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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. Frogger409 wrote:
    Throw a creeper at your electric company and if they survive, swarm them with slimes. If all else fails, summon a ghast or 9000. Wink


    Fuck it. Let's just use the creeper as a generator... for Earth

  2. Outcast and rookie are kindof too much. The other ranks are all good except for colors ;

    • veteran <--- Lime color maybe? Eww, maybe not. Well, not green Razz
    • artisan

  3. Zelda might be our safest option right now. She can't bring up problems nor can solve them without demoting herself. She always need someone else to do something which is what you need to do when you up there.

    The only thing I don't want to see is Zelda and Kev admin. Zelda relies on Kev and it can turn really bad.

    It's Zelda or Kev, not both.

  4. I'll make a santa list.

    • You're promoting someone who doesn't want to be promoted but demoted to adept.
    • She can't handle any problems at all. (come on... if there's a problem she needs to shoot herself back to adept. This is not problem solving)
    • She's not even realiable.
    • Age do matter, trust me.
    • She has favorites.

    This problem pulled me back from a 7 weeks inactivity. Must be big.

  5. Frogger409 wrote:
    Snowy wrote:
    「サボテン」 Ericacti wrote:
    Ericrb is now hidden.

    Are you always hidden?! Watching our every moves? Listening to our conversation?!

    Of course! I thought everyone knew that by now. He also logs the chat for future reference. ^^
    Give my $50 right now. I'm waiting.

  6. Moufisto wrote:
    Don't know about how we're gonna keep this from happening again,
    however one of us should keep the maps as secondary backups in future if we wish to avoid this. though, this seems to be a rare issue among servers, certainly the first i've witnessed it.

    so, for now i'm seconding kev, unless you want us to just email you the maps we have.
    though, maybe we should make this public for the server, so that we can haul in more maps we're missing.
    Cuboid commands. They use a lot of GB.

  7. Toddlo1972 wrote:
    I think we should have a new section on the forum:

    Minecraft Beta.

    I know we post throughout the threads, but I think we should have a DESIGNATED area for all things BETA.

    Onion?... Any thoughts...?
    New? Lol.

  8. kevinsweijen wrote:
    「サボテン」 Ericacti wrote:
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    「サボテン」 Ericacti wrote:
    I'm totally done. Cobalt, Necro, Molted, Maru, Magic things, etc.

    but 4 hours later you are still playing Wink
    NO I'M NOT.

    and 7 hours after saying you werent you are STILL playing xD

  9. kevinsweijen wrote:
    「サボテン」 Ericacti wrote:
    I'm totally done. Cobalt, Necro, Molted, Maru, Magic things, etc.

    but 4 hours later you are still playing Wink
    NO I'M NOT.
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