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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. You have 3 homes + Bed.

    To set a point to bed, you must right-click the bed.
    To spawn on bed /home bed

    /sethome <name> to set home
    /home <name> to go home

    Protip : You can also use it for mine, mine entrance, anywhere.

  2. I removed /back because when you die you could just type /back and take your items back. Yes I have nothing against that BUT if we decide to "declare" a war, and I kill you, you could just time /back take back your things and kill me.

    Keep in mind that you have other commands like /sethome. You can have up to 3 or 5 homes. Use that to your advantage. You also have access to /TPA, /TPACCEPT, /TPDENY

  3. http://ess.khhq.net/wiki/Sign_Tutorial

    Take a sign. Place the sign anywhere.

    Signs have 4 lines.

    Line 1 : [Trade]
    Line 2 : $price
    Line 3 : Stack ITEM:How many you want to sell
    Line 4 : Your name or leave empty.

    Example :

    4 bread:40

    You don't have to put a chest. The sign will take the item.
    When the sign is created Line 2 will look like $50:0. The 0 means you have $0 to collect. If it shows $50:100 it means you have $100 to collect. Right-Click the sign $100 will be added to your balance.
    If you want to cancel the trade, break the sign. The items will go automatically in your inventory.
    This is how I would put up my sign if I wanted to sell 40 breads for $50 the stack of 4.

    How to :

    Good :

    Bad :


    Server will be down (I don't know when) for the next "test" update. I'm waiting for Sharok or Flamix. If it works :

    Here what's changing :
    I might add more before the update.

      General :

    • Reverted to the other Group plugin.
      -I finally figured out how to make it work properly, everything is manual... I have to type every single commands and use my knowledge to understand almost every variables (I am not a programmer/coder). Did you know a builder could promote himself up to admin? Yep, they could now it's fixed -.-'
    • Edited Motd, Rules.
      -Guiding you to other commands.
    • Added /info, different for every ranks.
      -No it's not like /info in classic. It's some info about your rank.

      Ranks :

    • The rank Moderator is now functional.
      -Was just messy before.
    • The rank GameMaster is not colored Red instead of Maroon.
      -Let's keep the rainbow working here!

      Commands :

    • Added /tpa, /tpaccept and /tpdeny to Builder+
      -I received too much rage for this one. But I'm telling you, if this command is abused during wars, I will remove it.

      Bug Fix:

    • Moderators+ will now be able to promote
      -The other plugin didn't have any restrictions. Anybody who had the rank could promote anyone to any rank.
    • Promotions applies to LOADED worlds
      -Let's say player A was in the world AITM. I dicide to promote him to Builder. He would be builder in AITM but as soon as he would go to the nether or any other worlds, his rank would be reset to Novice.

      Other :

      This is not an update but some explanation on why I removed /back. I removed /back because when you die you could just type /back and take your items back. Yes I have nothing against that BUT if we decide to "declare" a war, and I kill you, you could just time /back take back your things and kill me.
      Keep in mind that you have other commands like /sethome. You can have up to 3 or 5 homes. Use that to your advantage.

  5. Me and the hoster has a different approach for the term Admin. Admin should be someone who doesn't play legit and do w/e they want. I can't give that to everybody.

    Gamemaster is going to be the same as admin just without give, item and op. Stuff like that. It's not like you guys needed it, right?

  6. I redid almost everything.

    It's gonna be up tomorrow for sure, I don't know if it's gonna be done by the end of the day (2hours).

    This is a little sneak peek. IT'S NOT DONE YET.

    Changed the Welcome Message
    Changed the MotD
    Groupname "Default" is renamed to "Novice"
    Groupname "Default" is now colored Silver. (Before; Yellow)
    Added Group "GameMaster"
    Groupname "GameMaster" is now colored Maroon

    Changed Group plugin. <- This fucking shit took me 3 hours.

    Builder :

    Removed /back
    Removed /balance <player>
    Removed /nick
    Removed Powertool
    Removed /tpa /tpaccept /tpahere /tpdeny

    Moderator :

    Removed /invsee
    Removed /nick
    Removed /realname
    Removed /spawner
    Removed /thunder
    Removed /timeset
    Removed /weather
    Removed /manselect
    Removed /manuadd
    Removed /manudel
    Removed /gamemode
    Removed /setwarp

    GameMaster :

    Removed OP, GIVE, TAKE
    Removed /plugins
    Removed SAVE, RELOAD, STOP (Server)
    Removed Whitelist On, Off.
    Added Whitelist, add, list, remove, reload
    Added /invsee
    Added /spawner
    Added /thunder
    Added /timeset
    Added /weather
    Added /setwarp
    Removed /gamemode
    Removed /give
    Removed /item
    Added Bukkit /kill
    Added Bukkit /say
    Added Bukkit /teleport
    Added Bukkit /tell
    Added Bukkit /time
    Added Bukkit /time add
    Added Bukkit /time set

    Admin :

    you can haz everything.


  7. SirDoom wrote:
    You can't measure trust with points. "hey I didn't spot any grief by you today so you get 5 points, yay".

    People shouldn't be obsessed about ranking up, it's not the point of the game. Its actually not that fun following 31 novices around. Idea of the game is to build what comes to your mind. So be happy about your mason and artisan ranks and stop obsessing about getting further.
    You gained 50 trust points

  8. Oherokon deleted his forum account and he no longer joins the server.

    Whatcha we do?

    I don't think he should stay Expert,
    We could put him adept but... ye useless.

    So I think he should go to Artisan because one day he might want to build stuff and come here. Who knows...

  9. kevinsweijen wrote:
    What......If you have anything useful regarding him, post it here, if not, don't post.
    This topic wasn't updated since Jan 19th. It's normal for someone to ask if it's done or something.
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