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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. gwenroden14 wrote:
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    Did anyone else notice that her pose is EXACTLY the same in all 3 pics?
    Well...make me something :3

    okay well thats because its the only way that you could see the poster AND me...xD
    Yeah Kevin, why would you want a pic of a poster without her? I mean... well... y'know.

  2. Trials lasts for 3 weeks.

    • HollowThanatos - December 1st, 2011
    • ph03b3 - December 2nd, 2011
    • MattiZWE - December 8th, 2011
    • micke1990 - December 9th, 2011
    • smartnoodle7 - December 15th, 2011
    • Peadle - December 22nd, 2011
    • JohnsonTea - January 4th, 2012
    • Sheppard250 - February 7th, 2012
    • TheLostDarkness - February 15th, 2012
    • Spindle_shanks - March 7th, 2012
    • VoltageXXII - May 15th, 2012
    • Rrtaya_tsamsiyu - April 25th, 2012
    • Awolninja May 18th, 2012
    • Fire_crafter July 30th, 2012
    • Mikewater August 8th, 2012
    • Lunalunarwolf October 6th, 2012
    • Lordocraftmine November 4th, 2012
    • Becky6789 November 4th, 2012
    • Chocfishryum November 5th, 2012

    If you can't edit this post, tell me the name by posting a reply I'll add it whenever I see it.

  3. kevinsweijen wrote:
    GMs: There's often a day without ANY of the GM's coming online.

    How often do you see a GM only in your normal games.
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    Active moderation experts: Zhuge, Lightning, Doom and myself.

    I'm always hidden. I disagree with you and from what I see. Zhuge is the most active, agreed.
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    Active real moderating adepts: around 3/4.

    I would say 1/4
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    That leaves us with an active moderating playerbase of around 6-8 people.

    Wrong math
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    Refering to Eric's history view: Right now, most of that staff playerbase is american, the time you were referring to, we always had like 2 adept+ online, now we don't, that's why this idea came up.

    Most players are also American
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    Don't think I don't understand what you mean, I do and you have a point.

    You don't
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    However, when only like 40% is active and moderating, we could use the help.

    kevinsweijen wrote:
    Lightning knows the complete staff, I know a lot of them because they are also in moderating ranks on fCraft.

    kevinsweijen wrote:
    Never struggled? that was because back then we also had adepts moderating, seriously moderating.

    You weren't even there.
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    Also, what's the big problem, it's almost like you're scared to lose your rank.

    Why would I lose it?
    kevinsweijen wrote:
    Absolutely NOT, we're just trying to get this server to be moderated CORRECTLY.


    Sleeping time. I'll just leave this quotation mess for tomorrow and "elaborate" later.
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