another server to serve as an idea. While I'm not too good a builder, I could help out with the building process. I doubt I'd be able to do it by myself, seeing as how I always lose my initial inspiration halfway through a project. Also, good job with the market I hope those gates get completed soon, too. They are great and I will have to study them in detail >:3
  14. >:3 Le trololol is teh funzies. Once you get a lot of monies it is hard to know what to spend it on x)
  15. *coughcoughfroggerandzhugecoughcough*
  16. Muahahahah >:3 This will be entertaining indeed.
  17. Lol, I'll just give them away. I'll go around looking for jukeboxes and stick them in there. (I'll secretly tp to your house while you're in there busy, and suddenly put the disc to freak you out >:3)
  18. Lol I totally forgot about this. xD I have no sound so I dunno why I'm buying music discs.
  19. I thought I already sold you one..
  20. Q_Q And I was just about to join you guys. It seemed like fun.
  21. I can see the "What about this? " The other stuff you posted won't load, and is invisible.
  22. :/ I can't see whatever you posted, lost. It's just an empty post to me.
  23. I like how you managed to almost describe me in one word :trollface:
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