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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. Sharok wrote:
    Ericrb wrote:
    Sharok wrote:
    Can you get the HDD to work? If you can't buy a new comp, Send me the files.

    That was kind of sudden bad luck o.o' We were not prepared lol
    HDD? Old school... SSD all the way. You know, http://www.microbytes.com/computer/ordinateur/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=383&products_id=36055

    Capacity 960 GB
    Internal Data Rate 740 MBps (read) / 720 MBps (write)


    How did you find my hardware!?!? o.O
    You wish Smile

  2. justApoet wrote:
    Well since the server is down how about an idea for the forums? I was thinking of maybe a music feature so that people could listen to music as they read and posted replys and forum threads. Now obviously a bunch of people have a bunch of different tastes in music so I think to make this work well there would have to be an area where you could go to select your favorite genre and a random selection. This would require a poll and/or input from every member. such as what bands and artists they prefer. The random button would just be the selection of random jumping through every genre and multiple artists. I myself dont want to make the poll for this right because I dont know if MasterOnion or Ericrb would be onboard with this idea. I'm not sure, but I think this idea might be complex for just one window or tab so to actually make it work they would have to have their music playing in one window(or tab) while they read and/or post in another. you know what I mean?

    Please, admins, reply soon because I just got up, it's early in the morning, and this idea may not stay in my head for very long. talk about thinking fast... or slow? idk.
    Download Itunes and google free musics. It's a forum, not a site, we can't store a lot of data.

  3. DemonicD3 wrote:
    *Insert Double Hawkward.jpg*

    Well, I don't know you so I don't know your age. My advice is good for all ages except the ask your parent part. Paypal is the best option for donations.
    Red cross too.

  4. kevinsweijen wrote:
    Okay, this is the plan:
    Frogger uses a pitchfork
    Moufisto a vulcan minigun
    Zhuge can poke him with the triggerfinger
    Sharok can hug him to death
    Eric goes banhammah all up his ass
    Kevinsweijen will watch while eating popcorn just to see 11 die and afterwards dekoic pops up to ask why he wasnt allowed to join,
    Then sharok hugs him too
    Moufisto sees this and starts a grouphug, everyone joins
    Then onion comes online and calls everyone gay
    Zhuge and frogger cry bout the sudden turn of this
    Sharok screams AFK just to get away from all of this bullshit
    Eric starts to get intimate with sharoks afk body
    Zhuge Sees this and asks if they are gonna fuck
    Kevin shouts LANGUAGE and muted zhuge for 60 seconds
    Eric is ashamed and hides
    In the meantime, frogger and demonic are talking about life
    Like a gift from the gods, everyone sees:
    Player finnen (expert) connected, joined novice
    Everyone screams FINNEN!!!!
    but then, the worst thing possible happens,
    Finnens computer dies again
    Everyone screams and whines,
    Which gives onion a headache,
    Onion gets a painkiller, but spills his glass Of water on his computer

    This is how all in the mined died, dont want this to happen?

    Donate money to onion so he can get a virtual host,
    Its worth it

    Thank you for your time

    Meanwhile in Japan,

  5. NY WTC = Sept 11th
    Haiti = Jan 11th
    Japan = March 11th

    Huhhhhhh. Just had to bring this up, weiirrdd. I know it's 3 of-a-lot of disasters but those 3 are some big one.

    Guys I... I think... I think 11/11/11 is the end...

    Oh yeah I forgot... at 11:11am... or pm... YOU CHOOSE, nah kidding.

    I like when people says : at x:xx am it's the end of the world! I'm like, PST? EST? Ohhh, ohhh doesn't make sense anymore huh?!

    EDIT : (1+2) + (2+1) + (2+0+1+2) = 11 OH NOESSSSSSSSSSSSS.

  6. DemonicD3 wrote:
    Don't know what all that was about eric, rather wierd. Anyways, zhuge told me it was some people playing around with some command. Griefed up the place in a "dead world". Apparently it's known about so my mistake.
    Do you have something against my professionalism?

  7. Greeting DemonicD3,

    Thank you for posting this issue on the All in the Mined forum!
    I appreciate you taking the time to post this.

    I sincerely appreciate your efforts in helping to keep this game fair and fun for everyone. Rest assured I am investigating on this report and will take appropriate action. Please understand I cannot disclose any action taken upon the referred griefer without proof. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. I appreciate your patience and understanding.

    Thank you for your support and for playing All in the Mined!


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