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Posts posted by Ericrb


    Adept list (16/16);

    Basti96 - Active
    DallinMinecraft - Active
    diabolicalau - Active
    Dr_TreeMan - Active
    Herzition - Inactive
    jorgepintobasto - Active
    kazkepox - Inactive
    Oherokon - Active
    Sloth_Boy - Active
    T513 - Inactive
    Taia39 - Active
    Tatta - Active
    TheCraftsman - Inactive
    Toddlo1972 -Active
    Viviana123 - Active
    xunkang - Inactive

    [opinion]For me adept should be an active rank[/opinion]
    I think we should demote inactive adepts to mason. By inactive, I mean people who are just leaving without any notice. The only way an adept could get away with inactivity is if they tell us they are going to be inactive for x days.

    I'll make a poll, share your opinions, place your vote, etc.

    I think 2 weeks of non-noticed inactivity is enough.

    If you don't wanna share your opinions, just write what you voted for.

  2. Snowy wrote:
    I am not sure who my guardian is. I heard that the war would be starting again, because Demonic
    came back. Either way people still think I should have a gaurdian or protecter. Kevin was
    my protecter when I was a pupil. Remember hiding from Demonic. Good times. Good times.
    Anyway can we please decide on this. Everyone is thinking that Zhuge will be my gaurdian. Although I will absolutlet not have eric as my gaurdian, sorry eric. The only people that I would probably alow to protect me would be the people I can most trust. Which is: Kevin. Moufisto. Zhuge. And Darthfart. So can we please discuss on this so I know. Or if I will even have one.

    Also, would I have permission from Frogger and evryone else to gaurd Taia and Viv?

    What... the... fack?


    I facepalm'd exactly 769 times.

  3. Finnen wrote:
    just have to speake my mind, It's all in the mined, now that I'm back Smile
    I spoke highly of the ¨Legend¨ rank long before kev here did (Based on the date he created the thread)
    and my tought of the rank would be that iof an honour rank, like Frogger putted it, given only to the three best builder son the server, based on their work and feedback given by others.

    and again, i'd like to have a three person limit on this rank.
    and these three could be replaced by vote of the ¨all in the mined population¨.
    just my thoughts.
    and if anyone complains bout me regiveing life to the topic... I was gone for four months...
    Sounds like a "member of the week" rank imo.

  4. Moufisto wrote:
    Hell yeah Eric!!
    what movie are you gonna do it to?

    or.. Moonshine *godly glow*
    Did you try an Hitler movie? Every time you see a swastika...

  5. Notch wrote:
    We will also change the license to remove the line that promises all future versions of the game for free. Please note that this change only affects people who buy the game after December 20, so if you got the game for during alpha, you will still get all future updates for free, despite this change. A promise is a promise.
    Buying the game during beta will include all updates up until release, of course, and bug patches will be free.

    Notch wrote:
    If you buy it during beta, you also get the final version for free. Expansions, probably not.

  6. masteronion wrote:
    I'm using 1.7.4 at the moment and it seems stable so far. The text certainly looks better, in my opinion. Mouse smoothing could be A LOT better as there is a huge delay when looking around.

    And I haven't crashed... yet.
    I became emo because of the chat. Yes, chat looks clear but the colors are !@#$.

    Oh and, exclamation point looks like light bulbs! I might abuse that! Very Happy!

    My name color is depressing...

  7. DemonicD3 wrote:
    What's exactly new for the new update, I've never actually noticed anything new or improved in any of there updates.
    It makes you crash more often, which is a really nice feature.

  8. Zhuge wrote:
    heh one thing i liked about mclawl.

    it gave us a better version of pat instead of tping to them we become them.

    I would love to /missiles greifers but it's gonna be abused. Sooo we stay with the good old server
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