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Everything posted by Frogger409

  1. When AITM is down, you take a nice long nap. Then you wake up to find that it's still not up and it's almost time to go to sleep. So if you have a crappy computer like mine, you watch videos while eating a snack for a bit before going to sleep. De arimasu
  2. /me sits in one of the railgun maintenance areas. /me watches as Zhuge commences the Great Crusade /me builds a small pond in railgun maintenance area and lives in it. *The frog is in a safe place, and is happy* FIN
  3. Didn't know violents were that colour. Good to know. Oh yeah, to keep on topic: "I came across a Forum post filled with poems. It was disturbing." -By Frogger- Haikus are ftw.
  4. Lack of a good gaming computer is also something that has held me back and separated me from the community D:
  5. Cut in smaller sections rather than one huge one??
  6. Sorry guys, haven't been on, nor available in a long time. My computer finally went kaput. It is really slow and can barely run steam without freezing T_T If it can't do that, then minecraft is out of the question. I'm planning on getting a new computer soon(1-2 weeks), so I'll be able to help out with the server and whatnot
  7. Throw a creeper at your electric company and if they survive, swarm them with slimes. If all else fails, summon a ghast or 9000. THE ELECTRIC COMPANY MUST PAY >:O
  9. There was a command that says /stop and I thought it was a fake command. The reason being that I've seen servs that have a command like "/shutdown Shuts down server" and it kicks you, but this one was actually real. @_@ I shouldn't be poking my nose in stuff like that.
  10. Sorry about that guys. Accidentally keeled the server. I'll be staying away from it for a while as self-punishment. Really sorry Won't happen again.
  11. IMO, we might be safe. Unless they have hacks/supercrazy eyesight, they won't see us. It is problematic though. Also, I think getting sneak should be our priority atm, so that we don't have to constantly hold shift down to avoid detection. I've been mining a bit, so I'll see how much I get out of it, and if I don't die when I go to sell the stuff @_@ EDIT: RAGEQUIT We've had to move so many times!!! I'm not even having fun anymore
  12. Alrighty then. Yet another move @_@ This is quite unfortunate. I hope the new one is safe. I'll hopefully be on a little after 7 PM. And about the nametag issue, I posted on the forums, and The Overlord responded. The post was about adding a plugin that lets you stay hidden like if you were sneaking, but without decrease in speed. He said that it was part of the first version of DarkTide and that the lead plugin dev was the one who wrote that plugin. So we will be seeing on the server soon. REJOICE!!! EDIT: Hmm, seems it won't be free though. Time to stop dying, eh? XD "All players will be able to buy it for a mere 1500c in darktide's mage tower. until a dungeon is put in to house it." -Overlord Kaliven
  13. By "I got creepered and dunno where the place is" I mean, I got killed by a creeper, and I don't know where the place is to get our stuff back... That's what I mean. We do already have a base, Dem, but as mentioned by Sharok, tuxwonder7 has discovered it somehow. Dunno what we'll do about that. More shar traps mebbe, and more time spent in the mines to avoid our nametags being seen. Speaking of which, [rage] I AM ABSOLUTELY HATING THESE NAME TAGS. THEY ARE SUPER JACKED UP. I AM NOT GONNA GO AROUND SNEAKING ALL THE TIME, IT"S A NUISANCE. WTF!!!![/rage] Ahh. There we go. Also, Shar, who are these reinforcements??
  14. Ey, we got sharok playing now Tegman has also joined us, he's a great ally! We also made a new base. Coords are: x = -647, z = -1026, y = 57 There will be a dirt wall in covering the entrance, make sure no one follows you, we shouldn't move anymore @_@ Not much has been started yet. We still need to plan. Ttyl ^^
  15. Too bad I got creepered and I dunno where the place is >_<
  16. Crud we lost our stuff??? I logged on yesterday at 10:30 PM and everything was there... Weird. Anyway, we can move yet again. On another note, epic skin >=) + presentation. Very good (I should probably change mine...) TO THE PEOPLE OF AITM THAT HAVE BETA Join us!!!!! We need more people to have a better defense. >=O I know it's intense and we get killed a lot, but all we have to do is work towards ULTRA HIDDEN SECURITY BASE (base base base base) That means we need YOU (fingerpoint) Anyways, back to square one. WORLD DOMINATION MAY BE FAR, BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLY FAR. Onwards!!!
  17. Yo 7, we need to vamooze. Our base is connected to our enemies' base. It's abandoned now, but they know where we are. Our allies have a base, maybe we can move in with them. Gotta scout it out first. Ttyl. -Frogger409-
  18. CrackEngine broke in. I logged in and he was in there looting, and killed me. @_@ Time to move?? EDIT: He left. But he knows our location now... WHAT DO WE DOOOO I could start a hidden base if you want.
  19. It's a server that we are currently playing on.
  20. YUSH!! >=D We just need to get the mine setup and fortify our defenses and there will be no more need to worry about enemies since the mine will supply us with the things that we need and the fortifications will hold them off. The server is intense though. Constant pvp messages across the screen xD Stay alert my companions! >=O Till next time >=) (I'm thinking we'll post here on our progress. I might even start posting pics. All just for fun ofc. So you guys can see or even take part in our little adventure.) Ribbit. -Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog-
  21. Wow, this looks like a nice server . I'll try to get on that ^^ Mebbe we can form an alliance
  22. Frogger409


    Those are called mimics. I have been attacked by them, but I pwned them. Not in MC ofc, in another game Mimics are awesome, btw.. XD
  23. These rank ideas are cool IMO. Outcast I think is something we don't need. We have a nuisance, we ban. No need to keep them on the server. As for rookie, I like that. It gives new players who actually want to build a bit more tools at their disposal. My approval goes for the rest of the ranks. Good ideas ^^
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