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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. Hi, Im Mitchell Davies.

    My father runs a Company on the Gold Coast/QLD/Australia.
    I am the website Developer and Host.

    I would like to be an amazing individual, as i love your server and will do everything to promote it's growth,
    I would like to host your website for no cost with Cpanel/FTP/Anything you Need, im a reseller with Site5.

    You can check out my site at www.keytothecoastgc.com
    I will also purchase you a .com address, i will not require any passwords/anything bla bla, i dont want to scam you or anything, i just want to help grow this community. i can also design your website, as i see your using phpBB which i have a vast knowledge of, i am also a student at the Academy Of Creative Industries, Brisbane, QLD.

    You can contact me on mitch@metriddesigns.com if you would like to continue further, or if there is anything i can do to assist the growth of your server.

    PS. Great job, and i will be purchasing a VPN Very soon, which you can use to host McLawl, as i hear it has been closed down, due to it being too consuming.

    Thank You,

    Mitchell Davies
    Graphic Artist - Audio/Video Technition

    Sender email address: mitch@metriddesigns.com

    I'm preeeetyy sure it's you.... I don't know why tho Razz

    But yeah, Brisbane... Isn't that place gone? LOL. Floods, floods. I'm in a "cafe" that's why I can quote. I ACTUALLY FOUND ONE.

  2. Sloth5950 wrote:
    ppl can't swim?
    dw everyone water didnt even come on my road so flood missed me
    but if we didnt have wivenhoe dam the water would be over my house
    thank u god...

    No problem. I won't do this very often, tho.

  3. ...till 24th. Tee hee. The only thing I CAN do is browsing the forum. I will try to post but atm it took me around 5mins to write all this stuff. You gotta love the Ipod's autocorrection

  4. kevinsweijen wrote:
    Well, the EIC's (eric irritating commands) are all just to mess around with
    We could easily do without these, I never heard a novice complain he didnt have /rocketstart
    But theres 1 thing that frustrates me, we cant see hours anymore
    Are we now fully gonna vote in buildings?
    Btw, can you add in the old playerdatabase? So we dont have to promote by hand?
    Or email it to us? So its easier?
    And what Z said, please make me green again (if everyone still thinks I deserve it :p)

    Sincerily, Kevin Sweijen (temporary adept on all in the mclawl...I mean mined)

    I had to say it. Sincerily -> Sincerely. Please edit all your posts. -.-'

  5. masteronion wrote:
    It is a test server after all. But Eric, this type of input is exactly what we need. All commands are customizable, so we could either give slap/gun/missile to the higher ranks (adepts/experts or just experts), or just get rid of the commands altogether.

    Oh okai. My bad. Well if you can put all those abusive commands to Adept or expert+ it would be awesome. Else, I couldn't chat due to the console spamming. Mclawl have some great commands but those who kills and stuff shouldn't be there. I know, I know... test Razz

  6. 11014GRF wrote:
    to tell the truth, how many people here are expert hackers. I know we have two noob programmers.

    + with you all throwing your Hotmail email addresses out there who needs /info to target you?

    If we can't trust an adept with a code they may or may not be able to use then why are they adept? I hope craftsman and eric trusts me.

    I'm just lmao. You guys with hackers and stuff, LOL. I'll always love you. For /info, I don't care. You can have it. LOL.

  7. TheCraftsman wrote:
    The Almighty Master Onion Kramer told me an IP could be used to send viruses to... I kinda believe him xD

    And no mouf, I don't trust myse.... I mean... certain adepts...

    Go try lol. the only thing I can do with your IP is sending you a tons of packets and make you lag like crazy. That's it.

  8. Moufisto wrote:
    That's not the issue Eric.
    The benefits of MClawl isn't what I'm on about, it's the possible repercussions,
    that we could A. lose or corrupt our current stuff, and B. didn't he say we couldn't switch before? and C. we will need to reorganize a lot of the ranks and stuff. but C. is no problem.

    I'm all for, Eric. I said that :/

    I'll lose everthing I made! Oh wait... Smile

    Anyways, I think all software/server or blabla uses the same files. Well, I don't think... they all use the same files.

  9. Moufisto wrote:
    I thought we couldn't implement this?

    If we can, I'm all for.
    Unless you can't handle it, I dunno.
    Just make sure you have backups of EVERYTHING before you try though.

    Another thing, we'll have to totally reorganize, could require a lot of work.
    But that's no issue, I'm still all for.

    Thanks again, for my Corp.

    Dude, you gotta read the blocks page. We(excluding myself) can do so many stuff.
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