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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. Eyeeyeyeeye mah little butterfly! If you had an adept to promote in your mind, Demonic beated him easily. I KNOW I KNOW YOU'RE OUT. But still, he totes beat Craft and T513 there.

  2. Who and why!

    I don't really know who's Mason but we totes need 1-3 adepts. Dallinminecraft has a huge amount of hours. For the supporting side, you can't really tell if a Mason is or not. Heck, he's talking to the community which a lot of people don't.


  3. DemonicD3 wrote:
    Moufisto wrote:
    ...Yeah, fuck that.
    whatever guys, I'm leaving myself out of this one.

    If you feel I shouldn't have it, feel free to express it. I couldn't care less what rank I am so there is no dissapointment if anybody feels I don't deserve it.
    Can't believe he doesn't remember you... that sucks.

  4. kevinsweijen wrote:
    it failed too hard, noone stayed
    I think the server is succeeded... I mean, not everyone can play minecraft for 5-6 months straight.

    Statistics wrote:
    Our users have posted a total of 1388 messages
    We have 57 registered users

    That's a lot for a minecraft forum.

  5. Well, we can revive the server, but I can't do it alone.

    We need a dedicated Onion. Minecraft.net is being a bitch by going up and down all the time. Each time it goes down and then back up, Onion has to restart the server/reopen it and at some rare occasion, change the link.

    Also, I was thinking to allow novices to grief. What I mean is ; If we see a novice griefing, take his name and let him grief. I know it's harsh but there's a lot of griefers and if we keep them, the server might go up in the minecraft.net list. If my idea is approved, I'll make a list on the forum, editable by adept+, to insert the names so we won't promote them.

    The worlds... I think we should just wipe all the public worlds. Self world should be hidden.

  6. Sloth5950 wrote:
    i'm leaving too it has nothing to do with my demotion a think onion made the right decision on that one, but its has to do with my real life and thats why i have decided to retire, chances are that i might play every fornight but its unlikely

    cya everyone hope AITM gets better have a good one
    You, sir, make no sense.

  7. Basti wrote:
    Another world suggestion is Yggdrasil. Some of you may have heard about this before, but for you who haven't, and for you who didn't get it, Imma explain it.
    Yggdrasil is basically the world in shape of a tree (according to nordic mythology) and everyone in staff would come together and build on that tree. I'll get to details if this sounds interresting to you. And believe me, I know all about this stuff XD
    I used to eat some Yggdrasil Berry and Seed you know. Taste pretty good. It heals my health power at max.
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