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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. Snowy wrote:
    Btw, did it tell any of you guys that your account has migrated?
    One issue that I mayy have is that when I first made my minecraft account I had to use a fake e-mail because I didn't have one and I THOUGHT that my brother was using my dad's (Wish I would've checked -_-) so I cant make that e-mail and such. I MAY have an issue with this and if I do, I will most likely have to make another account, with a similar name of course. But for now, I am going to wait a bit (like a week or so) to see what happens. I can still play beta, that isn't an issue. Its just logging in and playing on classic.
    Gogogogo, go register Snowy! Hopefully you won't have to use it because you'll get your account back! Very Happy

  2. [2011-12-28 13:28:41] About lightning_po: Last seen 5d23h ago from
    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] Logged in 227 time(s) since 31 Oct 2011.
    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] IP is not banned, and account is exempt. See /BanInfo
    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] Built 40933 and deleted 18311 blocks, drew 45155K blocks,
    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] wrote 16904 messages.
    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] Kicked 48 and banned 287 players.
    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demoted from expert to adept by Lucy 23h50m ago.
    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] Demotion reason: Had a week to respond. -.-
    [2011-12-28 13:28:41] Spent a total of 168.5 hours (10108.3 minutes) here.

  3. Kektklik wrote:
    I was thinking of maybe having the following sub-sections.
    /rules pillaring
    /rules tunneling
    /rules griefing

    Or just one section that explains what each of those things are, since novices like to ask "what is that".

    (this thought was born of out laziness)
    Even if we do that hey probably gonna write /rules pilarring/tunelling/greiffing. I don't think we can create custom commands. Maybe we can but we'll need to add some codes into the fcraft client. Not worth it.

  4. 1. Because we're not perfect. We use a VPS/N to have a stable server so no one will whine over it. The VPS/N is constantly trying to get better and for that they have to make updates and it requires a maintenance to be applied, test stuff, etc. We are following our VPS/N so if they have some problems we gonna have some too.

    2. We add people manually.

  5. Sharok wrote:
    Let's nuke that debate

    1: The burden of proof is on religion, since they claim a god exists.
    2: Define god.
    3: Why is he better than Zeus? Zeus is epic, he throws lightnings.
    4: Science requires no faith and theology isn't science (see scientific method in wikipedia)
    5: Atheists don't claim there is absolutely no possibilities of a god, nihilists do. atheists just don't believe in gods, since there is no evidence.
    6: We are born with no belief in a god or in a religion. Also notice that it is geographical and historical.
    7: Give us some evidence please?

    And religion matters, especially in the USA, since some of the leaders might want to start a holy crusade on some muslim countries (I think we already saw that happen...) Oh and... I wonder why the world trade center went down...

    Conclusion: keep it to yourself. Other ppls believe other stuff.

    btw: i have faith in absolutely nothing.
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