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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. kevinsweijen wrote:
    I saw it, but just THINK, there are only 76 players on this forum to see that topic, Im just loading them all, except the ones we were taking off
    That's why I'm trying to ask to Onion to change the Advertisement, but he's offline now.


    I found 14 more pumpkins for a total of 24! Only a few blocks away! Found a lot of Irons on he surface and got around 10 stacks of clay. All around the spawn.

    Coord :

    X: -233
    Y: 71
    Z: -70

    Main post updated.

  3. Mason > Adept

    Built : 90000+
    Deleted : 57000+
    Drew : 5500K+
    Hours : 65+

    Work : 120, 450, 28

    I've seen his work and seems friendly and dedicated. He told me that he's ready to support/help the server. I'm up to give him a trial and see how it goes. I need you guys decision on that.

  4. No really, I was bored.

    I decided to create a new world and use "Onion" as a seed.

    And guess... nvm I already spoiled it in the title.

    I spawned right next to them, twice. After that I kept spawning 1-2minutes away. 10 pumpkins total.

    Coord :
    X: -152
    Y: 71
    Z: -22

    EDIT : Found 14 more pumpkins, a few blocks away.

    Coord :
    X: -233
    Y: 71
    Z: -70

    Thanks Onion. You're truly a god.


  5. DemonicD3 wrote:

    I've been having some issues with a adept named Ngi. Lately that I've known him I've seem him do stuff a lot that directly messes with players who are trying to build. Some things like admincretes down as they are walking, blocking them, etc. He sais this is in all good fun and in general I may tend to agree if he was doing it to friends or other adepts/experts who know him. However he does it to random novices who doesn't think it's funny. I wrote all that off however except unti'll today which has been the worst case. [...]

    Yep. I've been watching him, watching over a novice. The novice made a house with a basement and locked the novice inside his basement until I kicked him (2-3 minutes after locking the novice in)

    He finds this funny and will still continue to do so. I'm up for demoting him (after more complaints, of course).

  6. kevinsweijen wrote:
    Ill be there, even if I cannot play myself, Ill still be there to help you guys, need advice?
    Check if Im online on msn or steam
    Can't play with yourself? Bad luck man... Hope you don't die.

  7. DemonicD3 wrote:
    My favorite food is Chicken and Ribs, preferably from Swiss Chalette or Dick & Janes. They are just addictive. Though my MineCraft diet consists of Cactus's. Been on the hunt for one dubbed "Ericrb". I hear hes more tastier than chicken and ribs. I plan to boil him in some mushroom stew. mmmmm.
    Look around you! It's dark... not because it's night time... it's because you're in my tummy. I ate everyone (almost).

  8. Dr_TreeMan wrote:
    Ericrb wrote:
    I like two Zhuge Demonic Moufistoes with a glass of blood. I'd also like some cookies made with Mouf's flesh. Let's not forget my delicious salad made of Treemans seasoned with Onions. For desert, I'll eat my Frog... I mean, The Frog cooked by Kev and 1101. I'M SORRY DUDE, SHAROK GAVE ME THE RECIPE. Oh by the way, it's Snowy outside.

    That salad is what i do with my enemy Tree Lords, minus the onions of course >.>
    Still alive? See you tomorrow... deep in my tummy.

  9. 11014GRF wrote:

    I'm guessing the computer is fried... and all the maps and other things have been lost? Im sorry onion Sad

    PS. onion, you must really not be too lucky, your house was hit my lightning! Don't buy a lotto ticket Razz
    Onion is so powerful that he made Mother-nature cry. And yeah, you know what happened next.

  10. I like two Zhuge Demonic Moufistoes with a glass of blood. I'd also like some cookies made with Mouf's flesh. Let's not forget my delicious salad made of Treemans seasoned with Onions. For desert, I'll eat my Frog... I mean, The Frog cooked by Kev and 1101. I'M SORRY DUDE, SHAROK GAVE ME THE RECIPE. Oh by the way, it's Snowy outside.
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